Chapter 1674 Don’t Stop Extinguishing The Skylark Clan

“Disciple of Life and Death Pill Workshop, go out! Target the Fire Skylark clan!”

“Disciple of the Relic Forging Workshop, go out! Target the Fire Skylark clan!”

Two days after the disciples of the life and death medicine workshop and the holy relic forging workshop were withdrawn from Fengtian city, the main cities of the two major forces assembled again.

The assembly this time can almost be said to have come out in full force.

Nearly all the strong and weak of the two major forces set off.

“If you don’t put out the fire, the Skylark family won’t stop!”

“Kill them all!”

An angry roar came from the mouths of the two powerful forces and their disciples, and each of them showed excitement and murderous aura.

They raised their heads and looked to the front, the dazzling god-like medicine master suspended in the sky.

The strongest of the two forces, personally led the two forces on an expedition!

This time the two major forces can be said to have come out in full force.

“Set off!”

The two forces second only to the empire set out from their main city and flew quickly in the direction of the Fire Skylark clan.

The forces of the two sides eventually gathered at a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

There are a total of 200,000 people, tens of thousands of powerhouses of the hole virtual level!

The remaining 190,000 people are all no less than the 7th Transcendent!

This is the full strength of the two forces.

This strength can easily rule a large area such as a vast area.

“Hehe, now all the forces in the world think that the withdrawal of our Life and Death Pills and Sacred Artifacts Workshop represents surrender. It’s ridiculous!”

The face of the weapon owner who was exuding horrible fireworks showed a cold color, and said lightly towards the medicine owner.

“That mysterious killer organization is indeed very strong, disrupting some of our plans!”

The medicine owner’s eyes flickered, looking into the distance.

“It’s really a trouble. If they are hired by the Fire Skylark clan, it’s okay to say something, but if they are from the Fire Skylark clan, it’s a bit tricky. When the time comes, we will have to deal with it for a while!”

The host nodded lightly.

A killer organization that suddenly appeared, completely disrupted their plan.

They originally wanted to spend another half a year with the Fire Skylark clan, and they would do it directly after the Holy Fire clan left.

But the emergence of the mysterious killer organization made the two gritted their teeth and immediately decided to take action.

In these two days, they dealt with the Holy Fire Clan and the Demon God Tribe, and immediately led their disciples out. .

However, they did not take a killer organization too much in mind.

The big deal is that they personally took action with this assassin organization, two longevity strongmen and a assassin organization, few assassin organizations can withstand it.

The two big legions, the mighty 200,000 strong, quickly flew directly in the direction of the Fire Skylark clan.

And when the two top powerhouses in the mainland, the two masters of Life and Death Pill Medicine Workshop and Sacred Object Forging Workshop Medicine Master, announced their expeditions to the Fire Skylark clan.

When they led the legion to lead the army out, all the forces on the entire continent were shaken by it.

“Didn’t they just evacuated? Why are they out of the army suddenly now?”

“The weapon owner and the medicine owner went on the battle in person. It seems that this time, they are ready to completely decide the victory or defeat with the Fire Skylark clan!”

“With the strength of the two major forces, even if the Fire Skylark clan is extinguished, it will suffer heavy losses, right?”

The entire Transcendent Continent, large and small forces, received this news, with a surprised look on their faces.

But when I thought that these two forces had fought to the present, I felt relieved.

For their battle, all forces are paying attention.

Including the loss of two powerful forces.

After more than a year of fighting, the two forces suffered extremely heavy losses.

Life and Death Pills and Relic Forge are merchants, they don’t want to see this kind of loss.

Keep going, for them, it means losing all the time.

Possibly, this is their determination.

Moreover, some big forces also know that at present, there is no powerful force that will help the Fire Skylark clan.

Even if it is the holy fire clan, it will not.

Two longevity strong men have a strong advantage against a longevity strong man.

All forces can predict that next, there may be a tragic war.

“What? Two big forces are coming out of the nest and are rushing towards us!”

The news was quickly delivered to the fire skylark clan.

After receiving this information, everyone in the Huoyunque clan showed a solemn expression.

“It’s the ancestor, the news has been confirmed, the two major forces are now about 100,000 kilometers away from us, the medicine owner and the device owner are personally leading the army!”

“They are expected to come over early tomorrow morning!”

In Huoyun Mountain, all the high-levels of Huo Yunque gathered and reported to Fengyun Old Ancestor Hui.

“Are they the only two forces?”

Feng Yun frowned, her face full of dignity, and asked.

“According to our news, there are only these two forces, and no other forces have been seen. There is no movement in the Demon God Tribe!”

An elder said.

“Ancestor, the Demon God Tribe was completely wiped out by the Prince’s move at the time. Could it be the Demon God Tribe that put pressure on the two major forces!”

“Plus they are afraid that the Prince’s killer organization will enter their lair for assassination!”

Queen Huoyun guessed.

“It is possible, but there is another possibility, that is, the Demon God Tribe has been invited by them!”

The ancestor Feng Yun made the worst plan and said.

“The Demon Tribe is taking action? The Demon Tribe shouldn’t have to participate in this war, right? Their strength is comparable to the combination of the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Holy Artifact Forge!”

An elder frowned and guessed.

“Under normal circumstances, if there is no deep hatred with our Fire Skylark clan, there is really no need to help them!”

Feng Yun nodded slowly.

“Order to go down, let everyone exit the Volcano City and enter the Huoyun Mountain Range!”

Feng Yun continued to order: “We have to make the final plan!”

“Yes, ancestor!”

The fire skylark group of elders nodded immediately.

“Choo Choo Choo!”

A rush of Fengming came out from the Huoyun Mountain Range.

The fire skylarks, which were more than ten meters in size, stirred their flame wings and flew towards the Huoyun city.

In the city of Huoyun, there is an old clan standing.

“All Huoyunque disciples obey the order, take all their belongings, retreat to Huoyun Mountain, and prepare to fight tomorrow morning!”

A clan elder’s voice enveloped the entire Volcano City, making the entire city silent for two seconds.

“The disciple listens to the order!”

Inside the volcano city, a strong man with a fame and a virtual cave level was slightly startled, and he immediately responded loudly.

“All disciples, take everyone’s belongings and prepare to evacuate!”

“Retreat into the Huoyun Mountain Range, and prepare to meet the enemy tomorrow!”

A powerful man immediately executed the order.

At this time, everyone in the Fire Skylark clan showed shocked expressions on their faces.

They were a little surprised as they listened to the commands.

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