Chapter 1421 What is Tianjiao? 6


Around the stadium of Nuo Da, when all the audience saw Xiaoyue behind her being pointed at her back by a black spear.

One by one, their hearts tightened, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

This young man who came out to smash the scene unexpectedly defeated Xiaoyue and defeated their most outstanding young Tianjiao in the Yanyang Continent.

And defeated it so easily, this…this…

“I actually lost…”

Xiaoyue clenched her fist, staring at Helianhu with embarrassment.

“Haha, you ten together, maybe it can make me pay more attention to it, but you are alone, haha!”

He Lianhu gave a chuckle, glanced at the ten talented young people of Xiaoyue, with a proud face.

“This disciple of the blood flow sect, I don’t know what your intention is to defeat the arrogances of our Yanyang Continent, is it to show your strength?”

On the subjective stage, City Lord Yanyang slowly stood up and asked lightly toward Helianhu of the Blood Flow Sect.

“Huh? What? Blood Flow Sect?”

“That young man is the blood flow sect? The blood flow sect is a powerful sect in the cemetery of the shemales. It can rank in the top three among all the sects!”

“What did the disciples of the Blood Flow Sect come to do with us?”

When the voice of Yanyang City Lord remembered, everyone was slightly surprised, staring at Helianhu with shocked faces.

Because Yanyang City is only about a hundred thousand kilometers away from the cemetery of the demons, it is not too far.

They still know about the great religion of the blood flow sect.

This is the real behemoth in the cemetery of the monsters, even the current Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is weaker than it.

“Haha, let me introduce myself again, the blood flow sect He Lianhu, ranked seventeenth on the Tianjiao list, I also barely stepped into the Tianjiao list, unlike my brother, who is seventh on the Tianjiao list!”

He Lianhu said, looking towards the remote location on the stage.


His words shocked everyone again, and looked towards the stage with shocked faces.

“Meng Wenbing, seventh on the Tianjiao list!”

A young man who looked a little old-fashioned, drew a black shadow, and landed directly beside He Lianhu.

“The seventeenth on the Tianjiao list, the seventh on the Tianjiao list, this…”

“The ranking of Tianjiao seems to be a ranking of Tianjiao Terrace in the cemetery of the demon, and all those who can enter the ranking of Tianjiao are outstanding Tianjiao!”

All the people in the audience stared at Helianhu and the expressionless Meng Wenbing, their faces were full of surprise.

“What? You are only ranked seventeenth!”

On the ring, ten young people from the Yanyang Continent stared at Helianhu, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

He is only the 17th arrogant, so terrifying?

Then, the black-clothed youth who was silent on the side ranked seventh, isn’t it even more terrifying?

This made Xiaoyue’s faces very embarrassing.

“Yes, we are the real arrogance!”

He Lianhu saw their shocked expressions, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: “With you, never want to be a goddess!”

“Only by going to the real Tianjiao battlefield and the cemetery of the monsters, you can become the real Tianjiao!”

“Like your Tianjiao contest held by the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, ha ha, only Zeng Xiaoer, if you really take it out, it will be ashamed!”

His ridiculous voice resounded throughout the playing field, and everyone could hear it clearly!

This made everyone’s complexion slightly changed and a little embarrassing.

All of them knew that Tianjiao Terrace in the Shemale Cemetery was the center of the entire Liuhai area.

As long as you get on the Tianjiao Platform, you will become the Tianjiao in the entire region, among the tens of billions of people.

The Tianjiao Competition held by the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is indeed not at the same level as Tianjiaotai.

Now being ridiculed directly by a Tianjiao on the stage, their expressions keep changing.

“Two of the blood flow sect, pay attention to what you say. If you don’t know what is good or bad, I don’t mind to discipline your elders!”

City Lord Yanyang heard He Lianhu’s words and said directly with a cold face.

“Haha, Yanyang City Lord, did the disciples of our sect make a mistake?”

There was a loud laughter, and the other three people from the blood flow sect flew directly into the sky.

The three middle-aged old men and the white-haired old man were in the center, and he was staring at the City Lord Yanyang with a smile on his face!

A faint power radiated from them.

The three people suspended in the sky suddenly appeared above everyone’s head like a big mountain.

This caused everyone’s breathing to stagnate, and a shocked look appeared on their faces.

“This power feels even more terrifying than the city lord!”

An old man murmured.

City Lord Yanyang’s expression also changed slightly. Although he didn’t know the three members of the Blood Flow Sect, he could feel a terrifying power from them.

He is not an opponent.

This made Yanyang City Lord’s face extremely solemn.

“Your blood flow sect is a big sect. I don’t know what to do in Yanyang City?”

Yanyang City Lord asked the old man expressionlessly.

“Wandering around, just happened to run into your competition. I think these ten kids are pretty good!”

The old man in the center showed a slight smile on his face, his eyes scanned the ten young people on the ring, and said with a smile.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

City Lord Yanyang narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the three of the Blood Flow Sect.

“Our blood flow sect is now recruiting disciples, ten children on the ring, you are qualified to enter the blood flow sect, do you know if you are interested?”

The old man glanced at City Lord Yanyang, and the ten Xiaoyue who finally landed on the ring suddenly spoke.


City Lord Yanyang was slightly startled, and even the ten young people on the ring were shocked.

They are going to be recruited into the blood sect!


“Blood Flow Sect, we are the people of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, they are the arrogant of our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, but you can’t recruit them if you want!”

City Lord Yanyang roared with a gloomy face.

“Haha, our blood flow sect is a sect and has nothing to do with your dynasty. What’s more, our blood flow sect is the top sect in the cemetery of the monsters. Join us and we will give you more resources!”

The old man laughed and glanced at the young people of Xiaoyue below: “The real Tianjiao can only be born in our blood flow sect!”

“The Blood Flow Sect actually wants to recruit Aria and the others!”

“This is the blood flow sect, I didn’t expect them to want to recruit the people of Xiaoyue!”


In the audience, everyone looked at this scene with sorrow.

The powerhouses of the blood flow sect personally invited them to join the blood flow sect. This is the blood flow sect!

“What is Tianjiao? You stay here and never want to become Tianjiao. Only by joining our blood flow sect and stepping on the Tianjiao platform will you be the real Tianjiao!”

“Stay here, it’s just a frog at the bottom of the well!”

He Lianhu stared at the people in front of Xiaoyue with a smile on his face, and said with a smile.

He Lianhu’s words moved the faces of ten people.

They can become the top ten in the Yanyang Continent at a young age, which one does not have the heart of a strong man.

They also want to be the true arrogance of the contemporary world!

I also want to be as strong as Helianhu, even stronger than him!

The blood flow sect is such a powerful sect invitation, they are naturally very excited!

On the subjective stage, City Lord Yanyang saw ten hesitant youths, their complexions slightly changed, and their complexions were a bit ugly.

The blood flow sect, a top sect, personally invited and seduced them in the name of Tianjiao. Which youth is not tempted?

“Haha, Tianjiao? What is Tianjiao? I said you are Tianjiao, you are Tianjiao!”

Suddenly, a loud sound resounded across the sky!

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