Chapter 1468 The fall of the second-rate forces 1

“Boom boom boom!”

Just as Ren Xingchen evaded the Wu clan chief’s attack, he wanted to behead the Wu clan members at the same time.

As everyone around was watching the battle with shocked faces, the gate of the Great Sky Sword Sect slowly opened.

Two old men and a woman walked in the center, followed by a group of middle-aged and young people.


When the Sword Sect’s door opened and a group of people walked out, the high-levels and disciples of the Qingtian Sword Sect frowned slightly.

There was no respectful voice, not even the voice of the disciple guarding the gate.

The two elders and the woman looked a little displeased, and found that more than a dozen disciples were looking into the distance with shocked faces.

“Jianqingjianwen, what are you doing?”

In the back, a middle-aged man saw the three old men look unhappy, and quickly shouted to the disciples who didn’t know the front.

“Ah, elder, deacon, brothers!”

More than a dozen gatekeepers reacted, turned their heads and saw the elders, bowing quickly.

“What’s the matter? I can’t make you look good at the door, I see you…”

The middle-aged yelled loudly.

The old man on the side waved his hand, and the middle-aged immediately stopped and glared at the crowd.

“what’s going on?”

The old man in the center looked forward and asked curiously.

Today the Qingtian Sword Sect opened the gate and recruited disciples.

Family families with a radius of more than a thousand kilometers flocked in. The gate of the mountain opened, but this scene appeared, which made them a little curious.

“Return to the elder, someone is fighting ahead!”

A disciple said quickly.

“Oh? Fight? Don’t worry about them, our Heavenly Sword Sect will start recruiting disciples!”

The elder shook his head indifferently.


The disciple hesitated for a moment, and continued: “The battle there was a young man with the Wu clan in the ancient city of ancient law. Now, except for the patriarch of the Wu clan in the ancient city, almost all the other clansmen have been killed!”

“A young man?”

The elder was taken aback for a moment and asked in surprise.

“Yes, he is a young man, he is not more than 30 years old, and possesses the strength of the third-order hole of emptiness!”

The disciple nodded quickly.


The three elders in the front showed surprise expressions on their faces. They moved their bodies and hovered directly in the sky, looking towards the center of the battle.

The rest of the crowd also flew up to the sky curiously, staring at them.

“I didn’t expect that the young man almost beheaded all the members of the Wu Clan!”

“The strength of this young man is at the second level of the hole, but he has two attributes of gold and water, god, this is absolutely abnormal!”

“Monster, it’s so enchanting, the Wu Clan provokes such an enemy, and it will be destroyed sooner or later!”

“I heard that the young man was a disciple of the Ren clan who was destroyed a few years ago by the Wu clan. Shuangxiu has also reached the second order of Dongxu. Even in our vast sea area, he will shine!”

The three elders of the Qingtian Sword Sect had just flew into the sky when they heard the shocked voices of several powerful people around them.

In the surroundings, even those strong men of the fourth and fifth orders of the hole, stared at the field with shocked faces.

The three elders looked at them, and their pupils shrank slightly.

“What an exquisite swordsmanship!”

“Good use of dual attributes!”

“What an enchanting talent!”

Three exclamations came from their mouths, and the eyes of the three elders flickered.

“If he can be recruited into our Heavenly Sword Sect, and only recruit him, it will be worth a few thousand!”

The old man in the center, Shuangyang, said with some enthusiasm.

“Such evildoers should be cultivated by the strong!”

The woman next to her frowned.

“The patriarch of the Wu clan is about to lose!”

“The Wu Clan is really going to be annihilated!”

At this moment, an exclamation sound came from the front.

Everyone looked at it together. At a height of a kilometer above the ocean, dense golden long swords and blue long swords covered a radius of kilometer.

Countless long swords attacked the Wu clan chief in the center.

“Ah, you little beast, no no!”

In the sky, the patriarch of the Wu clan shouted loudly in horror.

“Wan Jian Jin Liu!”

Ren Xingchen let out a low roar, and all the long swords directly attacked the Wu clan chief.

“Puff puff!”

Thousands of long swords penetrated a body, directly torn apart.

“His, horror!”

“Although he relied on a formation in the battle just now, this strength is absolutely terrifying!”

When everyone around saw this scene, there was a look of surprise on their faces.


Ren Xingchen took a breath and slowly stared at the ship of the Song Clan.

When his gaze fell, all the Song people’s complexions changed drastically, and their bodies couldn’t help taking a step backwards.

Their strength is much worse than that of the Wu Clan, and the strongest is only the second order of the hole.

Ren Xingchen wanted to destroy them easily.


Ren Xingchen slowly moved the long sword in his hand, looked at the ship of the Song Clan, and slowly flew over.

“Next, it’s up to you!”

The cold voice covered all the Song people, making their faces instantly pale.

“Xingchen, our Song people did not participate in the matter of destroying your family, it was all done by the Wu people, and it has nothing to do with us!”

The Song clan chief did not have the spirit of just now, and shouted out loud.

“Then you didn’t say that just now!”

Ren Xingchen stared at them murderously.


The patriarch of the Song clan swallowed and his voice trembled, “Just now, we were the one who said the wrong thing!”

“I would rather kill the wrong, I would not let it go, so you have to die too!”

As Ren Xingchen said, the long sword in his hand shook.

“No, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill me!”

Song Wan shouted at Ren Xingchen in horror.

“Hey, isn’t that little girl Elder Qi that you are after?”

At this moment, above the Qingtianjian faction sect, an old man looked at the woman beside him and asked.

“Yes, a girl I’m fond of, talent is very rare among women!”

Elder Qi frowned slightly.

“Today, all of you have to die!”

Ren Xingchen’s icy voice sounded, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, a series of powerful swords moved towards the Song Clan covering.


Elder Qi hesitated for a moment, and with a wave of his arm, a huge sword rushed directly forward.


The sound of sharp sword collision came, and Ren Xingchen’s blow was completely blocked.


“What’s the matter, who did it!”

Seeing the giant sword that suddenly appeared around easily resisted all the attacks of Ren Xingchen, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked towards the rear.

“That is?”

When everyone looked at it, their pupils shrank slightly, and a look of respect appeared on their faces.

“This little brother, Song Wan already belongs to our disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect!”

Elder Qi drifted over, and the old man on both sides and a group of deacon disciples immediately followed.

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