Chapter 145 Disciple Selection (Third!)

The Thorn Sect belongs to a very powerful sect in the province, a second-rate top sect. There is a half-step innate powerhouse in the sect, and dozens of ninth-level martial artists.

At the same time, there are three sects in Southern Province, one is the Qinglian Sect of the third-rate sect, and the other is the Beishan sect of the second-rate sect.

Of course, there are still some uninfluenced sects that are not counted.

These three sects are now recruiting children throughout Southern Province.

However, because there are no schools in Jiangcheng, all due to family reasons, several schools have come here to recruit children.

The aristocratic family does not pass the exercises to outsiders, which also means that there may be many people with good talents in Jiangcheng.

In addition, it has recently been rumored that the Yan family was destroyed by a mysterious powerhouse, and Jiang Cheng’s strength was greatly damaged, making those sects unscrupulous.

“It seems that the entire Southern Province does not have such a powerful sect and family!”

Wang Xian looked at the information above, with a smile on his face.

“Tomorrow, accompany Xiaoyu to have a look!”

Wang Xian thought in his heart, then closed the information and walked towards the dormitory.

The next morning, Wang Xian received Xiaoyu’s notice, and her master agreed to let her take her brother to have a look.

At about six o’clock in the afternoon, Wang Xian came to the gate of the school.

When he arrived, he found that Xiaoyu was already waiting with a woman.

Wang Xian looked at the woman.

Said it was a woman, some called her old.

It should not be an exaggeration to call it a young woman. His face is about 30 years old and his figure is very perfect.

This is the best figure Wang Xian has ever seen, wearing some primitive clothes.

The hair is curled up, the face is white and flawless, and the eyes look very beautiful.

Even Guan Shuqing and Lan Qingyue have a lot of charm.

“Little feather!”

Wang Xian walked over with a smile on his face and shouted at her.

“Brother!” Xiaoyu beckoned with a smile, and then said to the woman beside him: “Master, this is my brother!”

“Yeah!” The woman nodded, looked at Wang Xian, took a close look at him, and then looked away.

“Brother, this is my master!” Xiaoyu introduced in a low voice.

“Hello.” Wang Xian greeted the woman.

“Well, come with me, it’s late!” The woman nodded and said to them.

“Good master!” Xiaoyu stuck out his tongue, motioned to Wang Xian, followed behind and came into a Mercedes-Benz car.

“Elder Fan.” In the car, a middle-aged driver respectfully said to the woman.

“Let’s go over!” the woman said directly.

“Yes!” The driver nodded and immediately started the car.

“Brother, my master asked me to remind you that when you get to the place, you must not talk or walk around. Just watch it there. There should be a lot of people tonight.”

Xiaoyu whispered to Wang Xian from behind.

“Don’t worry!” Wang Xian smiled and patted her on the head.

The car drove towards the place outside the city. After driving for about an hour, it came to the junction of Jiangcheng and Pengzhou.

Pengzhou is Wang Xian’s hometown, but it is still a long way from his home.

The car is parked in a somewhat remote location, and there is a community here.

When the car entered, Wang Xian realized that this community was not simple.

The environment in the small area is very good, but in this small area someone leaped gently and jumped onto a stone platform three or four meters high.

There are many weapons like knives, guns and sticks around, which look a little different.

“This should be a branch of the Thorns faction, or the headquarters!”

In Wang Xian’s heart, the car was parked in a parking lot.

Wang Xian looked around and found that there were many luxury cars parked here.

There are license plates for Pengzhou and Jiangcheng, forty to fifty vehicles.

“Come with me!” the woman said coldly, leading them to the front.

Going all the way to the rearmost position, it looked like a martial arts field, but there was a crystal-like thing in the center.

The crystal is hexagonal in shape and exudes a special luster, which looks very extraordinary.

There are poplar trees all around, very tall.

At this time, hundreds of people were already standing there.

There was a middle-aged man in a suit, and a young man followed.

There are also formal elders with their grandchildren.

You can tell at a glance that they are in good condition based on their clothes.

“You guys wait here for a while, don’t run around, after a while, the martial arts have to conduct a test, I will deal with some things.”

Xiaoyu’s master reminded them, and then walked towards a room.

Xiaoyu nodded and looked around curiously.

“So many people? There should be dozens of Thorns to join!”

Wang Xian looked around, with a curious look on his face.

“Brother, not all of these people are able to enter the martial art, and a large part of them will be wiped out.”

Xiaoyu said to him from the side, with a hint of pride on his face: “But my master said that I only need to go through a cutscene, and then I will be able to join the Thorns faction 100%!”

“Only you are great!” Wang Xian said towards Xiaoyu with a smile.

“That’s not it, your sister is amazing!” Xiaoyu raised up slightly and said cutely.

“Hey, I don’t know if my child can enter the Thorns faction this time!”

“Mr. Zhao, you can definitely look at your son Fengshen, he must be talented!”

“Hope, Mr. Wang, your son has an 80% chance. I heard that he is favored by an expert!”

“Hehe, fortunately, my son is more upbeat, and the expert said I have a lot of hope for this kid!”

“The Thorns faction publicly recruited disciples this time, but it was a rare encounter in ten years. I hope my kid or girl can have a chance!”

There was a voice of conversation around, and Wang Xian felt a little clear after hearing it.

The Thorn Sect not only sends people in the door to find disciples, some people who have access will also bring their children to join.

It’s just that whether they can join depends on their qualifications.

“Come on, let me go.”

At this moment, a voice that was much higher than the surrounding conversation came.

The voices of everyone around were very low, and they did not dare to shout, but those who came obviously did not have this scruples.

Everyone frowned slightly and looked over with displeased faces.

“That is, the Song family!”

“It’s the Song family. I heard that a disciple of the Song family entered the Thorns Sect a few decades ago, and now he has become the elder in the door. Every time the Song family has a place to enter the Thorns Sect directly!”

“Pengzhou Song Family, they belong to the Big Mac in Pengzhou, no wonder they dare to shout here!”

“That young man is Song Aowen of the Song family. I heard that he was optimistic about the Song family when he was a child and taught him to practice. Now he has reached the fourth level of martial artist with only eighteen cultivation bases.

“The proud son of heaven, this is the proud son of heaven!”

A person turned around and saw the incoming person, with a hint of wonder on his face.

Xiao Yu also looked at him curiously, a young man, aloof, dressed in white, with his head held high, with an expression of arrogance on his face!

“Martial artist level 4, so amazing!” Xiaoyu sighed slightly, his face full of envy!

“You will be able to reach Martial Artist Level 4 soon, don’t worry.”

Wang Xian smiled. Now that Xiaoyu’s innate body wants to reach the fourth rank of martial artist, it is easy.

“Heh, do you think it would be so easy to reach Martial Artist Level 4?”

At this time, a contemptuous voice came from my ear!


Three shifts are over!

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