Chapter 1645: A Family Of Noble Guests (1)

The situation of the Huo Lark clan was even more dangerous than Feng Luan knew.

“It should be the Fire Skylark clan who doesn’t want Fengluan to worry so much. If a subordinate can do this, it can be said to be loyal and undivided!”

Wang Xian sighed slightly in his heart.

After Fengluan was killed, they directly chose to go into hermitage, but now that Fengluan is back, they sacrificed their lives for the great cause of the female emperor.

Such a loyal race is rare.

“It seems that we can’t waste time!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart, and with a movement, he turned and flew towards Huoyun Mountain.


“Everyone, go up, take the Nine Gods airship and quickly rush to the Huoyunque Huoyun City!”

At this moment, in the front position, above the holy fire clan, directly appeared in the airship 100 meters in size.

The light on the airship flickered, exuding a powerful formation. Although the entire airship was small, it contained terrifying energy.

“Nine Gods Airship?”

Wang Xian looked over curiously.


“Fast speed!”

When everyone from the Holy Fire clan entered the airship, the airship flew forward at a terrifying speed.

This speed is not weaker than Wang Xian.

“This should be the top airship of the Nine Gods Empire!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart and stood there for a while, until the airship disappeared from sight, he flew in the same direction.

Huoyun Mountain is tens of thousands of kilometers away, and it would take several hours to reach it by flying.

“This is a completely destroyed city!”

Wang Xian was flying in the sky and found that there was a destroyed city below, the huge city, completely in ruins.

In the city, the blood had already dried up, and some corpses had decomposed.

Passing through two or three cities in a row, all became ruins.

There are still some people in the ruins of some of the cities.

The whole area is extremely tragic.


Six hours later, huge flame mountains appeared in sight.

Hundred kilometers in front of Huoyan Mountain, there is a huge city.

It is piled up with fire-red rocks, and the entire city is completely shrouded in fire.

In the sky, dozens of fire skylarks with their wings spread out over a dozen meters were hovering in the sky.

Every fire skylark exudes a violent aura, at least the eighth stage of the hole.

At this moment, the entire city was completely closed.

This is the first city that Wang Xian has ever seen that has not been destroyed.

At this time, in front of the city, there was a group of people floating.

Wang Xian saw that he was a member of the Shenghuo clan.

He hesitated and flew directly to the gate of the city.

“What are the fire skylarks doing? We will not open the city gate immediately after we arrive?”

“We still need to confirm our identity, it is really troublesome, but we are here to help them!”

There was a voice of impatience.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the sound of the door opening came.

More than a dozen old men and women in fire-red robes walked over quickly.

“All of you of the Holy Fire clan are really sorry, because the Mask Killer organization sneaked into Fire Cloud City two days ago and killed many of our members, so we had to close the city!”

“I am so sorry that all those who entered have undergone rigorous investigations!”

An old man walked over and said apologetically to everyone in the holy fire clan.

“Okay, let’s go in. Our holy fire clan will come to these people for the time being. After a while, there will be more than five hundred strong virtual caves coming!”

The old man at the forefront of the Holy Fire clan said lightly.

“Okay, please among the holy fire clan!”

The old man of the Fire Skylark clan frowned slightly and motioned.

“who is he?”

At this moment, a faint voice sounded at the rear of the Holy Fire clan.

A young man stared at Wang Xian standing aside, looking up and down.


As for the youth, a group of powerful people from the Fire Skylark clan stared at him immediately, their fiery red eyes locked on Wang Xian.

“Everyone, in Xia Wangxian, come to support the Fire Skylark clan!”

Wang Xian saw that the powerful Huo Yunque clan staring at him, smiled and walked a few steps forward.

At the same time, a token was taken out from the space ring.

“A hairy boy came to support the Fire Skylark clan? He really laughed out of his teeth!”

The young man who was looking at Wang Xian was slightly taken aback when he heard his words, and said with a smile.

“This is?”

However, the old man at the front of the Fire Skylark clan stared at the fiery red token and was slightly startled.

“This son, please, please, please inside!”

The old man bowed slightly, with a trace of awe on his face, and immediately walked to Wang Xian’s side and said to him.

“What’s the meaning?”

The two ninth-level Dongxu strong men of the Shenghuo clan saw the old man respectfully welcoming Wang Xian, they were slightly taken aback, and slowly frowned.

“Bring everyone from the holy fire clan to the Fire Cloud Hall!”

“This son, please inside!”

The old man said to the other powerful fire skylark clan, leading Wang Xian to walk inside.

Wang Xian smiled and followed closely.

When he came to the Fire Skylark clan, it would naturally not happen that the Fire Skylark clan would not recognize him.

He has a token given to him by Feng Luan, called Huo Yun Ling!

Holders of this token, except the town clan ancestors do not need to treat it respectfully, everyone else must be respectful.

It can be said that this token represents the presence of the ancestors of their town clan.

“This old man, please inform your ancestor Feng Yun, and say that I, Wang Xian, is here!”

Wang Xian entered the city, glanced around, and said directly to the old man.

Huoyun City is located on a volcano, and the temperature of the entire city is very high.

It is a holy place for practitioners of the fire attribute.

“Prince prince, why don’t you wait in the Fire Cloud Hall, I will inform the ancestor?”

The old man was shocked when he heard Wang Xian directly calling the ancestors of their town clan.

If Wang Xian didn’t hold the Huoyun Ling in his hand, he would directly call their ancestors by his name.

“Well, yes!”

Wang Xian nodded, and the old follower flew towards the rear of Huoyun City.

“Prince prince, please take your seat, and I will immediately notify the ancestors!”

The old man took Wang Xian to the huge Fire Cloud Hall and said, pointing to the frontmost position.


Wang Xian nodded.

A famous maid came over immediately and poured a cup of tea.

“Huo Lieguang, where are you going? Didn’t you meet the strong of the holy fire clan?”

“There is a prince named Wang Xian holding a Huoyun Ling, and now he wants to see the ancestor, I will report to the ancestor at the Huoyun Mountain Palace!”

“What? Huo Yunling? Lie Guang, you are here with the prince. We will go over and inform the ancestor!”

Wang Xian picked up the tea cup, heard the exclamation from outside, and immediately saw the old man walking over again.

“The prince, our clan elder is going to inform the ancestor, I am here to accompany you to wait!”

Huo Lieguang smiled and said to Wang Xian.

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