Chapter 1441 The battle begins 3

The prosperous and bloody imperial city has undergone seven or eight thousand years of history.

The imperial dynasty is so powerful that this imperial city has not experienced war for thousands of years.

Powerful and harmonious!

At more than seven o’clock in the evening, the sun had already set, and the entire imperial city entered a lively night.

In the huge square in front of the imperial palace, many people from the bloody imperial city rest and entertain here.

A beautiful picture!


At this moment, a dull and loud voice suddenly came from the palace, making everyone stunned.

“Boom boom boom!”

When the gate of the palace opened, everyone looked at the group of people walking out with shocked faces.

The blood emperor and the three emperors rode side by side on the dragon horse, and drove toward the outside in a uniform.

Behind him, followed by a man with a false reputation.

These powerhouses are familiar to all the people around them.

In addition to the Dongxu strong of the Bloodbath Dynasty, there are also a number of kings and suzerains from affiliated forces.

At the end, there are more than a thousand blood-armored guards who wear blood-red armor and shroud their entire bodies!

“This…that is our emperor, the blood emperor, and those next to him are the emperor, the former emperor, my heaven, and the blood emperor, what are they going to do?”

“Three emperors? Isn’t there only two in our bloody dynasty? Why suddenly there is one more, is it the sixth-order strongman that has been hidden?”

“My God, they are all dressed in uniforms. Look, the Blood Emperor and Lord Emperor are all dressed in uniforms. This is going to fight and lead so many powerful men. What is it going to do?”

“Did something happen to the monster clan? The blood emperor and the three emperors were all dispatched, did the war break out?”

Everyone around the front of the palace, when they saw the blood emperor and his party coming out of the palace in a uniform, everyone opened their eyes and talked with shocked faces.

“Blood Emperor, according to the news we have received, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the Blood Flow Sect, and the Guanglong Dynasty are all in the Heavenly Sword Sect!”

An old man reported towards the front of the Blood Emperor Hui.

“lead the way!”

There was no expression on the blood emperor’s face.


The old man nodded and respectfully led them to the right position.

“Huh? It’s in that direction. The Blood Emperor and the others are not out of the city, are they?”

When everyone around saw the blood emperor and the crowd driving toward the right, everyone was taken aback.

On the right, there is obviously not the direction out of the city.

“That direction, I remember it, the Heavenly Sword Sect Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, they seem to be in that direction, and the Blood Emperor is going to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and them!”

A member of the public suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed.

“Destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Guanglong Dynasty and the Blood Flow Sect, haha, the blood emperor is mighty!”

“I knew that no one would dare to be arrogant in our bloody dynasty, as long as he dares to be arrogant, we dare to destroy him!”

“I thought our dynasty would bow to them, but now it seems that the blood emperor is domineering!”

“A few days ago, when our blood emperor was absent, they were able to be arrogant. Now that it is here, it is their death date!”

“The blood emperor is mighty, our blood emperor is the strongest!”

A loud excitement came from the surrounding location.

In the past few days, the news from the palace has made the people of the bloody dynasty feel aggrieved.

Those four forces actually smashed their bloody dynasty!

Now, their end is here!

This caused the people of the bloody dynasty to let out a sigh of relief, staring at the strongest team in their dynasty.

“In the Liuhai area, we are the emperor, and no one can offend!”

Prince Tang Xuewen raised his head slightly, with a proud expression on his face when he heard the comments from the people around him.

He gave a soft drink, and the voice came into everyone’s mind.

“Haha, it’s true, the Blood Emperor and the others are really going to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the Heavenly Sword Sect and the four forces!”

The eyes of all the people around were shining, and one by one quickly followed behind.

And soon, the blood emperor and the three emperors personally led a group of powerful people who went to kill the dragon and phoenix dynasty, the news of the four forces of the Heavenly Sword Sect spread throughout the imperial city.

When people from other dynasty sects got the news, their faces were shocked.

From their point of view, Blood Flow Dynasty would bow down 100% of the time and compromise.

However, what they didn’t expect was that Blood Flow Dynasty would go straight to destroy them!

This is simply too domineering!

They hurriedly walked towards the castle where the Heavenly Sword Sect lived.

When they just arrived, they discovered that tens of thousands of people had gathered in front of the castle where the Heavenly Sword Sect lived temporarily.

In front of the castle, the blood emperor and the three emperors were standing in the forefront position riding a dragon horse, staring at the castle in front of them with cold faces.

“The three emperors, it turns out that the blood flow dynasty has always hidden an emperor, four holes of the sixth rank, to fight against the Heavenly Sword Sect Sect Master and Wang Xian, it is completely enough, there is a great chance that they will be beheaded!”

“Why, why did the Blood Flow Dynasty choose to do it directly at this time, this… this is simply too domineering!”

“Hehe, maybe the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty Sword Sect and the others didn’t expect that the Blood Flow Dynasty would be so arrogant, even if they had two holes in the sixth rank, they would still do it directly!”

Some powerful dynasty sects looked far behind.

“Turn on the formation, don’t let go of any of them, and the people around retreat, don’t hurt you by mistake!”

The Blood Emperor was riding a dragon horse in front of the castle and shouted directly.

He stared at the castle in front of him, and a cold light burst into his eyes: “Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, Heavenly Sword Sect, Blood Flow Sect, Guanglong Dynasty, the four of you, come out and die!”

Come out and die!

The cold voice covered the entire castle.

Everyone in Blood Flow Dynasty retreated to the rear, staring at the position of the castle one by one.

“It’s over, I didn’t expect the Blood Flow Dynasty to destroy us. I didn’t expect that they would have three strong men of the sixth order of the hole!”

“Why? How could they take action against us at this time, this…”

At this moment, in the castle of Heavenly Sword Sect, Yi Zhangjiao showed a cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a pale face standing there.

When the blood emperor’s voice did not ring, they learned about this, but it was a pity that they had no time to escape!

Even as the top sect in Liuhai area, facing such a scene, he was a little flustered.

The blood emperor of the bloody dynasty, the blood emperor and the three emperors, were killed directly in uniform. This was something they had never thought of anyway.

On the side, King Guanglong’s expression was extremely embarrassing, and his arms trembled a little.

He stared at the Lingjian Sect Master and Wang Xian, waiting for them to speak.

“Go out, I want to see, do they dare to fight in the bloody imperial city!”

The gaze in Wang Xian’s eyes flickered, and he was also very surprised that the Blood Emperor of the Blood Flow Dynasty led the three emperors and a group of powerful men to kill them.

However, he is not afraid!

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