Chapter 1664 The real killer 1


“Let’s go!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm suspended in the sky, all the corpses were collected in the space ring.

He gave a soft drink and said to everyone in the Fire Skylark clan.

Now he beheads a group of core disciples of the three major forces and dozens of powerful ninth ranks, and within two days, the opponent will definitely retaliate wildly.

However, Wang Xian is happy to see this situation.

“It’s an adult, everyone will return to Volcano City immediately!”

The two elders of the Fire Skylark clan immediately responded respectfully and said to all the disciples.

“Go, go back!”

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, and immediately flew in the direction of Volcano City.

“What a strong strength, he is in the half-step longevity, I am afraid that he is also at the peak!”

The four ninth-level Dongxu experts of the Shenghuo clan looked at Wang Xian’s figure with shocked expressions, and glanced at each other.

All the faces of the holy fire clan are a bit ugly.

They started this life-and-death battle, and as a result, the two major forces directly set up an ambush here.

This is completely hitting the face of their holy fire clan.

But they must also swallow this tone. The Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Relic Forging Workshop can call out the Demon God tribe, and they are no longer afraid of their holy fire clan.

If it weren’t for the mysterious young people who suddenly appeared today, how many of their holy fire clan could escape, it might not be.

This made all of them very embarrassed.

“Let’s go, we’re flying faster. I didn’t expect that the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Holy Artifact Forge Workshop would actually work in this life and death ring. Don’t they fear the anger of the ancestors of the Holy Fire clan!”

When Wang Xian and the crowd approached the volcano city, a voice filled with anger and cold came suddenly in front of them.


The five figures flew towards this side at a terrifying speed. When they saw Wang Xian and the crowd, their figures obviously paused slightly.

“Old Clan!”

“Old Clan!”

A group of people looked at the five figures and hurriedly stopped and shouted respectfully.

“Huh, are you all right?”

The old man in the center looked at them all and let out a sigh of relief.

Just now they received a call for help, but they frightened Huo Skylark and the rest of the clans.

Although not too many people went to this ring battle, they were all strong people from the younger generation of Fire Skylark.

If people like them were ambushed, it would be a huge loss to the entire Fire Skylark clan.

“Huh? The Prince!”

At this time, a clan elder noticed Wang Xian’s figure, was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted to Wang Xian.

“Prince Prince!”

The other four clan elders also hurriedly greeted Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded towards them.

“Grandpa, grandma, thanks to Brother Wang Xian this time, otherwise we would be in danger!”

Huo Luo’er, who was standing beside Wang Xian, looked at the five clan elders and said with a smile on her face.

“Oh? It turned out that the prince made the shot!”

The five clan elders nodded slowly.

The crisis just now seemed to be resolved by Prince Wang.

“Yeah, Brother Wang Xian is amazing. One move has wiped out tens of thousands of the three major forces, and dozens of powerful ninth-ranked ones are also beheaded by one move!”

Huo Luo’er nodded heavily and kept talking.

“The three major forces?”

“Huh? Luoer, your strength has improved a lot?”

A clan elder showed a trace of doubt when he heard her words.

But at this time, another old woman looked at Huo Luoer, and suddenly asked in surprise.

“Hehe, too grandma, I am now an eighth-level powerhouse!”

Huo Luo’er’s ostentatious figure moved directly to the old woman’s side, and said somewhat proudly.

“Dongxu eighth order? How is this possible?”

When the five clan elders heard her, they all stared at Huo Luo’er.

The strength of the eighth stage of Dongxu could not arouse their shock, but Huo Luoer reached the eighth stage of Dongxu, which was a little unbelievable.

You know, she has just grown up!

It was the second order of Dongxu a few days ago, how can it be the eighth order of Dongxu now?

“Dongxu eighth order? This…this…”

Then in the rear, all the people of the Fire Skylark clan were shocked when they heard Huo Luoer’s words.

This made them think that Huo Luo’er instantly killed the life and death medicine pill workshop peerless Tianjiao Shui Lianhun in an instant.

At that time, everyone was shocked, but the outbreak of war made people temporarily pay attention to other places.

Thinking about it now, Huo Luo’er’s strength is indeed a bit terrifying.

“Hmph, Brother Wang Xian used Flame Soul to help me increase my strength to the eighth rank strong in the hole. In the future, I will also be a strong in the Fire Skylark clan!”

Huo Luoer raised her head and said with excitement on her face.

“Prince Prince?”

“Flame Soul?”

The five clan elders were taken aback for a moment, followed closely to look at Wang Xian.

They pursed their lips when they thought of the man in front of him, from the transcendent realm to the present half-step longevity.

That Huo Luoer’s promotion is really possible.

“A few of our clan elders feel a little respect for Lord Wang!”

“It’s a little bit, and the title is Prince Wang!”

“It’s also terrifying that he can raise Princess Huo Luoer’s strength to the eighth rank of Dongxu!”

“What is the identity of Lord Wang? What does it have to do with our Fire Skylark clan?”

A voice of doubt came, and everyone in the Huo Yunque clan was full of curiosity about Wang Xian and Huo Yunque.

One move destroyed tens of thousands, so respected by their clan elders, and saved their lives.

Anyway, this bull, they can blow for a long time.

“At that time, the high level of the fire skylark clan came to greet us personally, not deliberately embarrassing us!”

The four ninth-level Dongxu powerhouses of the Shenghuo clan looked at each other, and secretly said in their hearts.

“Let’s go!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, did not say much, and said directly to the five people.

“Yes Yes!”

The five elders of the Fire Skylark clan nodded immediately.

A group of people quickly flew towards the Huoyun City.

“Where is Senior Feng Yun!”

Entering the volcano city, Wang Xian asked the five clan elders.

“The prince wants to see the ancestor? Let’s take you there!”

The five nodded, and immediately said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, and immediately followed them towards the Huoyun Mountain Range ahead.

“Ancestor, Prince Wang wants to see you, we also have important things to report!”

After six people spent more than ten minutes, a clan elder shouted inside.

“come in!”

Feng Yun’s voice came, and Wang Xian and them immediately entered.


An old woman walked over and recounted what had just happened.

“What? The demon tribe of the Nine Gods Empire actually joined the two major forces”

On the way here, the five clan elders had already understood everything.

When they learned that the Demon God Tribe had sent people to support the two forces, their expressions also changed drastically.

Feng Yun also frowned, and sighed slightly.

“It seems that these two forces are trying to kill us!”

Feng Yun sat there, thinking non-stop in his heart.

“Senior Feng Yun, if the longevity powerhouses of their three forces join forces to attack, can the Fire Skylark clan be able to withstand it?”

Wang Xian sat aside, groaning.

“The three forces are united, and our Fire Skylark clan can’t stop it at all!”

Feng Yun shook his head bitterly: “The Life and Death Pill Medicine Workshop and the Medicine Master of the Holy Treasure Forging Workshop joined forces to attack. I have the confidence to resist one or two, but with the addition of the Demon God Tribe, it is absolutely not an opponent!”

“That is the demon god of the Nine Gods Empire, they have at least one Wanshou, and even…more!”

Wang Xian frowned slowly: “With the emergence of the Demon God Tribe, the two great forces are obviously not afraid of the holy fire clan. Then, we can only fight!”

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