Chapter 1477 Feast

“Hey, Ruthless Sword Sect, they actually established the Ruthless Sword Sect!”

“With the strength of this group of people, after its establishment, it has become a second-rate top force!”

“Look, when fighting just now, none of the two hundred swordsmen died. They have always been expressionless, cold, indifferent, and ruthless Sword Sect. They deserve the name!”

“To entertain all the forces within a thousand kilometers? What are they going to do? To declare their existence and make people surrender? Or to recruit disciples, or to let other forces confess to them?”

When Wang Xian’s voice sounded, all the family forces around him took a breath of air and talked with shocked faces.

However, in some cities with a radius of several hundred kilometers, upon hearing Wang Xian’s voice, shocked expressions appeared on each of his faces.

The Heavenly Sword Sect was destroyed!

The forces that have stood here for thousands of years have been annihilated!

What’s more, this ruthless Sword Sect actually invited all the forces in a radius of a thousand kilometers, what are they going to do?

The family families in the city and some sect dynasties showed surprise on their faces.

However, a force that can even be destroyed by the Heavenly Sword Sect, they invite a force with a radius of a thousand kilometers, who would dare not come?

All forces, including those dynasties, must send people over.

“Go, let’s go!”

Wang Xian looked at the entrance of the Qingtian Sword Sect, and flew towards the inside with a movement.

However, when he was halfway through the flight, his gaze swept across the powers on the right, hesitated for a moment, and continued to fly inward.

“Huhu, I didn’t do anything. Fortunately, this adult let us go. Fortunately, fortunately!”

“When the adult came over just now, I thought we were going to die, ooh, almost scared me to death!”

“Fortunately, that lord has a lot!”

When Wang Xian and a group of golden swordfish entered inside, the clansmen of the Li family had a feeling of being left behind.

Just now, the patriarchs of their four forces attacked Ren Xingchen.

If that adult really cares about them, they will be dead!

“It seems that the adult of the Ruthless Sword Sect is not so cruel, but he looks so young. Did he take any medicine?”

Some strong people in the family line around whispered.

“Let’s come over in three days, I think it shouldn’t be a bad thing!”

The people of the family family took a deep look at the mountain.

Now this mountain has been renamed, and it is called Ruqing Kendo Peak!

“Ao Yao, you lead your men to search the entire mountain and bring all the treasures over!”

“Ren Xingchen, come prepare for the banquet in three days!”

Wang Xian ordered them towards them.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

In the void, Ao Yao led a group of his men to search for treasures in the mountains.

The entire mountain peak is huge, the boundary of the mountain is about 3,000 meters, and the most important thing is the height.

From the sea, it is only 2,000 meters high, but in fact it is more than 20,000 meters high.

The bottom of the sea is also of this mountain.

The location of the bottom of the sea isolates a field with a formation method, and the bottom is dotted with gems, making the entire bottom of the sea dreamlike and extremely beautiful.

After all, it is a powerful force with two Seventh-Rank Experts who have stood tall for more than four thousand years.

It is not comparable to the previous blood dynasty.

The most spectacular of the entire mountain peak is the location of the seabed.

“Dragon King, we have established the Ruthless Sword Sect, should we recruit disciples?”

Ren Xingchen hesitated for a moment, and asked towards Wang Xian.

“Recruit, according to the normal sect development, the banquet three days later, tell all the nearby forces!”

“In addition, the main thing is to mobilize all the surrounding forces to find Ling Jian’er!”

Wang Xian said with blinking eyes.

When deciding to destroy the Great Sky Sword Sect, Wang Xian prepared to use this place as a stronghold for the Dragon and Phoenix Empire to enter the vast area in the future.

In addition, the establishment of a powerful force can enable forces within a thousand kilometers to help find Ling Jian’er.

Kill two birds with one stone.

“It’s an adult, I’m going to prepare now!”

Ren Xingchen nodded and left immediately.

Three days later, he must prepare a banquet for the forces with a radius of a thousand kilometers.

Wang Xian swept his eyes around, from the mountain peak to the position of the sea.

Immediately after, he flew towards the position on the seabed below.

There is no sea water under the isolation of the formation, and there is a totally different cave under the sea.

Moreover, in the lowest position, there is a submarine spiritual spring, which is not the small spiritual spring discovered by the Dragon Palace, but a large one.

A large spiritual spring, completely locked by the formation, created a sacred place for cultivation in the lower position.

Cultivating in the places where the spiritual energy is densest is more than twenty times faster than the outside world, and it is also a rare place for cultivation.

Wang Xian came to the Library of the Qingtian Sword Sect and looked at them curiously.

There are all kinds of books in it, and watching these books can give him a deeper understanding of the vast area.

In the next two days, the entire vast area was close to Beiliuhai, with more than fifty cities and five third-rate forces.

Such a dense and powerful force does not exist in the Liuhai area.

When all the forces learned that the Ruthless Sword Sect had destroyed the Great Sky Sword Sect and were about to hold a banquet in three days, the whole area became lively.

One after another, the powers are talking about it.

But that day in Beiliuhai, he saw the ruthless Sword Sect destroy the Qingtian Sword Sect’s family disciple with his own eyes, and introduced them to the surroundings with excitement.

Regarding the shuffle of the strongest forces nearby, the rest of the forces can only watch and obey in silence.

Who makes their strength weaker.

On the third day, the forces rushed towards the ruthless Sword Sect.

There are five third-rate strengths, and there are 30 other large and small families, sects, and dynasties.

Different from the Liuhai area, humans are concentrated in the vast area, which is also to better fight against the fierce beasts.

The real wild area is also very large, and it is possible that there is no city in a radius of several thousand kilometers, only the beasts galloping freely.

“I heard that the strongest person in the Ruthless Sword Sect is a young man, surely it is a young man, not an old man taking a special pill?”

“Who knows, I just heard that they came from the Liuhai area. I don’t believe it. How could there be such a powerful force in that small place in the Liuhai area!”

“I don’t know what they are doing to entertain us, I hope it’s not a bad thing!”

In the afternoon, in front of the mountain peak of Ruthless Sword Sect, more than 30 forces, large and small, gathered.

There are a total of four to five hundred strong holes in the hole, and five strong ones in the sixth rank.

On their ships and airships, with boxes of gifts.

Although the Ruthless Swordsman Sect did not say to bring gifts, it is impossible for them not to come up with some gifts, hoping to make good friends with this new and powerful sect.

Following the young people who came, they looked at the front curiously one by one.

The face of the Sky Sword Sect has been removed, only the five characters of Ruthless Sword Sect exudes a cold breath!

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