Chapter 1439 Fighting 1


“Damn, damn King Immortal, damn nameless Sword Demon, wait for me, and I vowed to break your corpse into thousands of pieces!”

In a palace in the Blood Flow Palace, the Prince Blood Flow Dynasty slammed the items on the table with an angry face, and shouted with a hideous face.

The beautiful woman on the side was worried, and she walked over in fear and whispered: “His Royal Highness, you…Don’t be angry, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect are so ignorant of good and evil, they will regret it in the future!”

“Dare to let me shut up, dare to shut up!”

Tang Xuewen clenched his fists and stood there with a face full of frost: “Dongxu sixth stage, don’t think that you have reached the sixth stage of the hole, you can order me, wait, you wait for me!”

He growled low, his eyes filled with crazy killing intent.

The beautiful woman on the side caressed his body to calm him down!

“His Royal Highness, what did the two emperors say?”


Tang Xuewen took a deep breath, and sat on the side seat with embarrassment, “I’ll talk about it when my father arrives!”

“However, at this juncture, there can be no civil war on our side!”

He said, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

The beautiful lady hurriedly poured tea and water on the side, and she also understood that at this juncture, the bloody dynasty could not do anything to them.

The four powers are all the top powers except for the blood dynasty.

Especially the Heavenly Sword Sect Sect Master and the Wang Xian of the sixth-order Dongxu, the two sixth-order Dongxu, exceeded the expectations of the blood flow dynasty.

Really fighting, it may cause some unimaginable disasters for the bloody dynasty.

The two emperors also said just now, everything will be discussed after the blood emperor arrives and the emperor in the cemetery of the monsters is called.

What happened in the palace was spread out at noon.

As soon as the news spread, it shocked the entire bloody imperial city.

As the imperial city of the bloody dynasty, it has a history of seven to eight thousand years.

This is the most majestic and huge city in Liuhai area.

All those who can live here are not weak.

Even here, the fifth rank of Transcendent belongs to the weak, which is unimaginable in other cities.

On the street, the extraordinary seventh and eighth orders can be seen everywhere.

“I’m going, it’s true, someone dares to challenge our bloody dynasty? Kill him!”

“Of course it’s true. At that time, the two emperors didn’t take advantage of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect, and there was nothing they could do!”

“Who would have thought that Tianjiao Supreme King Immortal actually possessed the strength of the sixth order of Dongxu, my god, was he not of the fifth order of Dongxu nearly two years ago?”

“No matter what Tianjiao Supreme, what Heaven Sword Sect, what blood sect of the Guanglong Dynasty, dare to provoke our blood dynasty and kill them!”

“Get rid of them, our bloody dynasty is the emperor of Liuhai area. Anyone who doesn’t obey will die!”

“Where is our blood emperor? No matter what the enchanting Tianjiao or provoke us, he will be destroyed!”

In the forums of restaurants and communication stones, the people of the bloody imperial city showed angry expressions on their faces after receiving the news.

As residents of the Imperial City of Bloodbath, they have a kind of pride in their bones.

When they learned that several top forces were fighting against their dynasty in the palace, they all showed anger on their faces.

I wait for the dynasty, how can your group of forces be able to provoke and oppose it?

In the entire imperial city, many people talked with angry faces.

The group sentiment is indignant.

“With Wang Xian and Ling Sect Master, two powerful men of the sixth rank, the bloody dynasty will definitely not dare to tear its skin!”

“During this period, even if there are three Dongxu Rank 6 in the Blood Flow Dynasty, I dare not offend them. It is estimated that the plan will be reformulated in a few days!”

“This is not a good thing for us!”

In the restaurant, several powerful men of a dynasty listened to the voices of the surrounding people talking, talking in a low voice.

Those dynasties and sects knew very well that in this game, the Heavenly Sword Sect of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty had the upper hand.

Time passed slowly.

What happened in the imperial palace caused a stir in the entire imperial city.

Over time, the people in the imperial city gradually realized that this time, the bloody dynasty, invincible in their hearts, might really bow their heads!

As for the current situation, the public has gradually understood clearly.

This made the people of the Bloody Empire a little dazed. In the future, the Bloody Empire may not be the only one standing on the top of the mountain.

“Father, you are finally here!”

On the evening of the fourth day, the blood flowed in a palace of the dynasty.

The Ye Mingzhu illuminates the entire palace, and the bloody dynasty prince Tang Xuewen sat inside with three emperors.

When the four figures outside walked in, Prince Tang Xuewen hurriedly greeted him, shouting with a smile on his face.

“Well, I heard that something happened here in the palace!”

The burly old man walked in, bowed his eyes to the emperors, and asked faintly.

“Father, it’s the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Blood Flow Sect, and the Guanglong Dynasty!”

Prince Tang Xuewen said with a gloomy face.

“I see, several people, sit down too!”

The blood emperor nodded and motioned to the three old men beside him.

The three elders nodded, and two of them had Dan and Qi written on their clothes!

The other old man was slightly fat, with a gentle smile.

“Xiaojun, the four forces, the two strong sixth-order powers!”

An emperor looked at the blood emperor and asked with a frown.

“Father, I have already learned about the four forces. I have one thing we need to deal with!”

The Blood Emperor said to the emperor, and his eyes flickered at the fat old man.

“My emperors, the old money from the third trading firm in the world, this time I have a news to tell you!”

The old man stood up with a smile.

“The third firm in the world?”

Several emperors were slightly surprised, and said with a smile: “Old Qian, you say!”

“You should also know that we have been in contact with the third trading firm in the world, and the monster clan wants us to help spread the message!”

“Their demon beast clan is willing to temporarily stop any battle with humans, and invite you to participate in the establishment ceremony of the demon beast dynasty!”

Old Qian said slowly.

“Huh? What?”

Several emperors were slightly startled, frowning and immediately asked: “How is the situation on the monster beast right now? Which monster beast race has reached the top?”

“Blood savage monsters, now the blood savage monsters have three monsters of the sixth order of the Void Void, they have defeated the other two top monsters, the emperor of the monsters, in their race!”

Old Qian said to them.

“Blood savage monsters? It turns out that they have ascended to the throne. This… the situation is not optimistic. Want to truce and reconcile with our human race?”

Several emperors frowned, their expressions changing.

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