Chapter 1473

“Boom boom boom!”

When the frightened voice of the deacon resounded through the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the entire Sword Sect, a powerful man quickly flew over here.

They were wearing golden costumes, some flying with swords, and some flying in the air.

They held a long sword in their hands, and their bodies were full of sword power.

At this moment, there seemed to be thousands of long swords lasing towards this side.

“Hi! Next, there may be a battle, let’s go back!”

“It should be a massacre, the headmaster of the Supreme Sword Sect is here, and there are a lot of strong people!”

“Tens of thousands of elite disciples, thousands of virtual strong men, all have come here!”

“Except for the two Sword Masters, all the people of the Great Sky Sword Sect are dispatched. After all, this is the gate of the Great Sky Sword Sect. If someone dares to make trouble at their door, naturally they will all be dispatched!”

“Next, I am afraid it will be a massacre!”

The surrounding family families saw the dense powerhouses and disciples flying out of the entire Qingtian Sword Peak, with shocked expressions on their faces.

As the only second-rate force within a radius of thousands of miles, the Great Sky Sword Sect is powerful, beyond doubt.

In the entire vast area, there are not many forces that can challenge the Great Sky Sword Sect, let alone a force from the Liuhai area!

“Who would dare to kill our sect elder in front of the Qingtian Sword Sect, report the name, and we will erect a tombstone for you!”

A sonorous and cold voice came from the mouth of an old man in the center.

Two three-meter-sized giant swords hovered above the old man’s head, scanning Wang Xian and the crowd with murderous aura.

“Report to the head teacher, it is them, that they killed the three Elder Qi, they are a group!”

A middle-aged deacon sighed with relief when all the people of the sect arrived, and quickly pointed to the three Golden Swordfish and Wang Xian.

The three elders were beheaded and caught them all by surprise.

Their elders were actually beheaded by swordsmen of the same level in less than two minutes.

It should be understood that their Heavenly Sword Sect has a complete inheritance of the Sword Sect Master, fighting at the same level, and there are few opponents.

Not to mention fighting with swordsmen of the same level.

However, the strength displayed by the opponent shocked them.

“It’s you…”

“Shut up, kill the three elders of our Qingtianjian faction, and kill them all!”

When Wang Xian just wanted to speak, the headmaster of the Heavenly Sword Sect standing in the center shouted coldly.


“Those who violate our Heavenly Sword Sect will die or not!”


Behind the master of the Qingtian Sword Sect, more than a thousand strong cavemen roared, and tens of thousands of disciples behind them roared murderously.

I dared to kill the elder of the Qingtian Sword Sect, but only one died.

They don’t need to know anything else, and they don’t listen to any explanations.

“Reporting to your forces, we will not only kill you, but your sect and dynasty will also pay the price!”

An elder of the sixth order of the hole emptiness stepped forward and shouted at Wang Xian with a full face.

“Dead, you don’t need to know too much!”

Wang Xian looked at the extremely powerful Qingtian Sword Sect, his face also became cold, raised his head slightly, and his eyes swept over tens of thousands of them.


Give an order!


Since you are so domineering, then, see the truth in the killing!


Behind him, Ao Jian’s group of golden swordfish shouted expressionlessly.

The sound was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and the aura on his body vigorously vibrated, and tens of thousands of people attacked directly at the sky sword in front.

Without the slightest fear, his eyes are extremely cold.



Everyone in the Qingtian Sword Sect was also stunned when they saw Ao Jian and a group of two hundred people rushing over.

They felt the cold breath, the cold sword light, and their faces changed slightly.

“Two hundred virtual strong people!”

An elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect felt the momentum from the front, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

“Master, they are the forces in the Liuhai area!”

The deacon next to him roared loudly.

“The forces in the Liuhai area dare to be so arrogant, kill me, kill them all!”

“Don’t keep one!”

The headmaster of the Qingtian Sword Sect saw Ao Jian and his group directly rushing over, his expression a little ugly.

Two hundred people dared to attack them arrogantly, simply not putting them in the eyes of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

“Kill, kill these frogs at the bottom of the well!”

“The rubbish from the Liuhai area dare to challenge our Heavenly Sword Sect and kill them all!”

Qingtianjian sent a famous elder with a cold face and screamed.


The war is about to start!

“My God, the two hundred expressionless swordsmen, all of them are powerful people!”

“Two hundred names are actually two hundred holes, but the Qingtian sect has a thousand!”

All the family families around saw the sudden outbreak of war, and their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly led the clansmen back.

This damn, the Supreme Sword Sect leader is extremely domineering, and directly ordered the beheaded without asking the reason.

However, the other party is not a vegetarian, and directly ordered to do it.

It took less than thirty seconds from the time when everyone from the Great Sky Sword Sect came out to hands-on.

“Dharma Phase: Bloodless Sword!”

Two hundred Ao Jian rushed towards the Qingtian Sword Sect. They did not hesitate at all, and they showed up instantly.

Two hundred golden swordfish, the weakest can kill the third order of Dongxu, and the strongest Ao sword can kill the sixth order of Dongxu.

This strength is definitely not weak.

Not counting the powerhouses of the fifth and sixth orders, the Qingtian Sword Sect is not an opponent at all.

Although they have a thousand strong holes in the hole, but the hole in the first and second ranks occupy more than 900, and the rest are above the third rank.

When the dazzling golden sessile sword appeared in front of a group of golden swordfish in an instant.

Each sword is kilometer long, but only arms wide.

The terrifying edge directly rushed towards the Great Sky Sword Sect.


The headmaster of the Great Sky Sword Sect looked at the two hundred identical facial features, and felt the biting sword light on them, his face finally changed drastically.

“The Qingtian Sword sends the disciples to be careful, the opponent’s strength is the lowest third order!”

“Strength hasn’t reached the realm of emptiness, retreat!”

He hurriedly shouted loudly, two hundred strong men of at least the third rank of the hole, this level of battle, under the hole of the hole, simply can not get in!

“The lowest hole virtual third order!”

Hearing the words of the master teacher, all the disciples’ complexions changed drastically, and even some of the weak and strong pupils shrank slightly.


However, at this time, they couldn’t allow them to think too much. Facing the special bloodless sword, the strong men of the Sky Sword Sect quickly yelled, swung bright attacks, and directly greeted them.

However, it was too late for them to escape.

A bloodless sword, covering all the Qingtian Sword Sect.

“Dharma, guard by the sword!”

“Dharma, guard by the sword!”

The ten strong men of the sixth rank of the cave virtual in the entire Qingtian Sword faction had a cold face and shouted in unison.

Faxiang, guarded by the sword.

The guardian image of the sixth-order Dongxu comprehension!

Ten phenomena, covering everyone in the sword sect!

With ten guardian states, the master of the Qingtian Sword Sect has the confidence to withstand the attacks of at least two hundred menstrual states of at least the third order of the void.


However, as soon as the guardian of Jianfeng condensed, the sound of breaking came immediately.

A black and white cross easily penetrates at the moment when the law condenses!

Many people did not even see the black and white cross.

“Oops, there are strong ones!”

“Master Sword Master, help!”

The master of the Qingtian Sword Sect’s face changed drastically, and he roared loudly!

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