Chapter 1610 The world is shocked (2)

“How is this possible, how can this be? How could the mistress of the Wild Sea be the wife of a demon!”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must be an illusion!”

The Domineering Master and Fengqi Patriarch, as well as everyone in the Solipsmatic Sect, all stared at this scene with incredible expressions.

They can’t believe it, can’t believe it!

They thought that the arrival of the wild goddess would help them solipsism.

But now, the wild goddess is the wife of the gods, and looking at the love between the two, what will the consequences be?

Everyone can imagine.

“Ahem, my goodness, I thought the end of the demons was coming, now…”

Everyone around him also looked at him with shocked faces.

The arrival of the wild goddess, they thought it was the end of the gods.

But he didn’t expect that the wild goddess turned out to be the woman of the gods.

They were also talking about the behemoth of the wild goddess just now, which one is more powerful than the demon. It is generally believed that the behemoth is more powerful.

But now looking at that 10,000-meter behemoth, he kept rubbing against the body of the demon as if to please.

This f*ck, there is a feeling that the demon is the father of the giant beast.

Think about it, too, the wild goddess is the master of the giant beast, mother-like existence, that day the demon is its father-like existence.

Son and dad, what is comparable?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but twitched.

“I thought Xiaolan would go home after improving some strength, but I didn’t expect to meet Xiaoxian here!”

“Your injury is very serious, and the next thing is left to me. I have been away for the past two years because I don’t want to hold you back and want to fight alongside you!”

Lan Qingyue nestled gently on Wang Xian’s body, and said with some excitement.

“The peerless battle in the vast area has become a husband and wife encounter, a large-scale show of love scene, hehehe!”

At the location next to him, Mosha also looked at this scene with a stunned face, but he shouted in a very good mood.

He didn’t expect that the demon boss was so awesome that even the wild goddess was his wife.

Have to admire.

When the solipsism and Nanhuang Jianghe around heard the words of the wild goddess, their faces showed embarrassment.

“I know the situation in my body. Today, I must suffer a bodily injury. You take Ling Jian’er back to the Dragon Palace!”

Wang Xian said towards Lan Qingyue.

“Body damage?”

Lan Qingyue’s face changed drastically, and a terrifying murderous aura slowly emanated from her body: “Xiaoxian, I will kill them for you!”

“Hehe, killing one is enough!”

Wang Xian shook his head and waved his arm to draw Ling Jian’er from a distance.

“Wang Xian!”

Looking at Wang Xian, Ling Jian’er was worried. She wanted to stretch out her hand, but when she looked at Lan Qingyue, she still didn’t have the courage.

“Qingyue, protect her!”

Wang Xian said towards Lan Qingyue, his eyes slowly looking at the domineering master and Fengqi ancestor in the sky.

“Qingyue, help me stop the domineering leader, I will kill another person!”

Wang Xian said with a murderous face.

“It’s Xiaoxian, don’t worry!”

Lan Qingyue nodded solemnly, she had sensed Wang Xian’s determination.

It can also sense that the blood in his body is rapidly disappearing.

Even if she knew that Wang Xian could still be resurrected in the Dragon Palace, her heart was still full of anger.

The aura of being a strong man was completely exuded.


Feeling the murderous aura of Wang Xian and Lan Qingyue, a wild aura on Xiaolan’s body directly flooded the surrounding area.

“Haha, today, my king immortal will definitely be injured by your solipsism sect, but before I am injured, I will also take one away, and I will also cause your solipsism sect to suffer heavy losses!”

“I want you to pay a heavy price for what you do!”

Wang Xian stared at the sole master and the old man, with a wild smile on his face, and the killing intent on his body quickly climbed!

“Today, we will take some interest. Soon, I, Lan Qingyue, will annihilate your solipsist sect!”

Lan Qingyue stood beside Wang Xian, shouting with the same cold eyes.

“Lunatic, this lunatic, utter lunatic!”

Everyone from the Domineering Headmaster, Fengsi Patriarch, and Solips Sect heard the words of Wang Xian and Lan Qingyue with embarrassment on their faces.

Especially Wang Xian’s death ambition, even if it is a physical injury, one must be taken away.

This is not a lunatic, and absolutely can’t do such a thing.

“The Heavenly Demon Fruit is really a taboo, once it is used, it may die!”

“It should be like this, the demon is really crazy, it’s completely desperate!”

“If the gods do not die today, they will be the most powerful forces in the vast area in the future!”

Around, there was a voice of discussion.

“Haha, kill!”

At this time, a wild and murderous voice sounded.


Wang Xian immediately turned into a one hundred and fifty-meter five-element dragon, and directly attacked the ancestor Fengqi.


Lan Qingyue took Ling Jian’er’s hand and shouted with an angry face.


A terrifying howl came from Xiaolan’s mouth.

Feeling the master’s anger, its huge body hits directly towards the sole master.

“Wind, be careful!”

The Domineering Master looked at the Heavenly Demon and the Wild Goddess with an extremely embarrassed expression, and shouted loudly.

The battle broke out again.

But this time, it was completely one-to-one.

“The five elements are great mill, obliterate!”

Wang Xian roared, completely locked onto Feng Chi’s ancestor.

Feng’s ancestor has been injured now, and his strength is less than half.

Wang Xian also had injuries on his body, but he was confident that he would behead Feng Lao Ancestor before he was injured.

“Asshole, asshole!”

The ancestor Feng Xi looked at Wang Xian, who was fighting towards him, with a trace of horror in his eyes.

This demon wants to die with him.

But he doesn’t want to die!


An extinguished energy swept across, and Wang Xian’s body rushed towards the ancestor Fengqi.

“help me!”

Seeing the desperate look of the demon, the ancestor Feng Lai immediately fled towards the distance, shouting at the domineering head teacher.

“Kill me!”

The Domineering Master didn’t have time to pay attention to Feng Lao Ancestor. He waved his arm when he looked at Xiao Lan, who was rushing towards him.

A wave of terrifying wind spears directly attacked Xiao Lan’s body.

A series of wind spears entered Xiaolan’s body, but only broke a dozen meters deep.

Compared to its 10,000-meter-long and 2,000-meter-wide body, this injury is completely negligible.

“It’s terrifying defense, even in my peak period, it’s hard to kill it!”

The Domineering Master saw the wound on Xiao Lan’s body and his face sank.

“If you want to escape, stay here for me, bondage!”

From a side position, Wang Xian’s icy voice came, and the Five Elements Great Mill came to the sky above Feng Lao Ancestor.

The strongest binding force of the five elements traps them.

His body rushed over, and the sharp dragon claws grabbed it directly.

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