Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1452


The war suddenly broke out, the colorful algae monster family appeared, and the blood barbaric monster leader ordered the slaughter.

Everything is only in an instant.

However, in this short period of less than ten seconds, a scream of despair made all human beings and monsters widen their eyes, full of incredible expressions.

However, when this scream sounded again, all humans and monsters opened their mouths slightly.

“How is it possible, how is it possible, isn’t your colorful algae monster beast a group of monsters of the fifth order of the hole? How can it be so strong!”

Surrounded by endless roots, every phantom of the bloody monster leader was directly penetrated by the roots.

Including its body, it is also directly penetrated by the roots.

It was exuding monstrous blood, cut off the roots in front of it, and roared in horror.

All around it are dense and endless roots, which completely cover it.

The crisis of death hangs above its head.

It glanced around and looked a little flustered.

“The weak are not qualified to say so much nonsense!”

As Ao Xingmu said, with a wave of his arm, the sky-filled roots directly covered the leader of the bloody monster beast.

“Oh My God!”

“This attack… this sky full of attacks is simply too terrifying!”

“The savage emperor is going to be beheaded, no, the leader of the blood savage monster is going to die!”

“How could this monster race that burst out suddenly be so terrifying? It took less than a minute to easily kill two Dongxu Tier 6s. What level is he!”

“The seventh step of the hole virtual?”

Around, all the humans and monsters looked at the battle between the colorful algae monster group and the blood barbaric monster group with shocked faces.

Especially seeing the blood savage monster leader and the blood savage monster of Tier VI easily beheaded to death, one by one was full of horror.

Especially the Monster Beast Clan, the Monster Beast Royal Clan has been selected, and now a race suddenly appeared, directly crushing the Blood Savage Monster Beast Clan.


On the sculpture, the leaders of each race raised their heads and stared blankly, shocked in their hearts.

How could such a terrifying race suddenly emerge.

“This this…”

The blood emperor and the life and death medicine workshop and the others were even more surprised.

They had made an agreement with the blood savage monster beast, and now a monster race suddenly appeared and suddenly picked the blood savage monster leader to the throne, what about their agreement?

Especially Blood Flow Dynasty, they specially prepared a crown for the leader of the blood barbaric monster.

It was beheaded before it was put on!

What frightened them the most was that the leader of the monster race that emerged suddenly would be so terrifying.

“This is… this is, the seventh step of the hole virtual!”

At the center of the third trading house in the world, the old man suddenly stood up and stared at Ao Xingmu who was standing there indifferently in the sky.


The surrounding middle-aged man was shocked and stood there with wide-eyed eyes.

“Swish swish!”


At this time, the position in the sky, the roots of the sky were directly retracted, and the corpse of the leader of the blood barbaric monster fell toward the position below.


“Roar, emperor!”

In the lower position, when tens of thousands of blood barbarous monsters saw their leader and an adult of the sixth order of the hole were beheaded, they roared in horror.

The only remaining Tier 6 Blood Barbarian Beast saw that the leader and companions in the clan were beheaded, and his pupils shrank slightly, full of fear.

He stared at the front and the face of the monster beast that was comparable to himself changed.


As greedy and bloody bloody monsters, they cherish their lives extraordinarily.

“You still want to escape, can you escape?”

Ao Xingmu watched the blood-red shadow desperately fleeing outside, with an indifferent expression on his face.


The rest of the blood savage monsters saw the last top powerhouse in the clan escape, and their faces were frightened.

The remaining blood savage monster beasts desperately fled towards the surroundings.

Ao Xingmu glanced, a pair of emerald green eyes stared at the surroundings, and the cane of the lower body fell directly into the soil below.


Under everyone’s horrified gaze, under the sixth-order blood barbaric monster that had escaped from the hole 2,000 meters away, a huge tree demon emerged directly from the ground.

The tree demon was a kilometer in size, exuding a terrifying power, and attacked directly.


And at this moment, below the rest of the bloody monsters that fled, a horrible tree demon also appeared.


“Hohohoho, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”

The sound of screaming came in an instant, and the leader of the bloody monster beast of the sixth order of the hole was directly beheaded by the tree demon at a distance of two kilometers.

The remaining tens of thousands of blood barbaric monsters all suffered devastating blows.

In the colorful algae clan, another clansman with the fighting power of the sixth-order hole, directly attacked the remaining blood barbaric monsters.

For a time, a continuous roar came from around.

All the humans and monsters swallowed and spit, watching this scene with shocked faces.

Two kilometers away, he directly killed the 6th-tier Dongxu powerhouse who was desperately fleeing.

A clan of blood savage monsters and beasts who were still a barbaric dynasty’s imperial clan just now.

A demon beast race with five or six hundred strong holes in the void was now easily wiped out.

There is no strength to resist at all.

“Pay homage to my emperor!”

On the sculpture, the leaders of the monster races were full of awe.

The demon leader’s face changed, he leaned down and roared loudly.

“Pay homage to my emperor!”

The other monster leaders also hurriedly bowed down and worshiped.

This sudden appearance of the colorful algae monster leader is definitely an existence beyond the sixth order of Dongxu.

The forces of the seventh-order Dongxu, which are placed in the entire Liuhai area, are also invincible!

“Pay homage to my emperor!”

The hundreds of thousands of monsters around also hurriedly bowed down and bowed.

The monster clan, the strong is the emperor!

The strength demonstrated by the leader of the colorful algae monster beast just now is enough to make all the monster beasts surrender.

He was more respectful than the leader of the blood savage monster beast.

“Ha ha!”

Ao Xingmu scanned the monster beasts around everyone, with a faint smile on his face.

He hovered above the dragon chair, and a faint coercion enveloped the entire group of monsters.

“From today, listen to my orders!”

Ao Xingmu’s voice resounded in every monster’s mind.

“Follow the emperor’s order!”

“Follow the emperor’s order!”

A group of monster beast leaders responded loudly, and all the monster beasts roared respectfully.

A smile appeared on Ao Xingmu’s face.


The blood emperor saw that the emperor of the monster beast had changed one, and his expression kept changing.

“This monster emperor, can the agreement between us and the monster dynasty continue?”

The Blood Emperor frowned and asked Ao Xingmu.

“A peace agreement?”

Ao Xingmu looked at the Blood Emperor with a smile on his face, and asked faintly.

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