Chapter 228 Donate 50 Million To The School (Second!)

“Don’t bully me, this is not the reason for your absenteeism. Let’s see how many classes you have missed and how many credits you have to deduct. If your test results are not satisfactory, you will have to repeat the grade!”

Counselor Li glared at him, walked to the side and took out a notebook.

“Wang Xian, you kid, you missed five classes in my class, and the credits will be directly deducted from that time. If the credits are not enough, you will retake it in the coming year!”

An old professor looked at Wang Xian and said directly to him: “You young man, don’t study hard, miss school, and you are only sophomore in the sophomore year. You should study hard!”

“My Politics and Law class, Wang Xian, you haven’t attended a single session this semester. You can’t go on like this!”

Several instructors who taught Wang Xian looked at him and said directly.

“Your kid has missed more than 50 classes in total. According to this situation, I have to give you a warning!”

The counselor said to Wang Xian with a small notebook.

“You can not give a warning, but you must ensure that the next class is not missing, and that all courses cannot be missed!”

The very prestigious old professor said to Wang Xian.

“Professor Guo has spoken to you. You don’t need to give this warning, but you have heard what the professor said. Can you do it?”

Counselor Li said to Wang Xian.

The school warns you to follow your student status. If you are warned, it will have some negative effects on your future job search.

The old professor can also be regarded as giving Wang Xian a chance.


When Wang Xian heard the words of the old professor and Counselor Li, his face was embarrassed.

Let him not be absent from class in the future, which he may not be able to do.

“Why? Are you still unwilling? If you don’t want to give you a warning right away, you have to think about it. Don’t think that you are proud of your ability now, and the university courses are not busy!”

Seeing Wang Xian’s face, the old professor said solemnly with a calm face.

“Ahem, it may be difficult not to miss school.”

Wang Xian said chastely.

“Huh?” The old professor’s voice suddenly rose, and Counselor Li on the side stared at him.

“Professor Guo, Teacher Li, I love Jiangcheng University very much, and the teacher also educates us to be a useful person for society. This, I just saw that Wu Juanjuan from our school has leukemia and is raising funds. I have some Ability, I will pay for Wu Juanjuan’s medical expenses!”

Wang Xian said to the old professor and Counselor Li with a serious face.

“Medical expenses?”

The old professor, Counselor Li, and other tutors in the office were all taken aback. The medical expenses for treating leukemia are not cheap.

As little as 500,000, as many as millions!

“Your kid wants to let us open the back door for you through this!” Professor Guo stared at Wang Xian and said.

“Hey, Professor Guo, I don’t mean that. I think this is what I should do. When I first came to Jiangcheng University, I had nothing. The second semester tuition fee was exempted for me by Teacher Li. Now I have the ability. Naturally, I have to give it back!” Wang Xian smiled and looked at Counselor Li.

“This money may reach nearly one million!” Counselor Li reminded him in a slight thought.

“I know.” Wang Xian smiled and nodded: “In addition, in order to thank the school for exempting me from living expenses for a semester, I want to donate a sum of money to the school, hoping to be used for funding for poor students!”

“Well, your kid is very kind!” Professor Guo’s stern face eased a little.

As a man in the school, Wang Xian also knows a little bit, and now they can repay their studies, and they are all very pleased.

“Okay, I will report your donation to the principal, and you will tell me a number. When the meeting is held, I will mention it to the principal. If he knows that you, a student, has this intention, he will be very happy!” Li The counselor showed a slight smile on his face and said with a smile.

“Well, good Teacher Li, then 50 million!” Wang Xian nodded.



A teacher next to him who was drinking water sprayed out, his face was shocked.

Counselor Li and Professor Guo also looked at Wang Xian with a stunned face, a little dumbfounded.

“You…Wang Xian, how much do you say?” Counselor Li stood up and asked loudly.

“50 million, plus the medical expenses of Wu Juanjuan, which counts as 51 million, and then this million will be transferred to Wu Juanjuan from the school!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

“Fifty million!”


There was a shocked voice from a famous teacher around, fifty million, which is not a small number.

Jiangcheng University is a prestigious school, and many successful students donate to their alma mater after graduation, but the number of 50 million can be ranked in the top five!

“Student Wang Xian, you are sure!”

Counselor Li asked in shock.


Wang Xian nodded.

“I called Principal Li and asked Principal Li to come over!”

Professor Guo opened his eyes slightly, took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

Wang Xian smiled: “Mr. Li, there is not much I can do. I can only do some responsibilities. Thank you for the school’s education!”

“You kid, you’re such a big mess!”

Counselor Li said to Wang Xian in shock.

“Fortunately, fortunately, business has been a bit busy recently, so studies have been delayed. This teacher Li and several other teachers, look at the future absenteeism.” Wang Xian smiled.

“It’s okay, you guys used money to slap us in the face, but it’s cool. School is a place to educate talents. You are also very pleased to do so as your teacher. However, although you have made money, you can’t I forgot to study, and I will try to attend classes as much as possible in the future. If there is anything I can’t do, I will directly contact our group of teachers!”

Professor Guo hung up the phone and said to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian smiled and nodded: “Yes, what Professor Guo said is that I will try my best not to hang in every subject!”

“Well, wait a moment, the principal will come over right away, our star student, find a bench and sit down, huh!”

Professor Guo said with a smile.

Wang Xian nodded and talked with several teachers and professors.

Soon the principal rushed over in a hurry, and opened the door excitedly: “Which is classmate Wang Xian? Come!”

Wang Xian stood up with a smile, and after discussing a donation issue with the principal, he left the office with the principal’s enthusiasm.

“It’s a good boy, there are not many people who are so responsible now, fifty million, not a small number!”

Seeing Wang Xian leaving behind, Professor Guo sighed slowly.

“He is a very good young man, he dared to donate 50 million at a young age, he is really caring!”

Counselor Li said with a slight sense of pride.

“Since it is the fifty million donated by Wang Xian, our school will set up a financial aid department for poor students in need to make the fifty million transparent so that students cannot be chilled!”

“I hope our school can cultivate more such responsible students in the future!”

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