Chapter 1432 Blood Flowing Imperial City

“Order the flag of the world!”

“The banner set by the Bloodbath Dynasty is obvious, and it commands the world.”

“Flag out, all forces in the entire Liuhai area must obey orders!”

“With the power of the bloody dynasty, they have the right to command the world!”

“Previously, the entire Liuhai area’s Dongxu Tier 6 powerhouses were all in the blood flow dynasty. Now, although there is one more Heavenly Sword Sect Master, it does not have much impact on their status!”

Fengluan and Wang Xian were sitting in a car in the vast wild land.

Outside the car, more than thirty strong Dongxu people accompanied him, and two fierce beasts of the second-order Dongxu pulled the proud son.

Beside Feng Luan, there was a one-meter-sized banner with the four characters commanding the world.

After Wang Xian and Feng Luan returned from the Heavenly Sword Sect, they summoned more than 30 Dongxu strong men to the Blood Flow Dynasty.

The Order of the Blood Flow Dynasty had been issued to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and they had to go.

If you don’t go, it’s tantamount to not giving the bloody dynasty face, and the consequences are naturally conceivable.

Moreover, the Blood Flow Dynasty summoned all the forces, also for the affairs of the monster clan in the cemetery of the monsters, this time it is difficult for all the forces to stand alone.

“That was before.”

Wang Xian smiled: “I don’t know if the Blood Flow Dynasty convenes all the forces in the Liuhai area, is there any plan?”

Feng Luan shook his head: “You’ll know when you get there!”

The team moved forward, and the Blood Flow Dynasty was at least 300,000 kilometers away from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and the journey was extremely long.

If they rush past, it will take at least four or five days.

At that time, it was also the time for Blood Flow Dynasty to invite the forces of the world to discuss important matters.

At the same time, all the forces in the entire Liuhai area moved and drove in the direction of the blood flow empire.

Storm is coming!

“Your Majesty, Lord Wang, two kilometers ahead is the imperial city of the bloody dynasty!”

After four days in a row, the voice of an old woman came from outside.

“Hang the flag!”

With a wave of his arm, Feng Luan opened the curtain, and a banner hovered above the car.

“It’s a bloody imperial city, it’s really lively!”

Wang Xian looked outside, slightly surprised.

In the past, the most majestic city he had seen was Xiaoyao City, but Xiaoyao City was more than one grade worse than the city in front.

The entire city is like an ancient western castle, and every building in the city is extremely luxurious.

The golden gate exudes a heavy color.

The five-hundred-meter city wall is definitely the highest wall that Wang Xian has seen.

They are still two kilometers away from the Blood Flow Dynasty, and below, there is a wide road.

The road is paved with milky white tiles, giving people a comfortable feeling.

The entire road is two or three kilometers wide, and the surrounding area is full of luxurious carriages.

There are many forces that also planted flags towards the imperial city full of historical heritage.

There are strong holes in the virtual world, and monsters of the virtual hole in the world.

In front of the city gate, there is a moat with a width of one thousand meters. In the moat, there are occasionally scary fishes.

The level of these fishes is not low, they just fall into the hole in half a step, and they will die forever!

“The entire Liuhai area is equivalent to the size of the earth, and there are definitely no less than tens of thousands of strong holes in it. This time, there should be more than one thousand people who came to the bloody dynasty, plus the bloody dynasty. Yes, there are about 2,000 strong people!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

“What force do you belong to, I will take you to where you live!”

Having just arrived at the gate of the city, two extraordinary ninth-tier middle-aged people walked over and asked them.

“Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

Mang Hong pointed to the banner of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and said to the two middle-aged.

“Come with us!”

The two nodded and led them towards the inside.

The two of them drove on the road, and Wang Xian Fengluan followed them in a sedan.

After driving at least 70 or 80 kilometers, I came to the square.

A huge square.

The area of ​​the square should be at least five kilometers in radius.

In the center of the square, there are statues erected, and each statue is 100 meters tall and neatly arranged in a row!

In front of the square, there is a huge palace.

Two lions, seven or eight meters in size, lie on the left and right sides of the palace.

This is not a stone lion, but two monster beasts of the third order of the hole.

The strength of the blood flow dynasty is evident.

“I will lead you to a castle. Your dragon and phoenix dynasty will live in the castle temporarily, waiting for the call of our blood emperor!”

Two extraordinary ninth-tier middle-aged said to them, leading them into a castle next to them.

The castle is not very big, but its beautiful environment, five stories high, is very good.

There is still running water in the courtyard, and the castle outside a palace is so beautiful, not to mention inside the palace!

“Get a good night’s rest, I don’t know what will happen tomorrow!”

Feng Luan said to a group of generals.

“It’s Her Majesty!”

The crowd nodded.

This time, Fengluan brought more than thirty strong people from the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

Next to Wang Xian were Ao Jian and a golden swordfish, there were fifteen wicked monsters.

Ao Yao personally led the team.

Except for Ao Yao, the rest of the sly monsters are the 14 strongest among the sly monsters.

Four Dongxu third-order, ten Dongxu second-order, Dongxu third-order can assassinate Dongxu fourth-order.

Ten Dongxu Tier 2 can assassinate Dongxu Tier 3.

This force is not strong or not, but it is definitely not weak.

At the very least, with the exception of the Kings of the Guanglong Dynasty, the Hanhai Dynasty, the Kamikaze Academy, and the Blood Flow Sect, these demons can easily assassinate them.

Even the kings of some dynasties can be solved.

If you count Ao Yao, let alone.

“Tomorrow, we have to take a good look at the forces in this Liuhai area!”

Wang Xian sat in one of the rooms, poured a cup of tea, and muttered with a smile on his face.

“come yet?”

At this moment, in a hall of the palace, four or five middle-aged people were sitting on the sides.

A middle-aged in blood-red dress and a beautiful pornographic woman are sitting in the central position.

It was the middle-aged sitting aside who spoke.

“This lord, the people of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty have arrived!”

The middle-aged standing in the center reports respectfully.

“Hehe, it’s good to be here, your Royal Highness, then trouble you the shadow of the bloody dynasty!”

The middle-aged man said to the blood-red dress in the center with a smile on his face.

“His Royal Highness, the supreme Tianjiao named Wangxian is also with the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

Before the middle-aged man in the blood-red costume could speak, the reporting staff quickly said.

“Huh? The fifth-order Tianjiao Supreme?”

On both sides, a group of middle-aged people frowned slightly.

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