Chapter 1496 The dragon among the people (3)

On the birthday party venue, Dumujiang gloomily stared at Dumu Dazhuang’s back, and walked toward him with a calm face.

In the rear, Gongsunning and the crowd looked around, with a faint smile on their faces.

They didn’t care too much, as this Du Mujiang said that Gongsun Ning didn’t even know him.

He can only be regarded as a little brother’s little brother, and his brother’s friend will not be someone with a background.

It was easy to get the fierce beast cub from their hands.

A crowd of people followed Dumujiang and walked forward leisurely.

Around, from time to time, a famous young man greeted Gongsun Ning respectfully.

Gongsun Ning, dressed in red, became a small focus in the entire banquet hall. Some people looked at him from time to time and talked quietly.

“Brother Wang Xian!”

At this time, Du Mu Dazhuang, who walked quickly towards Wang Xian’s position, felt his brother follow behind him, speeding up with embarrassment, and shouted at Wang Xian.

“Huh? What’s the matter? Wasn’t it quite enjoyable just now? Why, I was stared at by the pervert?”

Wang Xian joked with a smile looking at the somewhat flustered single tree.

“Brother Wangxian, don’t be kidding, Xiaoguai hurry over, my brother wants Xiaoguai to leave, I didn’t agree, he’s coming here!”

As Dumu Dazhuang said, Xiaoguai jumped directly onto Wang Xian’s body and squeaked.

“Huh? Your brother!”

Wang Xian squeezed Xiaoguai’s belly, raised his head, and looked towards the rear.

“The single tree is strong, I see if you are itchy!”

At this moment, Dumujiang’s voice came.

This made Du Mu Da Zhuang shrink his head, and turned his head with a smile on his face: “Brother, this beast cub is really not mine!”


However, it was Du Mujiang who greeted him with a slap on the head.

Dazhuang Dazhuang didn’t dare to speak, and stood aside with a grin.

“You are a dead thing, what friends can you have!”

He said with a frosty face, looking towards the front position.

“Ha ha!”

However, when he met Wang Xian’s smile, his face suddenly stiffened and changed constantly.

“Why, you still want to grab my things?”

Wang Xian looked at Dumujiang faintly.


Dumujiang swallowed, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

He remembered the things on the airship very clearly. The young man in front of him was definitely not something he could provoke.

For a while, Dumujiang’s expression kept changing while standing there.

“Du Mujiang, what are you kid doing?”

From behind, there was an impatient voice.

Du Mujiang turned his head and looked to the rear, walking over with a little embarrassed expression on his face.

“Big Brother Zhou, Young Master Gongsun, that fierce beast cub belongs to that young man, he is very strong, I…”

Dumujiang said a little hesitantly.

“All right!”

Gongsunning waved his hand towards him and walked straight towards Wang Xian’s position.

The young man on the side glared at Du Mujiang fiercely, full of dissatisfaction.

“This son, in Xia Gongsunning, I don’t know if this son’s little pet can cut love, I can buy it at a high price!”

Gongsun Ning raised his head slightly, walked to a position about five meters in front of Wang Xian, and looked at Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

“You can’t afford it!”

Wang Xian glanced at Gongsun Ning and said lightly.


The little guy on the side glared at him, and opened his teeth and claws.


Gongsun Ning was taken aback for a moment, with a look of error on his face, and then laughed.

“Hehe, this young man would really be joking, I can’t afford it? Are there things that my Gongsun Ning can’t afford?”

He smiled, his face slowly cooled, staring at Wang Xian.

“Not for sale!”

Wang Xian drank a cup of tea and said lightly.

“Boy, our grandson grandson wants to buy your things to give you face!”

“Report a price, don’t know what is good or bad!”

The young people behind Gongsun Ning saw Wang Xian’s direct rejection without mercy, and threatened him with cold faces.

Wang Xian had no birds at all, so he took out a spirit stone and placed it in front of Xiaoguai.

“Kaka, bang!”

Xiaoguai bit the spirit stone and made a crisp sound, like a silent mockery.

Du Mu Dazhuang saw this scene with a bitter look on his face.

Even his mother’s He clan young master and the forest fairy princess Wangxian brothers are not birds, let alone these few people.

However, Wang Xian ignored him, but Gongsun Ning’s face became colder.

He narrowed his eyes slightly to stare at Wang Xian, and walked over slowly.

The young people on the side followed closely behind, staring at Wang Xian with cold expressions.

“Brother, is it so shameless?”

Gongsunning slowly walked to a position one meter in front of Wang Xian, staring at Wang Xian condescendingly, and looking down coldly.


Wang Xian glanced at Gongsun Ning indifferently, and said coldly.

“Hehe, interesting, no one has ever dared to tell me to get out, then, what if I don’t get out?”

Gongsunning showed a sharp smile on his face, staring at Wang Xian blankly.


Upon hearing his words, Wang Xian gently put down the tea lid in his hand.


A gray fist appeared directly on Gongsun Ning’s chest, and bombarded him.


Gongsunning’s face changed drastically, and the sharp pain in his chest made him spit blood out of his mouth, and his body flew backwards.

“You dare to attack Young Master Gongsun Ning!”

“court death!”

The faces of the young people behind Gongsunning changed drastically, and they hurriedly reached out to take them towards Gongsunning.

However, the powerful force caused their bodies to recede back.


A group of people went back to a table ten meters away and made a noise, which attracted the attention of the people around.

“Huh? What’s the situation?”

“It seems that there has been a conflict, it is Gongsun Ning’s son!”

“Young Master Gongsun Ning unexpectedly vomited blood, who hurt him? Who has this strength?”

The people around were slightly startled, and looked over here with surprised faces.

“You…you dare to attack me!”

Gongsun Ning wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling ashamed by the crowd around him watching.

“you wanna die!”

With a movement of his qi and blood, he directly attacked Wang Xian.


With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a gray energy attacked Gongsun Ning again at a terrifying speed.


Gongsun Ning, who had just rushed over, didn’t even react, and was directly hit in the chest again.

A powerful force caused blood to spout from his mouth again, and his body flew backwards.

This time, it fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes widened, his expression filled with disbelief.

He is Gongsun Ning, the whole He clan has a radius of more than 100,000 kilometers, except for the young master of the He clan, he is the first arrogant who deserves it.

Now he was easily defeated!

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