Chapter 1479

“I didn’t expect that Master Wang Xian was here to find a girl!”

“It seems that Lord Wang Xian has a very close relationship with that girl, otherwise we won’t find our vast area from the Liuhai area!”

“The Ruthless Swordsman Sect is going to recruit disciples in ten days. Do you want to send some disciples over to participate in the assessment?”

In the evening, a group of forces came out of the Ruthless Swordsman Sect and talked in a low voice.

Today’s banquet was beyond their expectations.

They did not expect to invite them to come, just let them help find a woman.

“After going back tonight, immediately dispatch all the power to find!”

The leaders of a group of forces secretly said in their hearts.

They can’t slack off because of the ruthless Kendo Sect’s better attitude.

On the contrary, a terrorist force that can destroy the Great Sky Sword Sect in a short period of time, they have to take it to heart.

If you can really help that adult find someone, it will be of great benefit to their entire force.

After all the forces returned, they used all their strength to start searching.

For a time, within a thousand kilometers, every city and even in the wild, people from various forces searched for a woman.

Even the portrait is posted at the entrance of the city, once someone finds it, he will get a terrible reward.

This reward is even comparable to the reward for completing the diamond-level items of the employment club.

Once you have a clue, you can also get a lot of rewards.

This made everyone within a thousand kilometers a little crazy, and a mighty search for Ling Jian’er began.

And one by one news spread to the position of Ruthless Sword Sect.

Half a month later, Wang Xian sat helplessly in the ocean at the lowest end of the mountain, looked at the dozens of documents in front of him, and sighed helplessly.

According to the information from the major forces, Ling Jian’er had indeed come to the vast area and appeared around.

But now there are no people. After half a month of searching, the entire area can be said to be three feet of digging.

There are only two possibilities now, one is that Ling Jian’er is in a closed place, and the other is that it is no longer here!

Wang Xian closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Now Ling Jian’er’s matter has become his heart disease. If he doesn’t find it back, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Time flickered, and after another half a month, he came to the vast area for a whole month.

For a month, there was still no news.

“Huh, I can’t wait any longer!”

Wang Xian took a breath, stood on the top of the peak, and looked down.

Below, there are now a hundred more disciples, and these are all disciples recruited by the Ruthless Sword Sect.

Each one is outstanding, and several golden swordfish teach them the ruthless kendo.

Of course, this ruthless kendo is not a complete version, but a very rough ruthless kendo.

The power of ruthless kendo lies in their ruthlessness when they fight, without emotions and desires, only confrontation.

This makes their perception of heaven and earth, the use and condensing of swordsmanship more than ten times that of ordinary people.

Coupled with their tempered sword heart, it becomes the strongest way to kill.

The Golden Swordfish mainly taught them to control the seven emotions and six desires, although they could not reach the level of true ruthless swordsmanship.

But it can also greatly increase the attack power.

“Ao Jian, Ao Yao!”

Wang Xian flew directly down from the top of the peak and said lightly below.

“Subordinates are here!”

Two figures appeared in front of Wang Xian, bowing respectfully.

“I’ll leave the business to you here. I’m going to another place. I won’t be back for a while!”

Wang Xian said to them, “I have left the matter here to you and two civil servants!”

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The two nodded.

Wang Xian didn’t say much, but with a movement, he flew out of the ruthless Sword Sect and galloped towards the east.

The matter here was handed over to Ao Jian Ao Yao and two civil servants, and he was very relieved.

They know how to develop next.

Fly towards the east, and soon a continent appeared in front of him. Wang Xian took out a map and looked at the information on it.

“The He family is located in the ancient wood forest, half a million kilometers away from here, even if it is flying at full speed without sleep, it takes 20 days.”

“With the strength of the He clan, except for the three superpowers, there are people from them in the rest of the world. If you let them help you find them, it would be much better than finding them yourself!”

Wang Xian looked at the map and continued to fly towards the east.

The entire vast area is too huge, if you let him find it slowly, you might not find it for a lifetime.

It’s better to have any clan to help than to find it alone.

As Wang Xian said, he accelerated some speed and flew quickly.

It has been flying for more than a thousand kilometers and entered the vast wilderness.

Compared with the Liuhai area, the wild area in the vast area is more dangerous.

The strength of the wild beasts is very high, and the beasts of the hole virtual level occupy a field.

The resources of the Hanhai area are incomparable to those of the Liuhai area.

Take the Ruthless Kendo Sect within a thousand kilometers, there are two more famous areas.

There, you can obtain treasures that are useful for cultivation, and the value is not lower than that of transcendental seventh, eighth, or even higher elixir.

The trees in the entire vast area are also taller and bigger, and giant trees five to six hundred meters high can be seen everywhere.

There are a lot less humans in the wild, and Wang Xian is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and no one can see it.

In order to hurry, Wang Xian didn’t stop at all in the middle of the journey, and all used it to hurry.

Ten days later, he had already traversed a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers. In front of him was a city affiliated with the He clan. Wang Xian did not hesitate to fly over.

“There is an airship heading to the ancient wood forest within the He clan’s affiliated forces. By riding the airship, you can save yourself from detours!”

Wang Xian thought for a while, came to the city gate, and walked straight into it.

The airship is an item created by a legendary god from the Nine Gods Empire.

Large airships can carry thousands of people, and small airships can carry hundreds of people.

The value of the airship is very high. Fortunately, the airship will be guarded by the strong to prevent attacks from monsters and beasts.

In vast areas, where driving far, most people will choose airships.

Safe and not slow.

Wang Xian came to the only place in the city to take the airship, paid a generous amount of spiritual stone, and waited at the side position.

Like airplanes on Earth, airships have a fixed time to take off.

“I didn’t expect the birthday party of Young Master He to be so big, inviting the Tianjiao disciples of the He clan and all the affiliated forces of the He clan.”

“I heard that Patriarch He held it so little to celebrate his birthday and his cultivation to the second rank of Dongxu!”

At this time, a place not far from the side suddenly heard a word that made Wang Xian very interested.

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