Chapter 1657

“This is the magma lake in our volcanic city. The flames in it are very mild!”

“The central location is the podium, how about it, isn’t it beautiful?”

In Volcano City, Wang Xian followed Huo Luoer around the city.

Little Loli took him to the scenic spots in Volcano City and bought him some special foods.

Obviously the host entertains guests.

Wang Xian followed Xiao Loli with interest, strolling around.

“Princess, the arrogances of the holy fire clan asked me to come to you and say there is something to discuss!”

Just when Wang Xian and Huoluoer were strolling in the city for more than two hours, a young man suddenly came over and said to Huoluoer.

“Huh? What can I do?”

Huo Luo’er frowned slightly and asked towards the youth.

“Princess, it should be yesterday!”

The young man also frowned slightly and said.

“Are they really going to set the stage in the Fire Cloud Forest?”

Huo Luoer’s face was a little ugly and a little angry.

“Putting on the ring? What’s the matter?”

Wang Xian asked curiously when he heard what they said.

“Big Brother Wang Xian, yesterday we met a group of Tianjiao disciples from the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Holy Art Forge Workshop on the battlefield. At that time, the strength of the two parties was similar, and the Holy Fire clan were unwilling to do it at that time!”

“Obviously, the other party was also a bit afraid of the holy fire family, and did not make a move. Later, they said a few words about the life and death battle of the ring, but they did not expect that they actually set the ring in the station!”

“I can see that these people are not here to help us with all their strength, but to try and gain fame!”

Huo Luoer said with a displeased face.

“Putting on the stage of life and death?”

When Wang Xian heard Huo Luo’er’s dissatisfaction, he was taken aback and shook his head funny.

The confrontation between the two superpower groups turned out to be a life-and-death battle.

There are some trifling things, but if you fight for life and death, you can accept it.

“Big Brother Wang Xian, let’s go and take a look!”

As Huo Luoer said, she took Wang Xian’s arm and motioned to the youth.

The two came to a luxurious manor. When they first entered inside, they saw about a thousand young people from the holy fire family gathered together and talked.

“Princess Huoluoer, you are here!”

Seeing Huo Luoer’s arrival, several young people in Liehan Mountain immediately walked over with smiles on their faces.

“Liehan Mountain, what can you do if you call me over?”

Huo Luoer asked them with a smile.

“Regarding the battle, we have agreed with Jiang Xingkong from the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the Sacred Object Forge’s Jiang Xingkong Life and Death Medicine Workshop and the water ripples and the water ripples, and they have agreed to have a life and death battle in the arena!”

“How about going to the arena for life and death if you are under a hundred years old? You call the Tianjiao of your Fire Skylark clan, and let’s kill them together!”

Lie Han Shan said to Huo Luo’er with a smile on his face.

“That’s not good!”

Huo Luoer frowned slightly and said.

“Why not so good, in the arena, the battle of life and death, this can show the true strength!”

Lie Hanshan said confidently.

“Yes, if they were wiped out by us, it would be a big blow to their morale!”

Some young people from the holy fire clan around him echoed the Tao.

The holy fire clan came here, everyone knew very well, and left directly after half a year.

But they still have to participate in the war.

Holding the arena now can not only perfunctory war matters, but also become famous after beheading the enemy.

It’s totally killing two birds with one stone.

“We have already told the elders of the Fire Skylark clan about this matter, and they agree to this matter!”

“This time the battle of the ring, our Holy Fire clan will set up a battle on the sidelines, Huo Luoer, you can call the Tianjiao of your Fire Skylark clan!”

“Killing the enemy in the ring is also killing the enemy!”

At this moment, an old man came over, his eyes paused on Wang Xian’s body, and said.

He was very impressed with Wang Xian. When he first entered the territory of the Fire Skylark clan, the Fire Skylark clan left them in the cold and instead received a young man.

Later, according to their guess, it was the Fire Skylark clan who deliberately humiliated them, and this was dissatisfaction with them.

This makes them slightly annoyed.

But they didn’t say anything, this matter was due to their sacred fire clan’s injustice.

But they have decided that they can leave directly after the half-year period mentioned by the ancestors.

In this arena, all disciples of their holy fire clan should be trained.

“Okay, then I will tell us the Tianjiao experts of the Fire Skylark clan, when will they start the ring battle!”

Huo Luoer could only nodded and asked.

“Tomorrow, we have agreed on a time to fight tomorrow!”

Lie Hanshan looked at Huo Luoer: “Tomorrow, I will let sister Huo Luoer see my true strength!”

“We also want to see the strength of Life and Death Pills and Sacred Forge Tianjiao!”

Around, some young people from the holy fire clan said proudly.

As the family of the founding general of an empire, they must enter the army.

If they can become famous in this battlefield, it is also an honor for them.

“Well, I believe that you can kill the Quartet at Liehan Mountain!”

Huo Luoer nodded towards him, and then left with Wang Xian.

“Princess, do you want me to inform all the strong talents of our young generation!”

Walking out of the manor, the young man with them said towards Huo Luoer.

“You tell this matter to Brother Xu Xingcan and Brother Huo Mingtu, they will organize it!”

Huo Luoer ordered to the youth.

“It’s a princess, I will notify the two young masters immediately!”

The youth nodded, and immediately walked in the other direction.

“Sister Huo Luoer, will you also go to the ring battle tomorrow?”

Wang Xian looked at some precocious Huoluoer beside him and asked.

Compared to Huo Luo’er, who was naive and ignorant three years ago, her changes now are simply too great.

It may be that this war has made her mature a lot earlier.

“Of course, I also want to kill the enemy, now I am a strong second-tier hole, and few people at the same level are my opponents!”

Huo Luoer said firmly, “My two brothers were killed in this war, and I want to avenge them!”

Wang Xian looked at her with a firm expression, and when he heard her words, his heart moved slightly.

He did not expect that the two sons of Queen Fire Skylark would have died in this war.

“Little sister Huo Luoer, come, follow me!”

Wang Xian touched her head and led her to his place of residence.

“Huh? Brother Wang Xian, what are you taking me to do?”

Huo Luoer looked at him and asked curiously.

“Help you improve your strength, the second-order hole is weak, you are still too weak!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

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