Chapter 189 I, Wang Xian 3 (third more!)

“Thank you guys!”

Wang Xian smiled and thanked the people on the table.

“Hehe, little brother Wang Xian said, how can we not come!”

Old Qin said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

“The bride and groom are out.”

“Today’s hero and heroine are here.”

At this moment, some voices came from nearby, and Wang Xian turned his head, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked behind.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around.

A clean white engagement wedding dress is spotless, and the delicate makeup makes the blue moon even more beautiful.

Every move exudes a special temperament.

Beside Lan Qingyue, in blue dress and carrying a long sword, Liu Feiyun looked around with a smile on his face.

With a magnificent temperament and a confident look on his face, he is also a handsome young man!

“What a talented woman!”

“The man is handsome and the woman is all over the country, haha, an enviable couple!”

The people around looked at the beautiful women and handsome guys walking on the red carpet, and they praised them without hesitation.

“Now welcome a pair of gifted and beautiful ladies who are walking towards the stage of happiness!”

On the front stage, a famous host was holding a microphone and talking with a smile on his face.

“Gift Liu Feiyun, twenty-eight this year, known as Xiaojianxian, handsome and elegant, beautiful Lan Qingyue, twenty-two years old, she is the general manager of Deep Sea Jewelry at a young age, our famous talented woman in Jiangcheng, today, this The newcomer will conclude a contract here!”

The host introduced softly, soft music was put on the surroundings, and everyone around was silent, watching with a smile on their faces.

“Still so beautiful!”

Wang Xian looked at Lan Qingyue’s figure with a faint smile on his face.

Qin Lao Xue Lao and all the people around heard Wang Xian’s words and gave him a smile. The hero is sad for Beauty Pass!

“Come on, two newcomers!”

The host saw them coming over and said with a smile on his face: “Facing our relatives and friends, today, under the witness of many relatives and friends, we will conclude a contract, a contract for a lifetime!”

Liu Feiyun turned his head with a smile on his face, Lan Qingyue also turned around.

“Today, thank you very much for coming to the engagement scene of Mr. Liu Feiyun and the beauty of Lan Qingyue. Here, we also want to loyally bless the couple. Today will be a new start for them.”

“Today, under the witness of all our relatives and friends, the two newlyweds will make a marriage agreement for the next lifetime!”

“Although this is not the wedding scene, engagement is the same as a proposal, so our man, I don’t know if we are ready!”

The host looked at Liu Feiyun with a smile on his face.

Liu Feiyun smiled: “Nature is ready!”

“Then please start your performance!”

The host joked.

Engagement is different from marriage. Engaged man needs to propose on this grand stage.

The corner of Liu Feiyun’s mouth was slightly tilted, he slowly backed up two steps, and the long sword behind his back flew directly when he moved his arm.

He grasped the long sword with a wave of his arm, and waved the long sword.

“There is a pot of wine in the flower room, and there is no blind date for a drink alone.

Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and face the shadow of three people.

Moon is not free to drink, and the shadow disciples are with me.

Temporarily accompany the moon and shadows, and the joy must be in the spring.

My song and moon are hovering, and my dance shadows are disorderly.

When waking up, they had sex together, and they were scattered after drunk.

Forever knot of ruthless travel, phase Miao Yunhan. ”

A sword technique came out. While swinging his sword, he was reading Li Bai’s drink alone under the moon. The sword technique was like a bright moon, emitting glowing light, which looked beautiful and wasteful.

Everyone in the audience looked at Liu Feiyun’s swordsmanship with shocked faces, and their faces showed awe.

“Little Sword Immortal’s swordsmanship seems to be stronger than the rumors, this…so powerful swordsmanship!”

“It’s an artistic swordsmanship. Young Master Liu’s swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger. He deserves the name of the Little Sword Fairy!”

“Haha, well, it’s worthy of the magic of the fairy sword, amazing!”

The white-bearded old man sitting at the forefront looked at Liu Feiyun’s swordsmanship with a happy expression on his face.

Liu Feiyun looked at the crowd below with awe, his face more proud, and his eyes looked at Lan Qingyue.

“Jiu Yuyue is Li Bai’s most loyal partner who never left in his life. I hope Qingyue, you, can become the most loyal partner who never leaves in my life. Not too long ago, I will acquire the inheritance of the sword immortal. My wife must be brilliant too!”

Liu Feiyun said, the long sword in his hand pointed directly at the sky, and a diamond ring appeared at the top.

He threw his long sword, went directly into the scabbard behind, stretched out his hand to hold the diamond ring, and looked at Lan Qingyue with a smile on his face.

“Qingyue, are you willing to be my partner?” Liu Feiyun said, looking at the beautiful Lan Qingyue.

“Wow, it’s so romantic. If someone proposes to me like this, I will definitely agree to him!”

Around, a group of women looked at Liu Feiyun who was obsessed with the sword dance in the sky. It was so romantic and touching!

“Unexpectedly, Young Master Liu would have obtained the Li Bai Sword Immortal Inheritance. No wonder the swordsmanship just now was beautiful and full of fierceness. I didn’t expect it.”

“I heard that Young Master Liu bid for an authentic Li Bai Sword Immortal not long ago, and he realized the essence and inherited it in such a short period of time. The talent is really great!”

“With Liu Gongzi’s talent, he will surely inherit Liu Laozi’s position in the future and become another innate sword fairy in the Liu family!”

When everyone in the audience heard Liu Feiyun’s words, their faces were shocked again. The talent that Liu Feiyun showed was too terrifying.

Lan Qingyue looked at Liu Feiyun in front of him, and looked at the diamond ring in his hand, with a trance on her face.

Taking this ring, her other end of life is about to begin.

A thick bitterness flashed in her eyes, and she closed her eyes slightly.

“Huh?” Liu Feiyun frowned slightly when she saw Lan Qingyue’s appearance, a trace of impatience flashed in her eyes, and her voice was a little stiff and said, “Qingyue, do you agree?”

“Of course, I don’t agree!”

Just when Lan Qingyue opened her eyes and listened to fate, a voice rang throughout the silent engagement scene.

Hearing this sound, her body trembled slightly, turned her head inconceivably, and stared closely at Wang Xian’s position.


The sudden sound suddenly sounded, making everyone in the Lan family and Liu family stunned.

Standing on the stage, Liu Feiyun immediately turned his head. When he saw Wang Xian, his face was a little astonished, followed by staring at him with murderous expression on his face.

“Boy, who are you? Dare to talk nonsense here, are you looking for death?”

A middle-aged man sitting next to the old white Hu stood up, looked at Wang Xian fiercely, and shouted at him with a stern face.

The white-bearded old man glanced across Wang Xian and looked at the Lan family’s old man with a displeased face, obviously blaming the speaker for being a guest from the Lan family.

“Me, Wang Xian!”

Wang Xian looked at the middle-aged man with a smile on his face, and replied faintly.

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