Chapter 1637 Counterattack The Vast Area (2)

“How can this be…”

An exclamation came from the middle-aged’s mouth.

“That’s it? That’s the powerhouses in our vast area? God, the five old men in front are the ancestors!”

“Why are they so embarrassed, and their faces are so embarrassing, why the 120,000 legions when they went there are only more than 60,000 now!”

“What happened? Is it because we lost half of the people in our vast area in order to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty?”

“If I remember correctly, when I went there were six ancestors, but now there are only five, my God, could it be…”

At this moment, a cry of exclamation came from the surroundings, and everyone looked at the powerhouses passing by the vast area with shocked faces.

Their eyes widened, and their eyes were filled with weirdness.

“Unexpectedly, our expedition to a flowing sea area in a vast area would cause such a great loss!”

Seeing the disappearance of all the strong in the vast area, an old man frowned and said.

“Yes, it seems that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is really not simple, it can cause such a heavy loss to our vast area!”

“A small area, being able to beat the strong in our vast area like this, is dead and no regrets!”

“Hmph, I really didn’t expect that the small Liuhai area could cause heavy losses to our vast area.”

Around, some people were talking in surprise.

I was shocked by the loss of the powerful in this expedition in the vast area.

For the strength of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, he was very surprised.

“The vast area, our Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is back again, hahaha!”

“Dare to invade us across domains. Today, we will fight back and let all the forces in your vast area pay a heavy price!”

However, half an hour later, on the beach and in the city, all the people in the vast area were discussing the return of the powerful people in the vast area.

Suddenly, a roar full of fury and excitement came from the direction of Beiliuhai.

The sound covers a radius of hundreds of kilometers.


Everyone in the city and the beach was stunned for an instant, and everyone looked in the direction of Beiliuhai in a stupefied manner.


When they saw the familiar giant beast, each of them widened their eyes, their bodies trembled, and their faces were full of shock.

The flag of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty fluttered wanton in the sky.

Tens of thousands of powerful men exuding a strong evil spirit stood on the giant beast, staring coldly at the ground ahead.

Compared with the last time the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty came, this time, it was full of violent and murderous spirit.

“The people in the lower city will listen to me. It won’t be long before the owner of this land will belong to our Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. Wait to surrender!”

The giant beast came to the top of the city, and a domineering voice came towards them.

Wanton, arrogant, confident!

Everyone opened their mouths slightly when they heard this sentence.

“I… the strong in our vast area did not return triumphantly at all, but was beaten back!”

“Also, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty in the Liuhai area has been killed, my God!”

Everyone looked at this scene with disbelief.

From the beginning to the end, they never thought that the strong in the vast area would fail in the Liuhai area.

Even if the army of 120,000 came back with only 60,000, even if it came back early, they didn’t think about it.

Because in their opinion, the vast area is invincible, and it is easy to set off in a flowing sea area.

No one thought it would end this way.

Nowadays, their vast area has not only returned in a big defeat, but a group of strong men of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty have even counterattacked.

Thinking of this result, everyone was in an uproar.

“It is very difficult to destroy the three major forces, but this time, we have to completely gain a foothold in the vast area and occupy at least half of the area!”

“Now go to the He Clan first, let the He Clan’s Information Department move, and then we will wreak havoc in the vast area for a few days!”

Standing in the forefront position, Wang Xian had a clear understanding of what happened within the eight months of his resurrection.

Although the Wuji dynasty was enemies with them, it was somewhat unexpected to Wangxian, but the help and refuge of the He and He Sui tribes made him very gratified.

He has a good relationship with He Yuan, and he doesn’t want to turn his head against each other.

“Okay, then let’s go to the Ho clan first!”

Feng Luan nodded, her face was brilliant.

This time they counterattacked, it was a huge leap for the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

Lan Qingyue made Xiaolan fly towards the land of the He clan.

He family, holy tree.

From the He and He Sui tribes joining the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty camp to the Wu Ji dynasty’s action, the entire He and He Sui tribes were plunged into great distress.

Especially in the last few days, when they heard that all the powerhouses in the vast area except them had gone to Liuhai area, some people were even more panicked.

At this time, the two big clans, millions of people all gathered around the holy tree.

This makes the whole He family extremely crowded.

All the He and He Sui people are also sad.

“Hey, I don’t know what the situation of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is now. Once they are destroyed, then we…”

In a wooden house on the sacred tree, a group of high-level He clan and a group of powerful He Sui clan sat in the room, frowning and sighing.

In the whole room, the atmosphere is very solemn.

“Leave it to fate, everything is our own choice, but we didn’t consider it at the Life and Death Pill Workshop and the Holy Art Forge Workshop, so that the Wu Ji Dynasty took the initiative!”

The patriarch of the He clan shook his head helplessly.


“Huh? What sound?”

“So familiar voice!”

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

The upper level of the two clans in the room was slightly startled, and immediately flew towards the outside.

He Yuan, who was in the sacred tree, also flew out of the room directly.

“He Yuan, everyone in the He clan, long time no see!”

He Yuan just flew out, and the high-level He and He Sui clan also just flew out, and they heard a very familiar voice.

Around the entire He clan and He Sui clan, millions of people all raised their heads and looked into the sky.

Because Xiao Lan’s speed was too fast, the He Clan hadn’t reacted just now.

Everyone looked at the young figure on the giant beast, and they were all taken aback.

“This…this… Brother Wangxian, are you still alive? Are you still alive?”

He Yuan looked at the familiar voice and couldn’t believe it.

The entire vast area knew about the death of the demon, and he was still alive now.

Who can believe this?

“Of course, I haven’t conquered the entire Transcendent Continent, how could I die!”

Wang Xian smiled faintly, his figure moved and flew towards the position below.

Feng Luan and Lan Qingyue immediately followed behind and flew down.

“The demon is still alive, the Queen of Dragon and Phoenix and the wild goddess are there!”

The high-level members of the He and He Sui tribes saw them flying over, with a trace of excitement on their faces.

As long as they are still there, they will have backing.

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