Chapter 222 Goddess of Light Dragon (Fourth!)

“This this…”

The genius doctor Guanghua saw the light on his apprentice’s body, and his face showed a hint of shock.

“Holy as the light, and light as the goddess, Junior Sister is simply too holy!”

The white-clothed youth on the side looked at Dr. Sun on the sofa dumbfounded.

This look is as pure and beautiful as the legendary goddess of light!

When Wang Xian saw Dr. Sun’s body shine brightly, his face showed a look of surprise, he looked at her body.

“There is no dirt, no dirt, white and flawless, and even the Eight Meridians of the Qi Meridian are not blocked in the slightest!”

“Innate body, this is the real innate body!”

Wang Xian looked at Dr. Sun’s body in surprise.

No dirt and no dirt, it is not the innate body created by the dragon Qi of Wang Xian, but the natural innate body.

“There is also this special white energy, which is light attribute energy, not right!”

Wang Xian narrowed his eyes slightly and thought of the five-element stone plate he had encountered earlier.

The Five Elements Stone Pan is the stone of the origin of the five elements. The light that Dr. Sun exudes now is almost the same as the energy exuded by the origin of the five elements.

“The original body? This damn is the original body comparable to the blood of the dragon? How could it appear on earth!”

Wang Xian’s eyes widened slightly.

In the universe race, apart from the bloodline, it is the physique, the dragon bloodline is the peak bloodline, and the body of the origin is the peak physique!

“I didn’t expect it!”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered: “But now the blood in Dr. Sun’s body is sucked dry, and blood must be injected, as the original body to reject ordinary blood!”

After hesitating, he squeezed a drop of blood from his hand.

The blood dripped into Dr. Sun’s body, slowly entering the position of her heart under Wang Xian’s control.


At this moment, her heart beat, and a strong dragon energy entered Dr. Sun’s heart.

“Boom boom boom!”

“No, unless all the blood in my body is poured into Dr. Sun’s body.”

Wang Xian frowned immediately. He wanted to use his blood as a guide to restore blood by using the hematopoietic ability of the heart, but things didn’t seem to be that simple.

“The heart’s hematopoietic ability is not enough. After all, although her physique is terrifying, she is still an ordinary person, even Gu Wu hasn’t touched it!”

Wang Xian frowned slightly, thinking.

“What? You can’t even help the genius doctor Wang?”

Guanghua said with a bit embarrassed face when the light disappeared.

“I can give it a try, but wait for me to go back!”

Wang Xian thought of something and said with a groan.

“Huh, doctor Wang, are you sure?” Guanghua asked, frowning.

“Don’t worry, there should be no problem, I can still maintain her current vitality!”

Wang Xian smiled and said.

“That’s good, that’s good, the doctor Wang’s medical skills are really strong, I can’t do anything!”

The genius doctor Guanghua shook his head and sighed.

“I also need some elixir.”

Wang Xian shook his head: “Dr. Sun is for me, or Guanghua genius doctor, you go to Jiangcheng with me!”

“I’ll go to Jiangcheng. Although my apprentice has just received, but it was because of following me that this disaster happened. If I don’t watch her recover, I will feel uneasy!”

The genius doctor Guanghua said.

“Well, that’s good, I will go back tomorrow afternoon and we will be together then.”

“Good genius doctor!”

The next day, in the morning, Lan Qingyue and Lan Quanfeng went to talk about cooperation. Wang Xian stayed in the hotel and continued to study the stone.

In the afternoon, a crowd drove back to the city by plane.

“Xiaoxian, the apprentice of the genius doctor Guanghua treats the disease, but I told Guan Shuqing, don’t have other thoughts!”

When the two were parting, Lan Qingyue turned aside Dr. Sun on the hospital bed, and said to him with some warning.

Wang Xian was speechless, and a little amused: “I’m a doctor!”


With a cold snort and a roll of eyes, Lan Qingyue pouted and left.

Wang Xian shook his head and looked at the genius doctor Guanghua: “The genius doctor Guanghua, send Dr. Sun to me!”


Dr. Sun was sent to Wang Xian’s villa. The genius doctor Guanghua stayed for a while before leaving with a group of apprentices.

Wang Xian looked at Dr. Sun, who was lying quietly on the bed like a holy goddess, and checked the time.

“Now go get that thing!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart, came to the top of the villa, took off his clothes and jumped directly into the ocean.


Wagging his tail slightly, Wang Xian moved quickly towards the coral reef area in the Bohai Sea.

“Swish swish!”

Halfway through, Prime Minister Gui, Ao Qitian, Ao Xia, Ao Nu and others came and followed him.

Half an hour later, Wang Xian came to the coral reef again.

That field of devil flowers full of crisis.

Devil Flower: Level 12

Flower sac can extract dragon gas: 1112343

Looking at the huge devil flower ahead, Wang Xian showed a solemn expression on his face.

The twelfth-level devil flower, the most powerful creature in the entire Bohai Sea.

The last time Wang Xian encountered this devil flower, he could only avoid it from a distance, but with his current strength, he could completely contend with it.

“Limit all the tentacles of the Devil Flower and kill him!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were cold and commanded towards the surrounding hands.

“It’s the Dragon King!”


Wang Xian’s figure changed, and he immediately became a golden dragon, a metallic dragon, with sharp claws directly attacking the position of the petals.

“Swish swish!”

As soon as Wang Xian attacked, hundreds of tentacles entangled towards Wang Xian.



At this moment, the surrounding Ao Qitian and Prime Minister Turtle also moved, and they attacked one by one tentacles.

The dragon claws of Wang Xian grabbed the huge petals.

With the power of the entire Dragon Palace, coupled with the current level of the emperor, the devil flower was slowly torn apart.

The tentacles were cut off one by one.

“Get it!”

Wang Xian’s dragon claws grabbed downwards, and a huge flower-changing sac was caught in the grasp.

“Swallowing can add more than one million dragon energy. It seems that Dr. Sun will be able to repay him in the future!”

Wang Xian moved towards the location of the villa.

A group of subordinates scattered around and began to practice.


Back in the room, Wang Xian saw that Xiao Yu and the others had not yet come back, and came to the room where Dr. Sun was.

“The flower sac can extract Dragon Qi 1112343, which can repair the heart and strengthen the heart. This flower sac is equivalent to a level 12 elixir, and the effect is bound to be against the sky!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, looked at Dr. Sun, and slowly put the flower sac in front of her mouth.

With a movement in her heart, the flower sac turned into liquid and entered her body.

In an instant, the white light outside her body was radiant, and her heart beat violently.

Using Wang Xian’s blood as a guide, a drop of blood was created.

The blood of the dragon of the same origin was created and slowly flowed to her body and limbs.

Wang Xian looked at Dr. Sun, hesitated for a moment, and his heart moved, the cultivation technique of the Bright Dragon came into her mind.

The current Doctor Sun has completely separated from the blood of human beings, and has transformed into the blood of Shenlong.

This kind of blood is far beyond the dragon people can compare.

Bright, goddess dragon!

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