Chapter 214 Jade King Mountain Range (Fourth!)


Everyone in the restaurant was dumbfounded and watched this scene incredible.

They stared blankly at the leader of Ge Danwei in front of him, bowing himself, respectfully thanking the boy.

He bowed very deeply, he didn’t have the style of an innate strong, and he didn’t have the style of being the leader of the top big family of the Jade Kingdom.

It’s like an ordinary citizen, thanking the benefactor who helped them.

“It seems that the problem with Chief Goldwill has been resolved!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Thank you for the help of genius doctor Wang, it has been resolved.”

With a smile on his face, the leader of Gedanwei sat down opposite Wang Xian: “The genius doctor Wang, I can use my brother Danwei in the Jade Kingdom in the future, please give your instructions!”

“Well, you won’t be polite!”

Wang Xian smiled.

“Doctor Wang, would you like to spend a few days in Jade Country, I’ll let people show you around in Jade Country!”

Chief Goldway said with a full face of enthusiasm.

“No, I have some other things when I come to Jade Country. I will leave after dinner!”

Wang Xian shook his head and refused. If he stayed here any longer, Lan Qingyue estimated that he would kill him with his eyes.

“Then the genius doctor, I will give you a driver later to show you the way in Yuguo. In the future, when you come to Yuguo, tell me Ge Danwei, you will definitely entertain you all the way!”

Chief Ge Danwei said with a smile, and then stood up: “Wang wise doctor, I have to say that Chinese medicine is really magical, and you are a young hero! You eat first, and I’ll leave!”

Wang Xian smiled and waved his hand when he heard his last sentence.


After the leader of Gdanwei, everyone’s faces showed shocked expressions.

Just now, they watched this scene engrossedly.

They gave them the feeling that the leader of Godanwei put his identity too low, and he was talking to the young man in a respectful tone.

Yesterday, even when Qishan genius doctor had a way to cure the illness of Chief Ge Danwei, he was not so respected.

However, the boy’s reaction also shocked them.

It’s just as it should be, and it doesn’t care.

You know, this is the top family of the Jade Nation, with several innate strong people in the clan, and a powerful army, which is top in the entire Jade Nation.

“Listening to Chief Ge Danwei, his condition was treated by a member of his clan in conjunction with Qishan genius doctor, and it seems to be seen through by this king genius doctor.”

“This Chinese God King is so powerful that he can see through it, and obviously he has cured the disease of the leader of Gedanwei.”

“There is a saying in China that heroes come out of juveniles. This genius doctor Wang has such high-strength medical skills at a young age, and it will not be easy in the future!”

“This yin and yang genius doctor is really arrogant. Yesterday, he satirized the Chinese genius doctor. Now it is directly exposed by others, it is probably over!”

“No wonder the yin and yang genius doctor has a way to treat it, it turned out that he did it!”

The surrounding genius doctors sighed quietly, and the other followers of those genius doctors looked over in shock.

No one thought that such a young boy could possess such a powerful medical skill.

As for the people who were still around the Qishan genius doctor just now, their faces flushed and hurriedly walked outside.

“Haha, the genius doctor Wang is really raising the face for our Chinese genius doctor. I really didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!”

The genius doctor Guanghua walked over with a group of apprentices, and said to Wang Xian excitedly.

“I’m lucky too!”

Wang Xian smiled.

“Wang’s doctor is superb, and he is indeed much better than us!”

Another genius doctor came over and said to Wang Xian with some admiration.

The expert is a teacher, they don’t think that Wang Xian is too young to look down upon him!

Wang Xian is also very famous.

“Doctor Wang, I don’t know how you saw the condition of Chief Goldanwei?”

The poisonous doctor Yan Snake came over with some curiosity and asked suspiciously.

“In fact, the leader of Gedanwei is not sick, but the pangolin next to him was poisoned by someone. At that time, the poison doctor your viper had found this, but it should be afraid of the power of the pangolin and did not dare to pass!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Oh I got it!”

The poison doctor nodded slightly: “No wonder so many genius doctors have not found the source of the disease. It turns out that it is not on the leader of Goldanwei at all. It is the genius doctor Wang that you are powerful. This time you are convinced!”

Wang Xian and the others smiled politely.

Doctor Sun standing aside looked at Wang Xian more admiringly, while the white-clothed youth’s eyes widened and his heart shook.

“Doctor Wang, will you return home later?”

Guanghua asked with a smile on his face.

“No, there are still some things to be busy, and I will leave later!” Wang Xian shook his head.

“We are also strolling here, since we are here, let’s play for a few more days!”

After breakfast, Wang Xian bid farewell to Guanghua and the others, and drove towards Lan Qingyue in the car and driver provided to him by the leader of Gedanwei.

One end of the Jade King Mountain Range is the most prosperous area in the capital of Jade Country.

In order to ensure the customs of this place, the local government dug a lot of caves here to attract customers.

And in the last few days, it is also the busiest few days of the year.

The annual stone gambling festival in Jade Country is just a few days ago. During this period, stone gambling, jade enthusiasts and jade merchants from all over the world will come here to bet and purchase stones!

As soon as he approached this area, Wang Xian saw the lively crowd in front of him.

“Doctor Wang, I am waiting here, you can call me if you have any instructions!”

The driver respectfully said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, got out of the car and looked forward.

This is a very spectacular entrance. The center of the Jade King Mountain Range has been dug through, and all the positions on both sides are stone caves.

Inside the cave, as well as at the entrance, there are all kinds of stones.

Some stones showed a hint of green outside, and some showed some red.

Here is the gambling stone.

Wang Xian dialed Lan Qingyue’s phone and walked inside.

Inside, there are some more elaborately decorated caves. At the door of these caves, the jade stones that have been cut one by one are sold at a clearly marked price.

Wang Xian saw Lan Qingyue and found that she was standing in front of a more luxurious shop with her uncle.

Lan Qingyue’s expression was a little embarrassed, and she stood there with a calm face.

Wang Xian was a little confused, frowned slightly, walked over and shouted: “Qingyue!”

“Xiaoxian!” Lan Qingyue squeezed a smile on her face when he saw him walking over.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at Lan Qingyue’s unhappy look, Wang Xian walked over and asked softly.

“It’s okay, it’s the purchase of jade. A merchant that we have been cooperating with suddenly stopped cooperating with us.”

Lan Qingyue frowned slightly: “They said that someone would not let them cooperate with our Deep Sea Jewelry, huh, it must be the ghost of Zhou’s Jewelry and the Lingyue faction!”

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