Chapter 151 Going Home (First!)

“Brother, after four or five years, the head of Tang said that I will inherit the position of head of the Thorns School. Would you like to be the head of the thorns?”

“You like to be defensive, just to prove that there are things to the people below to deal with, don’t the head of Tang also hand all things to the deputy head of Lei? Then there will be the assistant of the deputy head of Lei, and there should be nothing. Big problem.”

“But I seem to be only twenty-three or four years old at that time, isn’t it a bit too young to convince the crowd!”

“The ancient martial arts world respects martial arts, you have such strength at a young age, but others will respect you more…”


“Then you don’t want to be it, it can be improper!”

In the early hours of the morning, Wang Xian and Xiao Yu smiled and talked as they walked towards the parking lot of the Thorns School community.

Listening to his brother’s final answer, Xiaoyu pouted dissatisfiedly: “But I also want to be the head. I want to be a hero and lead the Thorns School to become the most powerful school. Then, I am the famous Xiaoyu from the ancient martial arts world. God of War, hehe~”

Xiaoyu said, as if she was dreaming of becoming the head of a generation in the future, leading the Thorns faction, and becoming the goddess of war.

Wang Xian smiled: “Well, if you want to be a female war god, then you have to work hard. If you practice, I have a way to make you reach the innate realm as soon as possible.”

“Really, brother?” Xiaoyu asked with bright eyes.

“Well, half a year, half a year should be able to reach the innate realm.”

Wang Xian smiled at Xiao Yu and said, as dragon people, Wang Xian can make them reach the innate realm from an ordinary person in a hundred days, but Xiao Yu does not have the blood of a dragon after all. It is completely enough for him to cultivate his base to reach the innate realm in half a year.

“Half a year!” Xiaoyu opened his mouth slightly, then nodded heavily, showing a firm look on his face.

Wang Xian looked at Xiaoyu’s fighting spirit and smiled.

“Let’s go home the day after tomorrow.” Wang Xian said towards Xiaoyu.

“Well, Sister Li’s wedding is on October 3rd, and Uncle Zhang’s house will have a banquet!” Xiaoyu said with a smile.

In the car when they got in, the middle-aged driver will start the car and send them back.

“It’s really lucky this time. The thorns will rise in the future, and the more benefits we will receive!”

“That girl’s talent is really terrifying, saint, you have to respect that girl in the future!”

“I know my father.”

“Thanks to that girl this time, you were able to join the Thorns faction and practice hard in the future.”

“The identity of the saint’s elder brother is not simple. He can even communicate with the half-step innate head of Tang. In the future, she will find a way to get close to the saint. She is the future head of the Thorns School!”

In the position behind Wang Xian and Xiao Yu, the rest of the crowd followed ten meters away, watching the saint and her brother enter the vehicle, and the middle-aged people said to their children.

A group of people from the Song family followed in the crowd. They glanced at the young girl who entered the car, their eyes full of awe.

“Your grandfather asked us to please the saint. The thorns will respect the saint in the future, and it is best to please the brother of the saint!”

An old man glanced at the surrounding clansmen and said slowly.

“The saint’s brother, that genius doctor?” Song Aowen frowned slightly.

That young man was just a few years older than him. At the beginning, Song Aowen was considered a genius. Now a girl appeared to suppress him directly, which made him feel uncomfortable. He had nothing to say to please the saint, but that young man didn’t. It’s necessary.

“Your grandfather is in charge of the information department of the Thorns faction. According to some information from your grandfather, he believes that the brother of the saint is much more terrifying than the saint. Do you remember the performance of Jiangcheng Sanxiu and the rich tonight?”

Song Aowen was stunned, frowning slightly.

“Your grandfather suspects that the saint’s brother not only possesses strong medical skills, but also has terrifying strength. Of course, these are all guesses, but just showing it can already make us in awe.” The old man continued.

Song Aowen lied slightly and nodded slowly: “Second Grandpa, I know what to do.”


The old man nodded slowly.


When I arrived in Jiangcheng, the time had come almost one o’clock, the door of the dormitory had been closed, and Wang Xian and Xiao Yu opened a room separately.

In this situation, Wang Xian considered whether to buy a house.

Once the idea came out, I couldn’t restrain it. If there is a house by the sea, I won’t need to stay in the dormitory in the future.

Moreover, he rarely goes to school now, and it is a little inconvenient for many things in the dormitory.

If you want to go to the sea, just go out directly.

In addition, the relationship between Guan Shuqing and Guan Shuqing in the dormitory is nothing at all. If it is outside, in a separate house, hehehe!

Wang Xian thought about it, and laughed obscenely. After all, he is also 20 years old, and sometimes his underwear will get wet when he sleeps.

Quack quack!

A sea-view room would cost at least tens of millions in Jiangcheng, but now he can afford it.

The day before the eleventh holiday is also the last day of military training.

At the end of the military training, the school held an orientation party. The program of the party was not bad, but both Wang Xian and Xiao Yu were not in high spirits.

Xiaoyu has now acquired the technique of cultivation and started her cultivation path.

Seeing her practice of forgetting to sleep and eat, Wang Xian was also a little speechless.

On the first day of the holiday, Xiaoyu drove Guan Shuqing home, and then the two drove towards the house.

Fenghu County, Pengzhou City is their hometown, adjacent to Xianfeng Lake, is a small county with nice scenery.

The pink Bentley drove into the county seat and aroused many people’s surprise.

This kind of luxury car is almost hard to see in the county.

The car came to the northern part of the county seat, which was very close to Xianfeng Lake and was surrounded by fields.

There are 70 or 80 households in this row.

Because it is far from the center of the county, it is not an exaggeration to call it a rural area.

The road is fairly flat, with trees planted by the people on both sides, and poplar trees are more than ten meters high.

In summer, some idle women like to enjoy the shade under the shade of trees, play mahjong, play chess, or chat.

Looking at the surrounding plants and trees, Wang Xian felt cordial.

“What a beautiful car!”

When the pink Bentley was driving on the road, people in the shade around him looked over with surprise.

“This…this b-shaped car logo is that…that…Bentley, yes yes, I heard that this car is worth millions.”

“Hey, you can buy a few houses in the center of the county for millions of dollars.”

“It’s a dead end, which relatives are they from?”

“Who of us has such a rich relative.”

Under the suspicious gazes of the surrounding people in the shade, the car stopped in front of the door of the only one-story house.

A teenager and a teenager walked out of the car.

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