Chapter 1612 The world is shocked (4)

The demon fell!

The ancestor of Feng Chi has fallen!

The fall of the two top powerhouses, coupled with the action of the wild goddess, has destroyed more than half of the place where Solily Sect was founded.

All in all, this wedding today must shake the entire vast area.

“Brother Wang Xian said he will come back, is he not dead!”

At the location of the He family, He Yuan muttered while looking at the sky where the black hole had disappeared.

“This is impossible. Wang Xian has indeed lost all his vitality. Even the strong in the realm of longevity cannot be resurrected under such circumstances!”

The elder of the He family shook his head and sighed slightly.

“The Solivarian sect thought it was very powerful and directly killed nearly 100,000 people who were cured by Pastor Wang, but did not expect Pastor Wang to be so crazy!”

“To fight for life, this time the solipsism has lost terribly. It is ironic that a proud young master wants to fight for a woman and put the entire solipsism into crisis!”

“The people of the Southern Royal Clan are miserable enough. They also walked in this muddy water. It’s a pity that they can’t steal the chicken. Hundreds of the Southern Royal Clan’s strong and core disciples were beheaded!”

At the side position, the people of Wu Ji Dynasty were talking with smiles on their faces.

The weakening of the Solipias and the Southern Royal Clan is something they are very happy to see.

As they said, their eyes swept across the entire Solipsitarian sect, and they left directly.

“Let’s go, if the demon really falls, as the wild goddess said, she will come back for revenge, and provoke the wild goddess who possesses mystical energy like a strong man, the only me sect will have a hard time coming!”

Some forces hesitated, looked at the dilapidated solipsism, and left immediately.

After today, the strength of the Solipiacratic sect has been greatly lost.

One of the two strong sects fell, and they also provoke the powerful wild goddess. The solipsism in the future is very likely to fall.

All the forces left, leaving behind hundreds of thousands of disciples inside and outside the door of the Solipsmatic Sect.

The Domineering Master was hovering in the sky with a gloomy face, breathing a bit shortly as he watched the collapsed mountains.

The main peak also fell, and only more than twenty peaks stood in the distance.

Bing Fa Wu and Bing Jinghuan stood in a dazed place, their eyes in a trance.

They Bingxin Dynasty married Ling Jian’er to Solipsism in order to get more benefits.

As a result, the Bingxin dynasty was destroyed. Originally relying on the solipsism, they still had the hope of restoring the country.

Now, even their backers, even the solipsism they have always wanted to please, have now been killed by the devil.

If at first…

It’s a pity that it’s not as if it was at the beginning.

“It’s over, it’s completely over!”

They knew that the Solipsmatic Sect no longer cared about them, the Bingxin Dynasty, it was over, they were also completely over!

“I blame Aotian Young Master, if it weren’t for him…”

This voice sounded again around the Solipsoid sect.

If it weren’t for Young Master Aotian for coveting beauty and forcibly taking Pastor Wang’s sweetheart, things would not have fallen to this point.

At the side position, Aotian’s body trembled a little when he heard such words, his face was extremely embarrassing.

Because of a woman, solipsism was almost destroyed.

“Madam Devil, why do I feel that my heart is beating fast, as if to break free from my body, my Devil does not want to die!”

“Hurry up and go to the ruins of the Kingdom of God, the demon boss arranged for his men to wait for me there, and my heart is still there!”

At this moment, when the magic brake that followed Lan Qingyue appeared ten thousand meters away through the black hole, it screamed in fear.

When fighting just now, he told Lan Qingyue to leave as soon as possible because of this reason.

That dark heart seemed to break free from his body at this moment and flew away.

If this f*ck just flies away, wouldn’t he be dead!

This made Mocha almost cry.

“What arrangements does Xiaoxian have?”

Lan Qingyue asked the Mosha blankly.

“Originally, the demon boss ordered that after his fall, let me take the Jianer girl to the ruins of the kingdom of God, and then escort them to the Liuhai area!”

“Once the mission is completed, the demon boss will return the heart and give me freedom. Now the demon boss, do you think?”

Mocha said bitterly toward Lan Qingyue.


Lan Qingyue nodded, targeting the ruins of the kingdom of God.

“Look, what is that in the sky?”

“Has something changed within the ruins of the Kingdom of God?”

When the black hole appeared above the ruins of the Kingdom of God, some people felt a wild aura coming, with shocked expressions on their faces.

“Dragon Palace disciple, come here quickly!”

Xiao Lan’s huge figure slowly appeared, Lan Qingyue suspended in Xiao Lan’s mouth, and shouted directly below.

“It’s the Queen of Dragon!”

In a manor of the Kingdom of God, all the members of the Dragon Palace raised their heads, looking at the little blue in the sky, a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

“Dragon Queen?”

“This seems to be, like a wild goddess!”

Sect Master Ling also raised his head, and his face was shocked when he saw the black hole in the sky and the terrifying behemoth.

“Sect Master Ling, it is our Dragon Queen, we will go over immediately!”

The civil servants of the Dragon Palace screamed at Sect Master Ling, and immediately flew into the sky.

“I know, that is the wild goddess, that behemoth is the behemoth of the wild goddess!”

“What a powerful behemoth, this is too strong, what is that black hole?”

Around, there were shocked voices, and everyone in the ruins of the kingdom of God looked towards the sky.


Sect Master Ling flew into the air and saw Ling Jian’er’s figure, with an expression of excitement on his face.

“Meet the Dragon Queen!”

All members of the Dragon Palace flew into the sky and immediately bowed to Lan Qingyue.

“Back to Dragon Palace!”

Lan Qingyue said, a black hole appeared again in front of her.

“Madam Devil, give me my heart first!”

The magic brake on the side clutched his chest and said bitterly.


At this time, Xiao Lan entered the black hole and disappeared directly, leaving all the people in the ruins of the Kingdom of God with shocked faces.

Appeared again, appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away.

“I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it, my heart belongs to the demon boss, now it wants to run, hurry up, give me my heart, the demon boss, please!”

The magic brake roared loudly.

Lan Qingyue looked at the members of the Dragon Palace nearby.

“Dug out the heart of our Dragon King, this heart is for you!”

Ao Yao took out the heart of Mocha and handed it to him.


Mo Sha gritted his teeth, looked at the position of his heart with a black face, closed his eyes and dig out it directly.


When the Heart of Light and Darkness was dug out, it instantly flew towards the Dragon Palace in the Liuhai area.

Lan Qingyue stared at the flying heart with a smile on her face.

“My task has been completed, I can go now!”

When Mosha saw his heart return, he breathed a sigh of relief and said.


Ao Yao nodded, relying on Dragon King’s instructions to return his heart to him!

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