Chapter 1486: Here, No One Dare To Reject Me

“Here, no one dares to reject me!”

A cold voice sounded, and He Feng stood there, staring at Wang Xian coldly.

“Hi, Master He Feng? What’s the matter?”

“Master He Feng and Princess Yao Yao what are they doing here?”

“It seems that the demon demon is the main thing, others disagree!”

“There are still people here who dare to disagree, this…he still wants to mix here?”

In the surrounding locations, some people took a breath when hearing He Feng’s words, and looked over here with shocked faces.

He Feng, what these two words represent in the entire He family forest, everyone knows clearly.

This is the core disciple of the He family. Although he is not as famous as Young Master He Yuan, he cannot be underestimated. He is definitely the leader of the He family of this generation.

Here, no one dared to refuse He Feng.

Unless, you don’t want to mix here anymore.

Some people around looked towards this side, and Lin Yaoyao frowned slightly when he saw how powerful He Feng looked.

But she didn’t stop it either. She was also uncomfortable with Wang Xian’s indifferent refusal.

“This this…”

When Du Mu Dazhuang heard He Feng’s words, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and hurried to Wang Xian’s side.

“Big brother, uncle, He Feng, young master of the He clan, this is their homeland!”

Du Mu Dazhuang reminded Wang Xian anxiously.

“Master of the He family, are you planning to buy and sell?”

Wang Xian looked at the anxious single tree Dazhuang, shook his head, and said faintly.


He Feng’s face sank when he heard Wang Xian’s words, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“It seems that you don’t give me He Feng face?”

He Feng’s face was sullen, his eyes staring at Wang Xian with chills.

Wang Xian ignored him, brewed a cup of tea without rushing, and tasted it there, looking at the sculptures carved in his hands.

The atmosphere immediately solidified.

The cold sweat on Dazhuang’s forehead was getting more and more, and he wiped his face anxiously.

He Feng’s face slowly became embarrassed.

The young master of his own dignified Ho clan was questioning him, this guy actually poured a cup of tea leisurely.

This f*ck…

It’s a silent humiliation!

This changed He Feng’s expression in embarrassment.

It is impossible to do it. As a famous top power in the vast area, the He family has its own rules.

What do outsiders think of Ruuohe Young Master here relying on his strength to bully ordinary people at will?

Here, even if he is the young master of the He clan, he cannot bully the weak in public, let alone murder!

Lin Yaoyao and all the girls behind her were shocked when they saw this scene.

This guy didn’t even give the Young Master He’s face.


“Okay, very good, I have written this down!”

He Feng smiled sensibly, and looked at Wang Xian deeply: “I hope you, don’t regret it!”

He said, turning around and leaving with embarrassment.

When the crowd around heard He Feng’s threat, their pupils shrank slightly, and looked towards Wang Xian with some sympathy.

“This kid is really sturdy, but to offend Master He Feng, it’s almost a death!”

Some people secretly said in their hearts, silently watching He Feng, who left in anger.


Lin Yaoyao saw that Wang Xian didn’t even have He Feng, so he let out a cold snort and left directly.

Yuan Xun’er followed behind with all wrong faces.

“It’s over, it’s over, Brother Wang Xian, you’re going to be over, maybe even me are over!”

Seeing He Feng leaving with anger on his face, Du Mu Dazhuang said anxiously, walking around the shop non-stop.

“Brother Wang Xian, I think you should run away quickly, otherwise you are really finished!”

“He Feng will not deal with you in the public, but it is too easy to deal with you secretly, you should run away!”

He said, sitting opposite Wang Xian, and said.

“It’s okay, don’t worry!”

Wang Xian shook his head when he saw him spinning around in a hurry.

“How can I not be in a hurry…”

“It’s getting late, go back and rest!”

Wang Xian stood up and walked outside indifferently.

“Brother Wangxian, you…”

Du Mu Dazhuang looked at Wang Xian in astonishment, with a face full of helplessness.

He has seen it, and he has a real personality.

Du Mu Dazhuang hurriedly packed his things and followed Wang Xian.

I kept nagging and nagging along the way.

“Help me check where that guy lives!”

At a location not far in front of the sacred tree, He Feng walked inside with a gloomy face.

He spoke coldly to the two young people behind him.

“He Shao, do you want us to get rid of him directly!”

The two young people behind said with murderous intent in their eyes.

“What do you say?”

He Feng glanced at the two indifferently: “I said, no one here dared to reject me. The end of rejection is death!”

The cold voice surprised the two young people.

They nodded immediately: “Don’t worry, Shao Shao, we know what to do, but the guard is there…”

“It’s okay, just say I want you to do it!”

He Feng didn’t care at all and said directly: “This matter is handed over to you, I want to enter the sacred tree, and report to me on my seventh brother’s birthday!”

As he spoke, he walked straight into a door that seemed to be entwined with life, and entered inside.

The two young men stopped there and looked at each other after seeing He Feng’s back disappear.

“Called the two strong men who took refuge in He Shao!”

“It’s the first time I have seen such a guy who is looking for death. He Shao is angered. He wants to kill him. He wants to kill him like an ant!”

“There are always ants looking for death, what can be done? After today is over, He Feng can’t remember this ant at all!”

The two said, walking towards the outside position.

The He family has absolute control over the entire He family forest.

If the He family wants to find someone here, it will take less than an hour to find one.

When the sky darkened, countless fireflies in the He Clan Forest illuminated the whole world.

The night in the forest of the He family is like a dreamy fairy tale world.

The place where Wang Xian lives is a very high-end place in the forest of the He clan.

The daily rent requires 100,000 medium-grade spirit stones.

The house is located three hundred meters in the air. The house is built in the middle of two trees, which is very beautiful.

Du Mu Da Zhuang is also alone in a house. He lives in this luxurious room under the light of Wang Xian.

“Master He Feng has a large number of masters and will not take revenge!”

“I will get revenge!”

“No revenge!”


In the large room of the single tree, he held a flower in his hand, plucked one petal by one petal, and said something in his mouth.

Growing up in a good family, he knows the minds of some young masters. If he is offended, he will deal with it secretly if he can’t do it on the spot.

He picks petals one by one.

“I will get revenge!”

“Hmm, no? No, right? I must be wrong. I won’t take revenge, I won’t take revenge!”

His mouth was trembling in the house.

Late at night, not far away, four figures looked over here.

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