Chapter 1430 Alliance

In the shemale cemetery, everyone can feel a solemn atmosphere.

Everyone also knows that the great change once in thousands of years in the Liuhai area is about to begin.

The special atmosphere spread slowly throughout the Liuhai area.

In the former Liuhai area, there were sixty or seventy dynasties.

Now that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty has risen, there are more than forty.

However, what the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty did not know was that a conspiracy against them had already begun.

“Wang Xian, regarding the alliance, we need to go out for a while!”

On the fifth day, Feng Luan called Wang Xian over.

In the palace of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, there is also an old man, the head of the blood flow sect, Yi Zhangjiao!

“Shall we go there together?”

Wang Xian nodded slightly towards Yi Zhangjiao, and asked Feng Luan.

“The matter is urgent. The Blood Flow Dynasty has issued an order to order the flag of the world, so that all the dynasty-level forces in the Liuhai area will go to the Blood Flow Imperial City in seven days!”

Feng Luan said to him.

“We are united not to target any forces, but to stand firm in the war that may break out in the next, so that we will not suffer a loss!”

Yi Zhangjiao looked at Wang Xian, and looked up slightly: “You take the liberty to ask Prince Wang Xian, your current strength?”

“Dongxu Tier 6 can be battled!”

Wang Xian didn’t hide it either, and said with a smile on his face.

Now, there is no need to hide his strength.

Because he has a bigger hole card, Ao Xingmu.

In addition, in order to deal with the next thing, Ao Xingmu and the others brought the spirit liquid, after Wang Xian took it, the strength of Ao Yao increased by one level.

Now the Ao Yao of the fourth-order Dongxu can also kill the sixth-order Dongxu.

With these two hole cards, even if his strength is exposed, it doesn’t matter!

Even if Yi Zhangjiao was prepared, his pupils still shrank when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

“Hehe, I’m really old, a generation of peerless arrogance, even old guys like us can’t catch up!”

Master Yi shook his head, smiled swiftly, and said.

“Haha, Yi Zhang is overly modest, when shall we go!”

Wang Xian smiled and asked.

“Go immediately and try to convince the Guanglong Dynasty and the Heavenly Sword Sect within two days. In this case, we can also have some right to speak in the Blood Flow Dynasty!”

Feng Luan stood up and gestured towards Wang Xian.


He nodded, without any comments.

His layout belongs to his layout, and for humans, he still has to help Fengluan.

The blood flow sect and Feng Luan wanted to unite, nothing more than if a war broke out in the future, they would not be treated as chess pieces, and the blood flow dynasty would be at the mercy of the blood flow dynasty.

If you can unite several big forces, you can sit on an equal footing with the Blood Flow Dynasty, which can reduce losses.

“Then let’s go, the Guanglong Dynasty is only 130,000 kilometers away recently, and then we will go to Heaven Sword Sect!”

Master Yi stood up and said.


A group of three, without any subordinates, flew directly into the sky.

Yi Zhang taught his feet to step on a half-meter wide giant sword, and a pair of fiery red wings grew out of Feng Luan’s back.

“Come to me, faster!”

Wang Xian looked at them and smiled, and directly took out the Five Elements Great Grinding.

The five elements have become a big radius of 20 meters, suspended in the sky.

Yi Zhangjiao smiled at Wang Xian and stood up directly.

The relationship between the blood flow sect and the blood flow dynasty is not very good, and the ability to form an alliance is what he wants to see most.

Especially after learning that Wang Xian is also a sixth-order strong in the hole.

You know, the entire blood flow dynasty, there are only three or four strong people of the sixth order of the hole virtual!

Feng Luan sat beside Wang Xian, and the three quickly flew towards the Guanglong Dynasty.

After flying for more than ten hours, Master Yi saw that Wang Xian didn’t need to rest at all, and he was slightly shocked.

“The former convenience is the domain of the Guanglong Dynasty, and their royal city is not far from here!”

When he came to a densely packed area, Shopkeeper Yi said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian nodded, speeding up slightly.

“Go directly to the palace!”

A huge city appeared in their sight, and the huge moat was magnificent.

Master Yi looked at the Central Palace and said with a smile.

With their status and status, entering the palace of the Guanglong Dynasty, there is no need to ask for instructions to continue.

Flying directly to the palace, the city’s defensive formation can’t stop them at all.


Passing through the defensive formation of the royal city, they flew towards the royal palace at a terrifying speed.

The guards of the entire royal city did not respond.

“Brother Long Xiaotian, friends come to visit!”

“King Guanglong, we have something to discuss!”

When he came to the sky above the Guanglong Dynasty, Wang Xian gave a soft drink, with a smile on his face.

Although his relationship with Long Xiaotian is relatively good, it is not very good with the Guanglong Dynasty.

After all, he once killed the Crown Prince of the Guanglong Dynasty on the spot.

“Huh? Who dares to make a noise in our palace!”

An angry shout came from below the palace, and a strong man with a imaginary name rose directly into the sky.

At this time, in the imperial study room in the palace, Long Xiaotian and several ministers stood in front and reported something to King Guanglong.

When he heard this voice, Long Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, full of surprise.

A trace of anger flashed across the face of King Guanglong!

If it weren’t for Wang Xian’s strength, he would definitely avenge his murder.

With a move, the King Guanglong appeared directly in the sky.

“Huh? Easy to teach?”

When King Guanglong was floating in the sky, he saw the three of Wang Xian, his eyes fell on the head of the blood flow sect, with a look of surprise on his face.

“You are the one who killed my grandson, and you dare to come to my Guanglong Dynasty and look for death!”

Suddenly, an old man suddenly rushed out from below, a thousand-meter-long lightsaber, directly attacked Wang Xian.


Wang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly, and the Five Elements Mould under him moved slightly, and a cloud of gray energy swept towards the lightsaber.

With a touch, the lightsaber disappeared directly.

“Guanglong Dynasty, we have important matters to discuss with you, but don’t kill yourself!”

Master Yi frowned slightly when he saw that the strong of the Guanglong Dynasty dared to attack directly.

“Yi Zhangjiao, I don’t know what to discuss!”

King Guanglong saw Wang Xian easily erase his father’s attack, his pupils shrank slightly, and said solemnly.

“Regarding some things about the future of the blood flow area, this is the queen of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. As for the prince, you naturally know that we are not enemies!”

Yi Zhangjiao said lightly.

“Queen of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty?”

The King of Light Dragon was slightly surprised. He had heard of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty that had recently emerged from afar.

For this dynasty, it is full of fear.

The cities under the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty today are much more than their Guanglong dynasty.

“Come to our Royal Study Room to talk!”

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