Chapter 216: Master Stone Gambler? (Second more)

A casual sentence made Lan Qingyue’s face very embarrassing, and she stared at the middle-aged woman a little angrily.

“Old lady, can you not hinder us here!”

When Wang Xian heard the middle-aged woman’s words, he looked at him coldly.

“What’s your name? Old woman?”

The middle-aged woman immediately screamed sharply when she heard Wang Xian’s words, staring at him with an angry face.

“Speaking of you, do you want me to emphasize it again?”

Wang Xian faintly said to the middle-aged woman.

“Doctor Wang, don’t think that you can be arrogant if you rank high in the ranking of genius doctors. We are not the Liu family. Don’t be too arrogant if you are a casual doctor!”

A middle-aged person beside the middle-aged woman reminded Wang Xian with a cold face.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Wang Xian looked at the middle-aged man with a full face.

“Huh, if you are too arrogant, you will die young!”

The middle-aged said in a cold voice without showing weakness: “It’s not safe to be a freelance doctor. Don’t be a guest!”

“Hehe, then try!”

A cold color flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes.

The middle-aged smiled indifferently, although his Lingyue faction was the same first-degree power as the Liu family.

The young man in front of him destroyed the Liu family, but their Lingyue faction was still undaunted, and they didn’t even place it on the same level.

The genius doctor is certainly powerful, and one word can call many strong people who owe others’ affections, but if it is a loose medicine, there will be a huge weakness.

That is, there is no real power, no strong strength.

In the past, there were no saint disciples in the arena, and the establishment of saint disciples was a holy place created by the union of many genius doctors.

In order to protect the life safety of genius doctors.

Because in the past, many genius doctors were threatened and killed.

Wasn’t it the ninth genius doctor on the list of genius doctors who was killed by the madman? And the lunatic devil is also alive now.

The reason is that the ninth-ranked genius doctor is not a disciple of the saint or a person of the saint of healing.

If there is a powerful force behind him, the lunatic devil would never dare to rush into action.

Because he shot, it meant hitting this force in the face and being an enemy of this force.

A powerful force will hunt down the madman.

However, the favors that the ninth-ranked genius doctor had before were not afraid of the power of scheming madness, and would not help revenge.

In addition, there is another point. The strong owes favor to the genius doctor, but it is impossible to let the genius doctor call and drink. When the favor is over, naturally they won’t help you anymore.

This is the weakness of Sanyi and the reason why Lingyue School is not afraid of Wangxian.

If Wang Xian dared to call two innate powerhouses to their Lingyue Sect, then their Lingyue Sect could also invite other sects and friends to come to meet the enemy.

The Liu family was just caught off guard. If the Liu family was prepared, it would not be destroyed!

“In our turf, Brother Zhou can leave it to us if there is anything!”

At this time, a Jade countryman standing beside the middle-aged suddenly spoke.

“Haha, don’t bother with Maranian brothers, we can still handle some small things with the Lingyue faction!”

The middle-aged Lingyue School laughed and said.

“Little girl, in the future, it is better for your Deep Sea Jewelry to be honest. You can’t beat our Zhou family, so you obediently retreat to the second line, otherwise, you will lose even more!”

Zhou’s woman said to Lan Qingyue with a smile on her face.

“You are really confident!”

Wang Xian looked at them with a hint of mockery on their faces: “Deep Sea Jewelry will not only not retreat to the second line, but will become stronger and stronger!”

Wang Xian smiled and walked to the side of the stone cutter and motioned to the master there.

Master Shishi gave him a please sign.

Wang Xian picked up the stone cutter, placed the stone on it, and cut it down with a smile on his face.

The boss next to them looked at them with a little surprise, and when he saw Wang Xian cutting the stone, he looked over immediately.

“Hey, there is green and there is green, it has risen, it has risen!”

Suddenly, when the boss saw the cut stone, his face was shocked, and he quickly shouted.

“It’s really up!”

When Lan Qingyue and Lan Quanfeng looked over, their embarrassed faces immediately smiled and looked at them excitedly.

Wang Xian smiled, everything is as it should be, can it not rise if there is a perspective? That would really blind his dog’s eyes.

Under the gaze of the penetrating eye, Wang Xian cut all the impurities around the stone and looked at about one kilogram of high-quality jade with a smile on his face.

“A big profit, a big profit, the finest jade, this piece is worth at least seven or eight million yuan, a hundred times the income!”

The gambling boss shouted with excitement.

The boss’s voice attracted the attention of the crowd, and they gathered around with interest.

“Wow, it’s a big piece, without the slightest impurities, at least seven or eight million!”

“Little brother, can you sell eight million?”

The crowd around shouted loudly.

Wang Xian shook his head and threw the jade to the demon blue dragon aside!

“Huh? The shit is lucky, but I can bet up!”

Zhou’s woman looked at the jade in surprise, and said coldly.

“My luck has been good!”

Wang Xian smiled and said to Zhou’s woman, and then looked at Lan Qingyue: “How about it? Let me just say it, I’m a stone gambling master!”

“Dare to call the master stone gambler? Don’t be afraid to flash your tongue!”

An old man behind Zhou’s woman said with disdain, he looked at Zhou’s woman on the side: “Mrs. Zhou, leave it to us about gambling on rocks!”

“Good old Feng, leave it to the masters!”

The Zhou woman smiled and nodded: “Let them know that betting on rocks is not based on luck, what is the real master!”

“Hehe, leave it to us, how can a kid compare to us by luck?”

Five or six elders walked towards the stall in front, took out professional utensils one by one, and began to look at the gambling stones.

The stall owner was also a little surprised to see how skilled a few people were. He knew that these old men were masters.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian saw the professional appearance of the elders, and pointed to the boss directly: “Boss, give me the stone and the other one!”

“Good brother!”

The boss nodded and picked up two stones.

A stone weighs five or six kilograms, not small, and one is only the size of a fist.

Wang Xian gave the boss 150,000, and then took the stone to the side of the stone cutter.

With one cut, some dazzling red came.

“Blood jade, top blood jade!”

“Oh my God, it’s up again, it’s a big increase!”

“The top blood jade, just a little bit of it, is worth at least three million!”

“Gosh, is this luck? How could luck be so good!”

“Two pieces of jade in a row have risen sharply, this luck is simply against the sky!”

A knife fell and a series of exclamations came, and the corner of Wang Xian’s mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes looked at a few stunned old men who raised their heads and looked over.

Master stone betting? If you are a master of gambling, Laozi is the god of gambling!

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