Chapter 1695 Breakthrough and Serious Injury (1)

The white light shines on the bottom of the sea, and the sea waves wave like crystals under the white light.

The name of Crystal Sea comes from this.

In the center of the crystal sea, there are crystal houses standing on the bottom of the sea.

Every crystal house is huge and looks like a world in myth from a distance.

The house was not made of crystal, but a house made of ice. Under the shining of crystal algae, it looked like a crystal house.

In these crystal houses, entrenched one by one water attribute dragons.

In the most central crystal house, which is a thousand meters in size, lived two dragons.

One male and one female!

All around are the descendants of these two dragon races.

Wang Xian glanced at the crystal sea about fifty kilometers in radius, with a vigilant look in his eyes.

Around the Crystal Sea, the beasts of the ichthyosaur monsters were on alert.

In fact, it is not on guard, in the sea of ​​transcendence, no one dares to provoke the dragon clan.

“Five half-step longevity ichthyosaur monsters, 13 dragon king-level dragons, the two naked dragons in the crystal room don’t know their strength!”

That’s right, they are two naked dragons.

They were transformed into human forms, with ordinary appearance, with two dragon horns about ten centimeters in length and a dragon tail that was more than one meter long.

A male and a female are holding each other.

When the monster reaches the realm of longevity, it has the ability to transform!

As for what to do, the pure Wang Xian doesn’t know!

With a move, Wang Xian directly attacked the surrounding ichthyosaur monsters.

With the strength of Wanshou Tier 2, slaying a group of monsters under Wanshou is easy.

Within a few seconds, Wang Xian directly swallowed all the monsters.

He moved his body, his eyes were placed in the crystal rooms.

“Swallow these dragons, and you will be able to break through, and these crystal algae will also belong to you!”

Wang Xian’s eyes shone with luster, he swept the crystal room in the center, his figure flickered, and entered the outermost crystal room.

“Who dares to step into the realm of the emperor!”

Just when Wang Xian teleported into the range of the crystal algae, in the central room, the male dragon king full of muscles instantly sensed that someone had broken in!

When Wang Xian entered inside, he also knew that he had been discovered.

Because in this area, there are areas covered!

The domain of the Longevity Strong is very magical, the domain is opened, even if a mosquito enters, it can be sensed.

“Who is from the Dragon Race?”

A cold voice continued to sound, and the two dragon emperors hovered directly above the crystal room, staring at the position of Wang Xian?


When they saw Wang Xian’s figure, they were slightly taken aback.

The five-hundred-meter body, the mysterious dragon scales, and the majestic body made them a little surprised.

However, what surprised them was that a wave of excitement came from blood.

Eat him, eat him!

The two dragon emperors looked at each other, and with a movement, they turned into a 30-meter-sized water dragon.

“Dare to break into this emperor’s domain, this emperor orders you to kneel down!”

The cold voice of the male water dragon emperor entered Wang Xian’s ears.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

The arrogant dragon race was as he imagined, after he arrived, the other party didn’t pay attention to it at all.


At this time, members of the dragon clan flew in the surrounding crystal room.

“Two Wanshou Tier 1 dare to be so arrogant!”

When Wang Xian moved, he attacked them directly without any hesitation.

“Dare to attack us, you beast dare to attack us!”

When the two dragon emperors saw Wang Xian directly attacking them, their eyes burst into anger.

The surrounding sea began to roll!

“The arrogant thing, go to hell!”

There was a cold look in Wang Xian’s eyes, and the terrifying dragon claws directly attacked the two of them.

“Puff puff!”

With the suppression of strength, the two dragon emperors had no time to react at all, and were directly pierced into the body by the dragon claws.

Wang Xian opened his huge mouth and swallowed it directly.

“You dare to swallow our parents, you dare to kill our dragon clan, even if it is from heaven to earth…”

The two dozen dragons around saw a look of fear on their faces.

A dragon king roared loudly.

For the dragons, no one on this continent dared to do anything to them, no one dared to provoke them.

This has always been the case for hundreds of thousands of years!

The arrogance and lofty deep into their bones made them never think that there would be creatures that would dare to kill them.

You know, in the history of the dragon clan, once someone dared to provoke them, then the opponent’s entire race would perish.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, a dragon emperor fell in love with the imperial emperor’s woman and defiled it, but the angry emperor beheaded it.

Three days later, tens of billions of people up and down the entire empire, all died!

This is the majesty and dominance of the dragon clan.

Since then, no one dared to provoke them.

Wang Xian also knows this period of history through contemplation, so he has no mental obstacles to hunting down the dragons.

His essence is both a dragon and a human being.


With a low roar, Wang Xian swallowed the two dragon kings directly, looking at the frightened dragon clan members on the side, and swallowing them all with a move!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the breakthrough in level, because we have realized that the yin and yang polarities are the strongest phase of light and darkness, and the yin and yang polarities are further strengthened to strengthen the dragon body!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, the yin and yang poles strengthen the dragon god, and the ten thousand li dragon body is strengthened!”

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang and Five Elements Dragon

Level: Dongxu eighth level (the third change of Shenlong Transformation)

Long Jing: 13231233.112764 billion 100 trillion

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (Phagocytosis extracts dragon crystal)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: contemplating soul, possessing spirit, yin and yang, five elements, dragon eyes.

Dharma phases: the Five Elements Great Mo, the Dragon Kingdom in the palm, the world of the dragon head, the ten thousand li dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements bowl, and the dragon’s tail.

Own Dragon Palace: Level 3.

Dragon Palace members: 20133

When he swallowed all the dragons to play, the sound of the system sounded, and his body quickly grew bigger.

The original body of 500 meters quickly stretched to the point of 800 meters.

On the dragon’s body, the yin and yang patterns faintly flickered.


The powerful force made him let out a low growl.

“Huh, it took less than half a year to break through again, this speed is too fast!”

Wang Xian’s eyes were filled with excitement.

The Dragon Clan, as powerful as the Lord of the Continent, could also be hunted easily, which made Wang Xian full of excitement for the next promotion.

“Dragons, on the contrary, it has become the energy for me to level up!”

Wang Xian showed a confident expression, his gaze flashed through the eyes of Crystal Algae below.

He swallowed all the mature crystal algae, and the rest of the crystal algae was put into the naling bag.

At this time, all the immature Spirit Tree and Spirit Grass in his Na Ling Pouch can be planted in it after returning to the Dragon Palace!

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