Chapter 210 Gathering of Genius Doctors (Fourth!)

“Thanks to the genius doctors from all over the world for gathering our Godanwei family!”

Wang Xian and the genius doctor Guanghua sat on the chairs and waited for more than half an hour. A middle-aged man walked in and thanked everyone.

“No need to talk nonsense, take us to see the leader of Godanwei.”

As soon as the middle-aged words were over, a pale white middle-aged said directly.

“I have already prepared a dinner for you, since that’s the case, let’s postpone it, but we have to give you some of our rewards first!”

The middle-aged didn’t get the slightest anger when he heard what the white middle-aged said, and smiled and clapped his hands.

All the geniuses who came were from all over the world. Some geniuses were not even inferior to the Godanwei family, so they did not show much respect.

Of course, as a powerful force in the Jade Nation, the Godanwei family is financially unmatched by all magicians.

The beauties walked towards all the genius doctors holding a plate.

There is a bag on the plate, which contains ten spiritual stones.

With short hands, all the geniuses looked much better after they got the Lingshi.

“If you are so urgent, please follow me!”

The middle-aged said to everyone.

There are a total of fifteen genius doctors, plus the disciples who are next to them, for a total of more than forty people.

A crowd followed the middle-aged.


At this moment, Wang Xian heard a very small voice coming from beside him.

He was taken aback for a moment and looked at Dr. Sun beside him.

I saw Dr. Sun frowning and scanning the two people next to him with some disgust in his eyes.

Wang Xian followed her gaze and found that the pale middle-aged man was staring at Doctor Sun fiercely.

In another place, an old man frowned and stared at her with flickering eyes full of surprise.

The first is the genius doctor of the blood man, and the second is the holy priest.

A gleam of doubt flashed in Wang Xian’s eyes. It stands to reason that with the identities of these two people, even if Dr. Sun is very beautiful, he shouldn’t be staring so fiercely.

He looked at Dr. Sun and found nothing unusual about him.

“Everyone, come in!”

At this time, everyone went through a tunnel and walked into a cave.

This is obviously a cave for cultivation, with an old man sitting cross-legged in the center.

In the cave, thousands of spiritual stones were inlaid around, causing a flash of fire in the eyes of the genius doctor who entered.

The whole cave is very hot, the temperature is at least forty degrees.

In the cave, the most striking thing is a pangolin beside the old man.

This is a pangolin nearly three meters in size. The scales on the pangolin’s body are fiery red, exuding a fierce aura.

“Thank you all for coming!”

The old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at everyone around him.

“Hello, Lord Gdanwei!”

The genius doctors around greeted the old man.

The old man in front of him was a very powerful congenital powerhouse. As the leader of the Jade Kingdom’s top family, his strength was definitely not comparable to ordinary congenitals.

“Everyone, you have some understanding of my physical condition. Now please show me to the old man!”

Chief Goldanwei said slowly towards everyone.

“I’ll do it first.”

A middle-aged man from the twenty-first list of domestic genius doctors spoke.

“Please!” Chief Gedanwei nodded.

“You take the liberty!”

The middle-aged genius doctor nodded, his arm was covered with a silver thread directly entwined towards the pulse of the old man.

Chief Gdanwei did not evade, and was directly entangled by the silver thread.

The middle-aged genius doctor put a hand on the silver wire and closed his eyes slightly.

Soon, he frowned slightly, and the silver thread slowly wound around the body of the leader of Goldanwei.

But after winding it twice in a row, nothing was unusual.

The middle-aged genius doctor showed a deep disappointment: “I am not talented and can’t do anything!”

“Silver Line Detective, ranked 21st on the list of genius doctors, can accurately detect all kinds of injuries, but nothing unusual has been detected!”

The genius doctor Guanghua sighed softly.

The silver line is a very powerful ability in China’s medical skills.

Dr. Sun on the side stared at this scene dumbfounded. This incredible method opened her eyes.

“Let me do it!”

The holy priest saw the middle-aged retreat and slowly walked forward, holding a wooden stick in his hand.

With a wave of the wooden stick, a stream of pure white energy plunged directly into the body of the leader of Goldanwei.

The holy priest frowned slightly: “The light hasn’t seen the slightest darkness, the leader of Gdanwei should…”

“Many genius doctors say the same!”

The leader of Goldanwei slowly looked at the holy priest, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes: “But whenever I practice, I feel that the internal force in my body is out of control, and even now I need to suppress the power in my body at all times.”

The holy priest frowned, shook his head slowly, and stepped back.

However, what everyone didn’t see was the white light flashing across Dr. Sun’s body when the holy priest released the light.

“Let me come, Jie Jie!”

The pale middle-aged stepped forward. With a move of his finger, a cloud of blood exuding black air appeared in his hand.

“Trouble the leader Gedanwei to open his mouth!”

Chief Goldanwei nodded slowly, he also knew the healing technique of the blood man’s genius doctor.

The blood that emits black air enters from the mouth of the old man, and quickly enters every part of the heart and blood vessels throughout the body!

“Huh?” The middle-aged blood man genius doctor frowned, he stretched out his hand, and the blood came out from the collar of the leader of Goldanwei, and his face was a little ugly and shook his head.

Next, five or six genius doctors came out one after another, and one by one used their own housekeeping skills.

But all of them frowned.

If the problem is not found, and even the source of the disease is not found, how can we treat it?

The complexion of the leader of Gdanwei is not very good either.

Guanghua genius doctor also tried, but failed to find the slightest problem.

In the end, only Wang Xian, the eighth poison doctor on the list of genius doctors, and the yin and yang genius doctor of the island nation remained.

“Let me come!”

The poison doctor slowly walked two steps forward, the black poisonous snake entwined with him held his head slightly, swallowing his tongue.


The viper leaped and jumped directly to the side of the old man three meters away, with his tongue sticking out, and a pair of blood-red eyes staring at the leader of Goldanwei.

“Chinese Poison Doctor, I’ve heard of the famous name for a long time!”

The old man Gdanwei slowly said to the poison doctor.

“Fantasy!” The poison doctor said lightly, staring at his poisonous snake.


The black viper looked around the old man, his gaze suddenly shifted to the pangolin’s body.


Suddenly, the pangolin next to him spit out his tongue, exuding a terrifying aura.


The black viper was surprised and rushed to the side of the poison doctor in horror.

“Xiao Jia, act rashly!”

The old man said softly toward the pangolin beside him.


The people around took a breath of air-conditioning, and looked at the pangolin with some shock.

The momentum exuded just now, innate!

The Poison Doctor looked a little embarrassed, and slowly shook his head.

“Chinese medicine, but that’s it!”

There was a sound of ridicule, which made the poison doctor and the geniuses of Guanghua look at them with displeased expressions.

Wang Xian, who was standing by, ignored the ridicule.

In his eyes, blue and red colors flashed, and his eyes slowly looked towards a place, with a faint smile on his face!

The winning ticket is in hand!

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