Chapter 182 I’m already… (fourth!)

Wang Xian said that he was… already hungry and thirsty.

Seeing the beautiful and alluring Guan Shuqing, he made a decision in his heart, and his eyes kept rolling.

“Comfortable, let’s go swimming in the sea. Swimming in the sea is the most comfortable in this weather!”

Wang Xian said towards Guan Shuqing with a smile on his face.

“Okay!” Guan Shuqing nodded happily, but followed his face with a hint of helplessness: “I forgot to bring my swimsuit.”

“I have it here. When Xiaoyu bought a swimsuit, I asked her to buy it for you too. Come!”

With a straight smile on Wang Xian’s face, he came to the changing room with Guan Shuqing with a smile on his face!

Koba did not buy the swimsuit.

As an upright man, all the swimsuits Wang Xian bought for Guan Shuqing were three-pointers, hehe.

“This…” Guan Shuqing was stunned looking at the swimsuit in the closet, her face a little red.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Xian asked purely beside him.

“This…this swimsuit is too revealing, no matter what…” Guan Shuqing said with a flushed face, pointing inside.

“Huh? Yeah, my sister, I asked her to buy a swimsuit like this. It’s not good to let others see our beautiful and comfortable ones! But it’s okay, there are no outsiders here, so just put it on first. .”

Wang Xianyi verbally accused his sister and said.

Guan Shuqing’s eyes flickered with light waves, her neck was a little red, and she nodded slowly: “Yeah!”

She took a swimsuit with a trembling arm, and then looked at Wang Xian: “You go out first…”

“Well, I’ll go out first, I’ll go out first.”

Wang Xian smiled and nodded immediately, and walked outside.

“and many more.”

However, at this moment, Guan Shuqing’s voice came again.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head in some doubt.

I saw Guan Shuqing’s face flushed, her eyes flickered, and she puffed her mouth to stare at him: “You…your sister would buy such a swimsuit!”

Wang Xian saw Guan Shuqing holding a swimsuit, not only was there less fabric, but there was also a hole under it.

He thought of his boss’ recommendation when he bought his swimsuit.

Wang Xian’s face changed drastically, and he yelled, “Xiao Yu, let you buy a swimsuit. What kind of swimsuits do you buy? What is this…”

While shouting, he walked outside pretending to be angry, and closed the door directly!


“Huh!” Guan Shuqing looked at Wang Xian’s wave of performances, and gave him a white look. The red-faced actress changed the swimsuit in her hand and changed one.

“Brother, what are you talking about? Didn’t you buy the swimsuit yesterday?”

“What? Xiaoyu, what did you say, why didn’t you practice?”

At this moment, Guan Shuqing vaguely heard a voice coming from outside.

“Puff!” She couldn’t help laughing, and looked for a normal swimsuit and put it on.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful!”

Wang Xian lay under the parasol above the villa, and saw Guan Shuqing coming up, and immediately greeted him.

“Huh!” Guan Shu gave him a blank look.

She wore a black swimsuit, because the swimsuit bought by Wang Xian could only cover important places, so she looked very beautiful.

Wang Xian beamed his eyes and walked over with a smile, Quandang said, “Walk, let’s go swimming in the sea, and we can slide directly down the third floor. It’s very interesting. Come, let me help you!”

“Okay, the weather is really good today!”

Guan Shuqing raised her head to look at the sun and said happily.

“Yes, the weather is very good, the sea here is also very clear, I will support you.”

Wang Xian walked over, rubbed his hands, and embraced Guan Shuqing with his arms.

Feeling the relatives of the skin, Wang Xian felt that the swimsuit he bought was really good, so it was like this.


Guan Shuqing’s face flushed instantly: “You…you can hold it with your hands, can you not help below!”

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, followed by lowering his head, watching the good brother come out to help Guan Shuqing, his face changed slightly, his face was embarrassed!

“Young and vigorous, young and vigorous, haha!”

She gave a dry smile.

Guan Shuqing moved a little farther away, followed by watching the slide, sitting on it with excitement.

Wang Xian followed behind.

Swimming in the sea, the only thing Wang Xian regrets is that Guan Shuqing can swim. If she can’t, it would be perfect.

Having been playing in the sea until more than five o’clock in the afternoon, Wang Xian who was playing was hot all over.

“Don’t leave tonight.”

During the meal, Wang Xian once again returned to a serious appearance: “There are many rooms, so let’s live here!”

“Huh?” Guan Shuqing hesitated on her face.

“There is a family cinema in the villa. We will watch a movie together in the evening.”

Wang Xian looked at Guan Shuqing’s hesitation, hit the iron while it was hot, and continued.

“Well, yes, but…”

Guan Shuqing talked and looked at Wang Xian, hesitated for a moment, but still didn’t say anything.

“Hey Hey!”

Wang Xian smiled.

Xiaoyu on the side bit the bun and looked at his brother, always feeling that his brother seems to have changed, a little awkward.

After dinner, Wang Xian asked Guan Shuqing to sit in the living room to rest and chat with Xiaoyu and the others.

He immediately ran into the home theater room and made a call.

“The sea, the sea, hurry up, send me your seeds!”

Wang Dahai, who just received the call, was a little dazed. He was eating with his family and asked suspiciously: “What kind of seed, can you make it clear?”

“Island country seeds!”

Wang Xian said loudly, his big sword is already hungry, and he must succeed tonight!

Suddenly, Wang Dahai felt that the dinner table suddenly became quiet, and he stiffly raised his head to look at his parents on the table.

“What nonsense is your kid talking about, I have a girlfriend, Su Qian has been chased by me.”

As he said, his face flushed awkwardly and walked towards the room.

“Stay loyal!”

When Wang Xian saw a few seeds sent by Wang Dahai, a smile appeared on his face, and he immediately began to play with the player.

The home theater is networked, and there are several very comfortable sofas in the center, so you can watch a movie together as a family.

Wang Xian put the seed given by Wang Dahai behind the movie Detective Chinatown. After the movie is played, the next one will be played automatically.


Wang Xian smiled, with a satisfied look on his face.

He came to the living room and chatted with Guan Shuqing Xiaoyu for a while, and after eight o’clock, Elder Fan took Xiaoyu to practice.

“Let’s go comfortably, let’s go to a movie!”

Wang Xian said with a smile toward Guan Shuqing.

“Okay, oh right, which room do I live in tonight?” Guan Shuqing asked towards him.

“On the third floor, there are several rooms on the third floor, everything!”

Wang Xian said with a smile.

“Let’s go then.” Guan Shuqing smiled and nodded: “I’m going to bed after watching the movie. Shall we go shopping tomorrow?”

“Well, of course there is no problem. To buy some gifts for Shuqing tomorrow is my duty as a boyfriend.”

“You said it!”

“This is natural!”

Wang Xian smiled and brought Guan Shuqing to the home theater on the third floor.

“Let’s watch the Chinatown detective, have you seen it?”

“No, just look at this, I heard it looks good!”


Wang Xian nodded, and the two sat on the sofa.

He gently embraced Guan Shuqing.

Guan Shuqing did not refuse, gently leaning on Wang Xian’s body, warm and romantic.

The movie began to play, a very funny comedy, making Guan Shuqing smile non-stop.

“It’s so funny this movie, it’s so good to watch.”

The movie was about to end, Guan Shuqing said happily.

“Yes, a very good movie!”

Wang Xian squinted slightly and looked at Guan Shuqing beside him, and the movie ended at this time.

“It’s ten o’clock, it’s time to go to bed.” Guan Shuqing said shyly as she watched Wang Xian staring at him.

“Let me hug for a while, just for a while!”

Wang Xian said softly.

“Yeah!” Guan Shuqing nodded, she also liked the atmosphere.

“Sexy beautiful croupier deals online~”

At this moment, a familiar music and sound sounded, and a shocking movie began on the screen!

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