Chapter 1449 You Are Not Eligible To Sign

The savage dynasty is established!

The first savage emperor was the leader of the blood savage monster.

This did not surprise too many people.

On the human side, the news was received a few days ago. Not long ago, among the three top forces, the blood barbaric monster had won.

Although many humans have some worries about the blood savage monster clan becoming a royal clan.

But there is no way, this is not what they can stop.

However, when the wild emperor announced the establishment of the imperial city and announced the signing of a contract with the Bloodbath Dynasty, everyone was stunned.

“Huh? What’s the matter, why is it signed with the Bloody Dynasty?”

“Isn’t this an agreement with humans? Why is it a bloody dynasty? Is it the monster that made a mistake?”

The words of the savage emperor made all human beings face a look of error, widening their eyes and talking.


Feng Luan, Sect Master Ling, and everyone in the Liuhuang Alliance were also slightly taken aback.

A bad premonition flooded everyone’s heart.

Feng Luan frowned and stood up immediately: “The emperor of the wild, your monster clan signed a peace agreement, didn’t you sign a peace agreement with the humans in the Liuhai area?”

She said, staring at the emperor of blood savage monsters and beasts with twinkling eyes.

At the side position, the crowd of Blood Flow Dynasty looked over with smiles, with a mocking look on their faces.

“Yes, the bloody emperor, didn’t he sign a peace agreement with the humans in our Liuhai area?”

Those neutral dynasties and sects were slightly surprised when they heard the words of the wild emperor, and asked with some embarrassment on their faces.

Signing a peace agreement with the people in the Liuhai area and signing a peace agreement with the bloody dynasty are completely two concepts.

Especially when the wild dynasty was established and the blood savage monster beast was the royal family.

For the blood savage monster beast, everyone knew that it was an extremely cruel and bloodthirsty monster beast race.

It has always been the natural enemy of mankind.

If they only sign an agreement with the Blood Flow Dynasty, it means that they can kill all humans except Blood Flow Dynasty.

In today’s three-legged situation, the monster clan is the strongest.

If they attacked them, they would have no room to resist.

“We are going to sign a peace agreement with mankind, and the bloody dynasty can represent your human race!”

The Savage Emperor stared at Feng Luan with blood-red eyes, opened his hideous mouth, and said coldly.

“Haha, the savage emperor is right. Only the dynasty can have an equal dialogue with the dynasty, and our blood dynasty can represent all human beings in the blood flow area!”

The Blood Emperor stood up directly and said with a big smile.

“Your bloody dynasty can’t represent the entire Liuhai area!”

Sect Master Ling stared at the Blood Emperor with a cold face, and shouted in a deep voice.

“Our Monster Beast Savage Dynasty only signs a peace agreement with the Blood Flow Dynasty. As for you, you are not qualified yet!”

The savage emperor stood beside the dragon chair, staring condescendingly at the crowd in the Liuhuang Alliance, and announced indifferently.

A word from the Savage Emperor greatly changed the expressions of everyone in the Liuhuang Alliance, and their expressions instantly became embarrassed.

The faces of those neutral forces also changed slightly, and they all stared at the position of the Liuhuang Alliance.

“The Savage Emperor, what do you mean is that in the future, we will be enemies with our Imperial Flowing Alliance, even like the humans and monsters in the past!”

Feng Luan frowned and asked with embarrassment.

“I’ll answer your sentence for the Savage Emperor. It may not take long, haha!”

At this time, the blood emperor stood up directly, his figure moved, floating directly in the sky and laughing.

As he spoke, his palm moved, and a crown radiating bright light appeared in front of him.

On the top of the crown, there is a reduced bloody monster pattern.

The entire crown is extremely luxurious, obviously not inferior to the fourth and fifth-order weapons of the hole.

“The Savage Emperor, this is a gift from our bloody dynasty. Our bloody dynasty congratulates you on the establishment of your dynasty!”

“Congratulations to your blood-barbarian clan for becoming a royal clan, and wish us blood-blooded friendship with the barbaric!”

As he said, with a wave of his arm, the bright crown flew towards the position of the emperor of the wild.

“Roar, thank the Blood Emperor, here today, our Wild Empire announced that we will sign a peace agreement with the Blood Flow Dynasty. In the future, all monsters in the Wild Dynasty and all human beings in the Blood Flow Dynasty will never conflict and fight. As for the Blood Flow Dynasty, For other human beings, we cannot guarantee it!!”

The Emperor of Blood Barbarians took over the bright crown and roared with joy.


The Blood Emperor laughed, his eyes full of murderous look toward the position of the Flowing Emperor Alliance.

“What? What do they mean? This…Is this a savage dynasty trying to make an alliance with the bloody dynasty?”

“This means that in the future, the Wild Dynasty will continue to fight and fight with humans other than the bloody Dynasty forces. With the strength of the Wild Dynasty, how can we resist?”

“This…this…is this going to kill us?”

As soon as the words of the wild emperor and the blood emperor were finished, the expressions of the tens of millions of people around him changed drastically.

Many people had expressions of horror on their faces, and shouted one by one in silence.

The words of the savage emperor couldn’t be more obvious!

Next, except for the Blood Flow Dynasty, the rest of the humans are still their enemies and the objects they swallow.

Moreover, the Blood Flow Dynasty and the Wild Dynasty had obviously reached an agreement.

In the future, this will be a disaster for the forces outside the bloody dynasty.

The faces of all the powerhouses in the Flowing Emperor Alliance changed drastically. They looked at the murderous Blood Flowing Dynasty and the crowd with a vigilant look on their faces.

“Haha, don’t worry, everyone, today our bloody dynasty will open the door, welcome anyone, any force to join us!”

The blood emperor looked at the horrified faces of the tens of millions of people around him.

He was floating in the sky, speaking to all the forces.

His words made the neutral forces stunned and their expressions changed wildly.

At this moment, they can be 100% sure that the Blood Flow Dynasty and the Wild Dynasty have already reached some agreements.

This is to force them to join the bloody dynasty!

This caused all the strong men of the neutral forces to keep changing expressions and talk quietly.

“Everyone, there is not much time. The establishment of the Wild Empire will have a bloody ceremony to be held next. Only, three minutes!”

As the blood emperor said, he looked at the wild emperor on the side.

“Hoho, yes, there are only three minutes, and then we are going to hold the establishment ceremony of the Monster Beast Dynasty, a carnival!”

The savage emperor growled and roared, a pair of long tongues stretched out and licked his lips.


A bloody ceremony?


At this moment, everyone was shocked!

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