Chapter 177 The shock of the fourth-level elixir (third!)

“What a madness, five third-level elixir is enough to exchange for these blood corals, this young man actually said to raise bees? I really don’t fear those who don’t know.”

“Speaking of the Liu family’s third-level elixir raising bees, it is really looking for death… This is the petals of the Liu family’s fourth-level elixir exquisite flower. One petal is equivalent to the third-level elixir, which is invaluable!”

“He has no idea what the third-level elixir represents. He is lucky to get some blood corals.”

The surrounding martial artists and sects of the aristocratic families were also shocked when they heard Wang Xian’s words, and followed them with some mockery.

Not to mention the third-level elixir, even the first-level elixir is very precious, and the third-level elixir can only be obtained by the first-level forces.

Liu’s family has two fourth-level exquisite flowers in order to continuously obtain the petals of exquisite flowers in order to become a first-level power.

In fact, the elixir is different in each level. Some elixir trees can produce a lot of elixir, which is much higher in value.

Linglong flower petals are of low value in the third-level elixir, but they can’t be obtained casually.

Now being said by Wang Xian to raise bees, everyone feels arrogant.

“Is the third-level elixir very powerful?”

Wang Xian looked at Liu Feiyun with a chuckle, turned his eyes to Lan Qingyue, and picked up the blood coral: “Just follow the price you said!”

Lan Qingyue looked at Wang Xian with blinking eyes, slowly stood up, nodded, and walked over.

“I will transfer the money to you immediately.” Lan Qingyue took the four blood corals, and a surprise flashed in her eyes, and said towards Wang Xian.

“Yeah!” Wang Xian nodded without saying much.

“Boy, isn’t your tone too mad? It’s better to be a low-key person. The value of the third-level elixir is not something you can talk about.”

Liu Feiyun said with an embarrassed expression when he saw Lan Qingyue taking the blood coral from Wang Xian, clenching his fists tightly.

“You are too self-righteous!”

Wang Xian stared at Liu Feiyun disdainfully, and slowly took out a yellow fruit from his pocket.

“Continue to auction, Lingzhu, the fourth-level elixir Lingzhu fruit!”


When Wang Xian took out the Lingzhu Fruit from his pocket, a faint fragrance drifted away, refreshing.


At this moment, in the entire auction hall, dozens of people stood up suddenly, their eyes fiery staring at the spirit fruit in Wang Xian’s hand.

“The fruit of the spirit beads, two thousand years, a fourth-level spirit fruit!”

“It can increase the 10% chance for the powerhouse at the ninth level of the martial artist to enter the half-step innate. This thing must be obtained, and it must be obtained.”

“The fruit of the fourth-level spirit bead is more precious than the stamen of the Liu’s Linglong flower, my God, how can this young man have a fourth-level spirit fruit!”

A crowd of martial artists stared at this fourth-level fruit fiercely, breathing a little bit shortly.

The benefits of these four levels of spiritual fruit for a family and sect are simply too great.

If the ninth level of the martial artist in the clan and the family can enter the half-step innate realm through this fruit, it will be a huge improvement for their family and sect.

Especially those third-level forces, if they can give birth to a half-step innate through this spirit fruit, their strength can be raised by a level.

“In history, Jiuxing Auction House has only seen Level 4 Spirit Fruit three times. We did not expect to encounter it this time.”

A ninth-level martial artist stood up with excitement and stared at the spirit fruit.

“No wonder this young man said that Liu’s third-level panacea was rubbish. It turns out that he has a better one, and he even traded it out!”

“Damn, compared with this fourth-level spirit fruit, Liu’s third-level exquisite flower petals are indeed rubbish!”

“Little brother, how do you trade this spirit fruit!”

An old man of Fumo School asked Wang Xian with fiery eyes.

“Lingshi, only trading in Lingshi, by way of auction!”

Wang Xian said directly, originally he wanted to sell it for money, but the price of the coral exceeded his expectations, and the other was the appearance of the spirit stone.

He said, looking at the madman at the back.

Ji Madmo raised his head at this time, revealing half of his face, and looked at the fourth-level spirit fruit in Wang Xian’s hand.


After Wang Xian stated the trading conditions, many people were embarrassed.

Spirit stones are very precious, and they cannot be owned by ordinary aristocratic sects.

Moreover, even if they have, they can’t come up with so much.

Without seven or eighty spiritual stones, it would be impossible to take this fourth-level spiritual fruit.

At the eighth table, Liu Feiyun’s expression kept changing, his eyes fixed on the Lingguo in Wang Xian’s hand, gritting his teeth tightly.

He couldn’t imagine that this guy actually possessed a fourth-level spiritual fruit.

I want him to just ask you whether you understand the value of the third-level elixir, and now, you are instantly beaten in the face.

This is not the first time today.

“Master Liu, the fourth-level spiritual fruit, the fourth-level spiritual fruit, we must fight, we must take it down!”

At this moment, the middle-aged beside him said excitedly towards Liu Feiyun: “If this spirit fruit can be snatched off, the owner of the family will be very happy!”

The voice of a middle-aged housekeeper came from nearby, which made Liu Feiyun’s face even darker.

He took a deep breath and nodded embarrassingly.

On the side, Lan Qingyue saw Wang Xian on the stage take out something to directly stir Fengyun, a trace of infatuation appeared on her face.

If, if the person chosen was her, it would be great.

“Seventy Spirit Stones!”

An old man of Fu Mo Sect spoke directly.

“Seven-one spirit stone!” a young man of the ancient boxing school shouted directly.

“Seventy-three spirit stones!” Liu Feiyun gritted his teeth and shouted directly.

“Yell, why your Liu family are also participating in the auction.” The middle-aged Lingyue faction looked at Liu Feiyun sarcastically, jokingly: “Who just said that others don’t understand the value of elixir? Said his family’s third-level elixir is powerful Why do you want to bid for someone else’s if you’re so good?”

Liu Feiyun’s face turned dark when he heard him: “If you bid, just ask, don’t talk nonsense!”

“Hmph, a junior, who thinks that Little Sword Fairy would dare to be mad!” The middle-aged Lingyue faction had cold eyes and directly shouted, “Seventy-five Lingshi!”


“seventy – seven!”

“Four first-level forces are vying for it, forget it, we are completely not qualified to compete!”

“Lingshi is a hard currency among the top powers, but it is too difficult to obtain Lingshi!”

“I only got three spirit stones in total, and all of them are consumed by my cultivation!”

The surrounding crowd watched the competition between Liu Family, Guquan School, Fumo School and Lingyue School in amazement, sighing slightly.

They are completely ineligible to join.

“Eighty-Five Spirit Stones!”

Just as the four major first-level forces were competing, behind the scenes, the voice of Ji Crazy Demon sounded again, directly mentioning the price of the Eighty-Five Lingshi.

The price is already very high.

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