Chapter 1482

“will not?”

Yuan Xun’er was stunned, and his face slowly became embarrassed.

will not?

She had seen it with her own eyes just now that this young man quickly sculpted an exquisite statue with his hand as a knife, but now she said no.

What does it mean?

“My son, I don’t want to carve if I don’t want to. As for saying no?”

Yuan Xun’er said to Wang Xian with a calm face and some anger.

“Not willing!”

When Wang Xian heard her, he said lightly.


Yuan Xun’er’s face turned black when he heard these three words.


She snorted and turned away with a flushed face.

This is the most unkind young man she has ever seen. She has some doubts whether the other party is blind.

“Huh, it’s true that things are gathered by kind, and people are divided by groups!”

Lu Lianjin saw Wang Xian annoyed Yuan Xun’er with a full face, looked at the single tree Dazhuang beside him, said disdainfully, and immediately walked inside.

“Hehe, this Xiongtai really has a personality!”

Seeing Yuan Xun’er leaving in anger, the single-wood master showed a smile in his eyes, swaying the feather fan in his hand, staring at Wang Xian with blinking eyes.

The five young men standing beside him also raised their eyebrows and stood behind the single wooden master.

Du Mu Da Zhuang on the side saw the look of his elder brother, his face changed slightly.

“Big brother, I saw Miss Xun’er wanted to talk to my brother, and deliberately let him talk like this. Isn’t it, isn’t it to not disturb you, big brother?”

He talked to the young man alone.

“Go away, disgusting thing, did I talk to you!”

When the single wooden master heard what he said, he relentlessly said in disgust.

This made Dumu Dazhuang smiled wryly, and did not continue to speak.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has seen this attitude.

“Brother, let’s discuss something!”

The single-wood son looked at Wang Xian, his mouth slightly cocked.


Wang Xian looked at him lightly and said blankly.

“You, immediately carve a statue for me, the statue of the beautiful woman just now, besides, go and apologize to her!”

The single-wood master stared at Wang Xian with a smile, and said lightly.

“You big brother, is there a problem with your brain!”

When Wang Xian heard him, he looked at the single tree Dazhuang on the side.

Du Mu Dazhuang’s face changed slightly when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Ahaha, Brother Wang Xian said that I have a problem with my brain, indeed…”

“Tell me again!”

Dazhuang Dazhuang slapped haha ​​and said loudly, but when the boy on the side heard Wang Xian’s words, his face immediately became cold.

They stared at Wang Xian sternly.

Behind him, the faces of the five youths also became cold, and a long sword appeared in their hands.

“Go away, don’t challenge my patience!”

Wang Xian swept over the six of them indifferently, without any emotion on his face.

“Grass, who do you think you are, I tell you, do what our son said, otherwise, you won’t be able to eat and walk around today!”

The long sword in the hands of a young man standing behind the single tree man pointed at Wang Xian and shouted sharply.


However, when the long sword in his hand was just raised and aimed at Wang Xian, the long sword in his hand was actually slowly splitting and falling towards the ground one by one!


The young man was taken aback for a moment, his face full of consternation.

“Who is doing it here!”

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came, and an old man in cyan clothing appeared beside them.

The old man stared at the long sword in the young man’s hand, raised his brow slightly, and his gaze swept around.

“grown ups!”

Seeing the figure of the old man, the young masters of the single tree, their complexions changed drastically, and they shouted in horror.

The old man ignored them and looked at Wang Xian.

“No hands are allowed inside the airship!”


Wang Xian nodded.

He knew that the entire airship was shrouded by the formation, and when he mobilized any energy here, it was under the surveillance of the formation.

This kind of formation is artificially controlled, and Wang Xian’s magical power without formation can’t avoid it.

Therefore, at the moment when he mobilized his energy, he was discovered by the old man in front of him.

The old man’s strength is inferior to Tier 4, not weak, but still far from him.

“Good guy!”

The old man nodded towards him and said with appreciation.

Judging from the mobilization of energy just now, at least the first-order peak of Dongxu, he admired Wang Xian’s cultivation at such a young age.

“You guys, if you want to die, I will just throw you down, roll back to your place, don’t move!”

Immediately afterwards, the old man looked at the whole group of Master Dumu and said coldly.


The single-wood master was taken aback for a moment, and said with an embarrassing expression.

But seeing the old man’s indifferent look, he swallowed the words in his mouth quickly, nodding his head in a little panic, and walked into the airship.

At the same time, his eyes flickered, and he swallowed with a bit of horror, thinking of the old man’s attitude towards him and the young man just now.

Thinking of the sharp sword just now, there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

“The strength of that young man is absolutely strong, it is possible…”

He sank in his heart and guessed with embarrassment on his face.

“My sword, this is an extraordinary ninth-order sharp sword, just now it was directly…”

At this time, the young man’s distressed voice came from behind, causing the young man to take a deep breath.

“Damn it!”

He clenched his fist and cursed inwardly, returning to his position with a sullen face, not daring to leave.

“Damn, Damn, Brother Wangxian, Brother Wangxian, the adult just said that you are not bad!”

“Directly scold that bastard Dumu Tianwen, and that sword…Big Brother, are you Tianjiao, are you a Tianjiao of Dongxu level?”

Du Mu Dazhuang on the side saw his brother leaving with an extremely embarrassing expression. After seeing the old man leave, he let out an exclamation.

“Is that your eldest brother?”

Wang Xian did not answer his words, and asked him.

“Huh? Yes, a dad, hehe, is Brother Wang Xian curious about the relationship between us!”

“My mother is a maid, a very cliché story, having a relationship with my father gave birth to me!”

“Although I am also from the Dumu family, I am not welcome, and I barely have a name. Brother, you have also seen it. Those guys don’t give me face!”

Du Mu Dazhuang said with a smile.

“Then you are not angry?”

Wang Xian looked at him curiously.

“Angry, I was angry at first, but after listening to my mother, I was not angry at all!”

“My mother is from an ordinary family, because the carving skills are good and work in the single-wood family. If there is no such bloody story, my mother will marry a very ordinary man!”

“If my mother marries an ordinary man, then I will be the kid of an ordinary family, and there may even be no me!”

“So, this is a good thing for me. Although my bullshit brother and some young disciples look down on me, Laozi is also a well-known figure with a background in Nanling City!”

“Don’t run around for some other things, desperately, I’m already very satisfied!”

Du Mu Dazhuang said very optimistically.

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