Chapter 1626

“All the disciples of the Sole sect follow the orders, follow me to the Liuhai area, destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and leave no one!”

Within the ruins of the Kingdom of God, a murderous voice resounded abruptly throughout the sky, and the ruins of the Kingdom of God, within a range of thousands of kilometers, were all clearly heard.

“This is the voice of the domineering leader, what is the purpose of the Solipsmatic Sect?”

For an instant, everyone in the ruins of the Kingdom of God was taken aback, with a look of error on their faces.

Everyone looked in the direction of Wu Ji Dynasty together.

“The order of the disciples!”

At this moment, in the east, a disciple of the so-called sect flew directly into the sky.

The people in the ruins of the Kingdom of God quickly turned around and looked at them, with shocked expressions on their faces.

All the disciples of the entire egoist sect have arrived. There are more than 20,000 elite disciples, and each of them exudes a terrifying aura.

Especially in the foremost position, there are more than two thousand strong people of the hole virtual level.

After these eight months of fighting, these strong men represent all the strength of the solipsism.

“All the disciples of the Southern Royal Clan are psychic, follow me to the Liuhai area, destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, let them know that small Liuhai areas, dare to provoke us, the consequence is self-destruction!”

Just when everyone in the ruins of the Kingdom of God was shocked by the Solipsitarian, the voice of Nangong Jianghe from the southern royal family followed.

The voice was also full of rage and anger.

“Follow the ancestor’s order!”

At the southern imperial clan of the ruins of the Kingdom of God, a powerful man also flew directly into the sky.

Similarly, more than 20,000 strong men and disciples responded loudly.

“Solipsism, Southern Royal Clan, are there any more…”

Inside the ruins of the Kingdom of God, looking at the two terrifying legions on the east and west, there was a shocked expression on his face.

They murmured, and suddenly there was a guess in their hearts.

“Eight months ago, the lord of the Liuhai region, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasties, came to our vast region to initiate war. Eight months, the entire vast region was wiped out and blood flowed into rivers.”

“Today, my Wuji Dynasty decided to let the blood-stained Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty pay the debt!”

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty fled to the Liuhai area not long ago after hearing that our Wuji Dynasty had interfered with the turmoil in the vast area!”

“Committed crimes in our vast area, plundering countless resources, and now wanting to escape directly, is it really a bully in our vast area?”

“Today, our Wuji Dynasty, united with Solipsism and the Southern Royal Family, decided to send troops to Liuhai area to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty to prevent them from making a comeback!”

Soon, the doubts and guesses in everyone’s hearts were solved.

The Lord of Wu Ji Dynasty directly suspended in the sky, and the righteous and vast voice spread throughout the ruins of the kingdom of God.

Everyone was shocked!

A few days ago, everyone had some premonitions since the Wuji Dynasty’s court reported that the Lord of Wuji was dissatisfied with the war in the vast area and condemned the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

Now it’s finally true.



At this moment, in the east-west direction, everyone from the Solipsism and the Southern Royal Family flew towards the sky above the Wuji Dynasty.

“My God, you see, that is the Supreme Protector of the Solipsism sect. There are seven strong men of the eighth rank of the hole, and all the strong men behind are riding the Sky Sparrow!”

“That is the Southern Imperial Clan’s Howling Skymarked Wolves. The 100 Howling Skymarked wolves are all of the fifth rank of the cave, and all the riders are strong men above the fifth rank of the cave!”

“The position in the rear, even those who are not strong at the hole-village level, are the top battle groups in our vast area, the domineering battle team, and the invincible battle group!”

“The power of the Wuji Dynasty is the most powerful, the shadow lion, the most powerful subsidiary race of the Wuji Dynasty, the shadow lion and monster clan, thousands of shadow lions, it is simply too domineering!”

The eyes of everyone in the ruins of the kingdom of God were all concentrated on the three major forces in the vast area.

They raised their heads and looked up, their hearts filled with shock.

It can be said that the top strengths in their vast area, the weakest are also the Transcendent Ninth Tier.

They just hover in the sky, giving people a great pressure.

In normal times, any force can make the vast area tremble three times by hiding its feet. Now the three superpowers are united, it is conceivable!


“Expected to the vast area, ten days later, we will return in triumph!”

A strong self-confidence, and a sound of righteousness sounded, and the figures flew towards the front of the Wuji Dynasty army.

Of the three teams, the most powerful is the army of Wuji Dynasty.

There are nearly 50,000 strong people, about twice as many as the Solipsoids and the Southern Royal Clan.

During these eight months, the neutral Wuji Dynasty did not suffer any loss, but its strength increased a lot.

The power of the Wuji Dynasty nowadays is only a little weaker than the Solipsism and the Southern Royal Clan combined.

Wuji Dynasty has become the strongest superpower worthy of the name.

“All the forces that follow the battle, keep up immediately!”

The figure of the Domineering Master suddenly appeared in front of the Solipsmatic Sect, shouting in a cold voice.

“The vast area, all the strengths above the second-rate, all go with us!”

The ancestors of the Southern Royal Family also gave a soft cry.

“Haha, the Academy of Life and Death Pills and Sacred Artifact Forging Academy are playing together, smile to see that some of the life and death strength is destroyed!”

“The Blue Wolf faction is ready to fight!”

“The Green Mountain Sect is willing to fight one hundred thousand kilometers for the vast area!”

One by one, the sects and dynasties that had known the battle information for a long time led all the strong to fly over.

They came to the rear of the three superpowers, without the slightest surprise in their eyes.

The news that the three superpowers are uniting and preparing to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, they have learned about it in the past two days, and they are already prepared.

The only surprise was that he was planning to go to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, destroy it directly, and set off for the Liuhai area.

But this did not affect them much.

With the combination of the three superpowers and nearly all the powers of the powerful in the vast area, wouldn’t it be easy to destroy a Liuhai area?

If they can’t even beat the Liuhai area, they are really in vain as one of the ten largest areas in the vast area.

You know, the area of ​​their vast area and the number of strong people are more than ten times that of the vast area.

“All forces, go with us!”

The Lord Wu Ji glanced at everyone in the rear, showing a trace of strong confidence on his face.

About 120,000 people, the lowest rank 9th Transcendent, the hole virtual level, plus monsters, reached more than 10,000.

In the entire vast area, all ninety percent of the hole and virtual powerhouses gathered.

“Set off!”

There was a trace of ferocious excitement on the face of the sole master teacher, and he roared wildly.



Everyone responded immediately.

Each monster beast, feeling the strong will to fight, let out a roar.

The army of 120,000 people quickly flew in the direction of Liuhai area.

At their speed, they can arrive in five days.

According to Wuji Dynasty, they returned triumphantly after ten days, which is that they did not put the Liuhai area in their eyes at all.

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