Chapter 192

The people from Jiangcheng behind Wang Xian watched this scene silently.

Although they knew the power of the dragon king in front of them, they were slightly surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of the madman.

Wang Xian looked at Liu’s family and the people behind Liu’s family with a smile on his face.

“The Liu family is against me, and I only target the Liu family. If you dare to do something, then I don’t mind going on a slaughter!”

A cold color appeared on Wang Xian’s face and turned to Liu Feiyun on the stage: “Little Sword Immortal, Sword Immortal Inheritance, let me see your strength!”

He said lightly, and behind, a dragon figure walked straight towards Liu Feiyun.

The young face looks younger than Liu Feiyun.

“Really thought this was your home court, so unscrupulous!”

Liu Jingshan saw Wang Xian’s face full of confidence and treated them like fish, with a cold expression on his face.

He slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and a powerful momentum dispersed towards the surroundings.


The drinks and plates on the table trembled and made violent noises, and the surrounding Lan Family’s faces were hiding in horror.

The faces of the Liu’s visitors behind them changed drastically, and their faces showed hesitation and struggle.

The situation in front of him is obviously that the Liu family is already passive.

The strength of the fifty-odd people who surrounded them is unknown, they don’t know how to choose, and they don’t dare to make a choice right away.

Feeling the powerful aura from Liu Laoshen, everyone turned their gazes at Ji Crazy Demon.

In this battle, as long as the innate strong has the winner, that side will win.

“Ji lunatic, I want to see how strong you really are. If you help him this time, my Liu family is your mortal enemy.”

Liu Jingshan’s sword pointed at the madman.

“Hehe, you will be the second congenital powerhouse to die under my hands!”

Ji Madmo slowly took down the long knife and confronted Liu Jingshan without fear.

“Leave it to my dragon gate!”

A somewhat domineering voice came.


A black air burst out in an instant, and the black air condensed into substance and pointed directly at Liu Jingshan.


The powerful momentum shook everyone, and everyone looked at the old man at the entrance in an incredible way.

The old man raised his head, his entire body dazzled with black aura and his face was indistinguishable, but the terrifying aura that it exudes actually suppressed a radius of one kilometer.

Everyone felt a palpitating power from the old man, which made them tremble.

Even Ji Crazy and Liu Jingshan didn’t give them such a strong coercion just now.

“So strong!”

The long knife in Ji Crazy Demon’s hand trembled a little, he looked at the old man who was full of black energy in shock, and tightly held the long knife in his hand.

“The innate strong, and another inborn strong!”

A visitor from the Liu family couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, that young man actually called two innate powerhouses!


Everyone in the Liu family trembled in their hearts, and a cloud of clouds hung over their hearts, their eyes fixed on the Demon Azure Dragon.

A trace of sweat appeared in Liu Jingshan’s hand holding a long sword, his eyes widened, and he stared at the Demon Azure Dragon somewhat inconceivably.

Two congenitals, they unexpectedly met two congenitals in this small river city.

And these two congenitals were all called by a teenager!


Liu Jingshan’s face slowly became embarrassed, and the terrifying old man’s breath locked him firmly.

He was sure that as long as he moved, the other party would definitely attack him.

Moreover, he felt that he was definitely not the opponent of this old man.

This made his heart tremble.

“Ling Tianjian Little Sword Immortal? Sword Immortal Inheritance? Demon fifty, twenty-six, martial artist level eight, enlighten me!”

At this moment, on the stage, a dragonman walked onto the stage, staring at it coldly, and said.

The sound instantly attracted everyone.

Everyone quickly turned their heads and looked towards the stage. There, a young man younger than Liu Feiyun stood in front of him.

Liu Feiyun’s face changed drastically, he glanced at the terrifying old man, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and he held the sharp sword and stared at the young man in front of him.

“Miss Lan, don’t get hurt by mistake!”

At this moment, the head of Tang’s figure swept away and came to Lan Qingyue’s side, wrapped in internal force, and directly sent him to the side of Wang Xian under the stage.

“Xiao Xian, you…” Lan Qingyue looked at Wang Xian in a daze.

“I know that what happened today is not what you meant, and I won’t let you marry a dead person!”

Wang Xian looked at Lan Qingyue with a smile on his face, and walked gently to her side.

“Go to hell!”

At this moment, Liu Feiyun yelled, his face grimly turned towards the Demon Fifty’s attack.

Mo Fifty’s expression remained unchanged, watching Liu Feiyun’s ever-changing swordsmanship show no fluctuations, stretched out his palm, and greeted him directly.

“You are looking for death!”

When Liu Feiyun saw Mo Fifty directly greeted him with flesh and blood, his face was hideous, and the swordsmanship in his hand was even more fierce!


There was a sound of metal collision, Mo Fifty used a terrifying palm to resist the sharp sword, and the whole person deceived him!

“not good!”

Liu Feiyun was terrified, and his eyes showed fear.


A palm fell heavily on Liu Feiyun, Mo Fifty Cheating in front of him, stepped directly on Liu Feiyun’s body, and stared at him coldly.

“Even you dare to provoke the Dragon King!”

Mo Fifty stared at Liu Feiyun contemptuously: “Little Sword Immortal? Immortal Sword Inheritance? Rubbish!”

Liu Feiyun’s eyes widened, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

This young man who was several years younger than him was able to crush him easily.

This made him always arrogant, and even Liu Feiyun, who vowed to reach the top of the Young Masters of Tianjiao, felt deeply frustrated.

He is the twentieth existence of the Tianjiao Young Masters list, and he was defeated by an unknown young man!

He tilted his head and looked at the young man staring at him mockingly, his face a bit squalid.

He, but the Little Sword Immortal, has obtained the inheritance of the Sword Immortal, but he is the future innate powerhouse!


However, at this moment, a strong pain suddenly came, and he felt his consciousness gradually blurred!



The Liu family in the audience looked terrified and looked at Liu Feiyun, who was lying there with wide-eyed eyes.

Wang Xian stared at the Liu family with cold eyes, and slowly said: “If anyone kills me, I will kill someone. Liu Feiyun sent someone to assassinate me and my relatives, and now I am going back!”

His voice slowly spread to everyone’s ears.

Everyone in the Liu family was shocked. He meant that Feiyun was going to kill him and his family.

Now he wants to kill Feiyun, and all of them.

“Qingyue, it will be bloody next, let’s get out of here first!”

Wang Xian said softly towards Lan Qingyue beside him.

Lan Qingyue stared at him blankly, followed by tears streaming out, and she nodded heavily.

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