Chapter 238 Trouble (Three more, please subscribe!)

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold color flashed in the boy’s eyes.


The girl on the side saw Wang Xian’s look and immediately said to the boy.

The boy was stunned, his face was embarrassed, he gritted his teeth and lowered his head slightly: “I’m sorry Doctor Wang, I don’t know, I don’t know that she is your sister!”


Wang Xian spit out another word coldly again, this time, he looked at all of them.

“Doctor Wang… we…”

“Don’t let me say the second time!”

Just as the beautiful and arrogant girl spoke, Wang Xian looked at her coldly.

Her face changed drastically, staring at Wang Xian with embarrassment, and then turned and left.

“Huh, what arrogant!”

Xiaoyu glared at them, and said with an angry face.

The arrogant girl has a calm face, and the faces of the people next to her are also very ugly.

“Wanwan, what are we afraid of him? He is just a loose doctor, we…”

The boy who apologized just now turned to Mu Wanwan with embarrassment.

“That’s not something we can provoke!”

Mu Wanwan glanced at him with a solemn face: “As the eighth-ranked sanitary doctor on the list of genius doctors, it is the target of our Flame Palace. If the other party becomes the genius doctor of our Flame Palace, it will be the equivalent of an elder!”

“Wan Wanwan said that even if he doesn’t join the Flame Palace, we can’t provoke him. Such a genius doctor, even our Flame Palace will not provoke him for no reason.”

A boy next to him said with embarrassment.

They are just ordinary disciples of the Flame Palace, even if they are backed by the holy gate, they dare not provoke such an existence.

“Don’t we just swallow this breath!”

The boy said humiliatedly.

Mu Wanwan looked ahead and did not speak.


“What’s the matter?” Wang Xian saw several people leave, looked at Xiaoyu, and asked him.

“It’s because of the Thorns faction!”

Elder Fan frowned and said to Wang Xian.

“Thorn Sect?” Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: “There is a contradiction between the Thorns Sect and the Flame Palace?”

“Well, that’s it!”

Elder Fan nodded: “It is the head of Tang and an elder of the Flame Palace who have some grievances, which will involve the entire Brambles faction!”

“Let’s talk while eating!”

Wang Xian said to Elder Fan, sitting at the dining table.

“This matter is a long story, and it involves the former head wife!”

Elder Fan sat down and said to Wang Xian.

“Huh? The head of Tang and the elder of the Flame Palace, because of the woman’s affairs, the head of Tang embraced a beautiful woman? So bloody?”

Wang Xian asked in surprise.

“Almost!” Elder Fan nodded bitterly: “I don’t know the specifics too much, but the opponent of the head of Tang has now broken through to the innate realm, and has been promoted to the elder of the Flame Palace, and the Flame Palace was promoted to the Saint not long ago. door.”

“This time the Flame Palace invites heroes and disciples in Wuduan Mountain. With the influence of the Holy Sect, the powerful aristocratic sects in the nearby four or five provinces will go to make pilgrimages.”

“Our head of the Thorn Sect Tang and the elders of the Flame Palace have grievances. Many people know that the Thorn Sect will be in danger by then, for fear that the Flame Palace will be embarrassed!”

Elder Fan said, with a helpless look on his face.

A secondary force, facing a holy gate, is undoubtedly ants and elephants, the Thorns faction has no ability to resist at all.

“The Sacred Gate is amazing. Give me a few more months, and I can also become an innate powerhouse!”

Xiaoyu was pounding the bowl with his chopsticks angrily.

“Today the Flame Palace invited me to join, but I refused!”

Wang Xian touched Xiaoyu’s head and said with a smile.

“Huh? Brother, did they invite you to join?”

Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked.

“Yes, it said that they made me their worship genius doctor.”

Wang Xian smiled: “An old man and a young man, proud!”

“It’s right not to agree to them!” Xiaoyu pouted and nodded.

Elder Fan shook his head speechlessly: “With the strength of the king’s genius doctor, joining the Flame Palace will not be inferior to the elder in the door!”

“Master, will something happen to our Thorns School this time!” Xiaoyu asked with concern.

“According to the master’s guess, at most humiliation, the enmity between them will not lead to life and death, but the development of the Thorns faction in the future may be a little difficult!”

Elder Fan frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Yu: “The future of the Thorns School depends on Xiao Yu.”

“Don’t worry, master, I will definitely become a very, very powerful person in the future, and no one should bully our thorny faction!”

Xiaoyu said full of fighting spirit.

Wang Xian smiled aside, watching his sister grow up a little bit, he felt very interesting.

I don’t know if this counts as a sister-in-law development.

After dinner, Wang Xian accompanied Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue around the canteen.

And Xiao Yu went back to practice with Elder Fan full of fighting spirit.

Now Xiao Yu’s cultivation has reached the eighth rank of martial artist, and is already at the same level as Elder Fan.

However, in terms of combat experience, it was much worse than Elder Fan.

Even so, Elder Fan was amazed by Xiao Yu’s growth!

After school in the evening, Wang Xian returned to the villa in a comfortable RV.

Sun Lingxiu greeted him with a smile on his face, and gave him tea and cooking.

Seeing such a holy and beautiful goddess treats herself like this, Wang Xian feels very happy when he is not used to it.

Sun Lingxiu still lived in a room not far from him, and did not say to leave.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Xian got up early and came to the courtyard to find Xiaoyu and Elder Fan looking forward in shock.

“Master, I was wrong. Last time I didn’t know what was good or bad. It was my fault. From now on, I will serve the master and beg the master to give me a chance!”

At the door, a white-faced middle-aged man in a big red tuxedo knelt there and kept kowtow towards Sun Lingxiu.

His spoofed Chinese sounded very weird.

“What’s your name!” Sun Lingxiu looked at the blood man genius doctor in front of him with a smile on his face, and asked faintly.

“Master, servant, that’s wrong, the servant is called Scarlet Vince Vladimir.”

The genius doctor of the blood man said respectfully, and the words lingering in Chinese, and the word slave and maid, seemed very funny.

“From then on, I’ll call you Xiaohong!”

Sun Lingxiu also smiled, and said with a smile to the blood man genius doctor.

“Yes, the master can tell me anything, Xiao Hong is so nice, Xiao Hong is so beautiful!”

The blood man genius doctor Xiaohong said quickly.

“Okay, get up, follow me from now on!”

Sun Lingxiu said with a smile.

“Yes, Xiaohong will surely, swear to death, follow the master, go down the sword, and go to the sea of ​​fire. My loyalty to the master is like a surging river…”

The blood man genius doctor, that’s not right, Xiao Hong said to Sun Lingxiu with a full face of appraisal.

“Fuck, talent!”

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