Chapter 1411 One year, breakthrough! superior

“How do you develop next, do you need manpower?”

Wang Xian looked at Fengluan and said sternly.

“As far as the hands are concerned, just lend me your dragon palace guards. Recently I have obtained a lot of resources. I can break through to the fourth stage of the hole in a month at most!”

“At that time, I will be able to fight the fifth step of the hole virtual, and it will be much easier to conquer other dynasties!”

Feng Luan nodded and said directly to Wang Xian.

“Yes, when you go on the expedition, let the treacherous demon clan follow you. Ao Yao’s strength can assassinate the fifth rank of Dongxu, just in case!”

Wang Xian nodded and said to her.

A smile appeared on Feng Luan’s face, she knew the strength of the creepy monster.

There are not many treacherous monsters in the Dragon Palace, but their strength is definitely the strongest.

“Xiao Xian, several of us have also joined the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. From now on, we will be the seven elders of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty elders!”

“Yes, brother, we will also be the founders of a dynasty in the future. Maybe the people will build statues for us in the future, haha!”

“Next to the expedition in Li, we are going to fight with Sister Fengluan on the battlefield, so that the people of the Transcendent Continent will know who says that women are inferior to men!”

Guan Shuqing and Xiaoyu said excitedly.

“Whatever you toss about, just pay attention!”

Wang Xian said with a smile on his face.

Many dynasties have elders, just like the Guanglong dynasty, the elders can determine the position of the prince.

The power of elders is great.

Of course, Guan Shuqing and the others are just playing around.

In order to comfort their five girls, plus the seven girls, Xiao Yu and Zhang Fengying, the weakest and the weakest.

In today’s Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, all of them are strong!

“By the way, Fengluan, I plan to monopolize the forging shop of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. Is it easy to implement this?”

Wang Xian asked her.

Nowadays, there is a family of Fire Hammers in the Dragon Palace, and they refine weapons very fast.

If the weapons of the entire Dragon and Phoenix dynasty were forged to a monopoly, the daily income would be at least tens of billions of medium-grade spirit stones, or even more.

Use these spirit stones to purchase pills to increase your strength, and that can quickly increase the strength of the Dragon Palace.

“Do you monopolize the weapons industry? In fact, I want to monopolize the alchemy industry!”

Feng Luan looked at him with a contemplative expression on his face: “The benefits of monopoly are obviously easy to see, especially the pill and weapons, but there is a problem, the life and death pill workshop and the sacred forge!”

“These two huge forces will settle in every dynasty. If they are not allowed to settle in, they will be attacked by the other side.”

“Especially the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, if they do rule over one or two hundred cities in the future, they will definitely not let this market go!”

Feng Luan said, frowning slowly.

“How powerful are the Life and Death Pills and Sacred Artifacts Workshop?”

Wang Xian asked Fengluan.

“These two forces, placed on the mainland, are only weaker than the five empires!”

“Each one sits in the realm of longevity!”

Feng Luan frowned slightly.

“Does a demigod exist in the realm of longevity?”

Wang Xian also frowned. Now they face this kind of existence without the slightest solution.

The Pills of Life and Death and the Sacred Forge, said they would enter your dynasty and open a shop inside.

If you disagree, the other party can completely kill you secretly.

“There is a way, and that is to let the Fire Skylark clan take action. In the past few years, I have made the Fire Skylark clan a lot of preparations!”

“But there is a problem. The Fire Skylark clan can only resist their top-level powerhouses, but if the other party secretly uses some means, it will be very troublesome for us!”

Feng Luan said with blinking eyes.

“Then what do you do?”

Wang Xian looked at her.

“Originally, it only monopolized the pill, not sinning the sacred artifact forge, but since you want to monopolize the weapon, then I will let the Fire Skylark clan make preparations again!”

“At best, be careful, the strength of the Fire Skylark clan is not weak!”

Feng Luan smiled and decided to say.


Wang Xian nodded: “When will you be able to enter the weapon market, please tell me, I will prepare immediately!”


Feng Luan nodded, and then said, “I’m going to deal with some things!”

“Wait, here’s something for you!”

As Wang Xian said, he threw a half-bright and half-dark bead to Fengluan.

This bead was seen by Wang Xian in the system treasury, and it was called a treasure exchanged by the Light and Dark Source with 10 million dragon crystals.

This treasure is very magical, and it can sense the loyalty of the other party to him.

Nowadays, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is developing rapidly, and some of the conquered powerhouses have no loyalty at all.

Using this light and dark source, it is possible to detect whether a person is loyal to oneself and whether it is harmful to oneself.

This thing is very useful to Feng Luan.

There is a prerequisite for this, the use of beads requires the dripping of the other party’s blood.

“Huh? So amazing?”

Feng Luan took the beads, a look of surprise appeared on his face, followed by a smile on his face.

“With this light and dark source, it will save me a huge trouble!”

Feng Luan smiled and left the palace.

Wang Xian pulled a group of girls, and began to stay on the cave for a few days again without shame.

For the next time, Wang Xian stayed in the palace.

Now the surrounding sea areas of several thousand kilometers are all in the realm of the Dragon Palace, and the members of the Dragon Palace are increasing every day.

But the number of additions is not much, at most ten creatures can pass through the dragon gate and enter the dragon palace a day!

One month later, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty began its journey.

The dragon and phoenix queen led her troops to conquer, and the seven elders of the elders group were all of the cave virtual level.

In addition, fifteen generals of the hole virtual level and twenty swordsmen of the hole virtual level are added.

In addition, the whole school of Zhushan Sect was added to march with the queen.

A total of nearly 80 strong men in the hole, led by 30,000 soldiers, fought against the surrounding dynasties.

Seven or eight dynasties had already surrendered. In just two months, eight dynasties surrendered!

However, the journey of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty did not stop, and continued to expand wildly.

After breaking through eight dynasties, the number of Dongxu who followed Fengluan’s expedition reached one hundred and fifty.

There was Feng Luan who was able to fight against the fifth rank of Dongxu, and no dynasty could withstand their attack.

The entire dragon and phoenix dynasty expanded at a terrifying speed.

After Fengluan broke through the cities and dynasties, a large amount of resources were also sent to the Dragon and Phoenix King City and the Dragon Palace.

Longfengwangcheng continued its expansion again.

Vow to build the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty into the most majestic, magnificent and beautiful city.

And when some resources from the dynasty were sent to the Dragon Palace, and Wang Xian obtained resources from Xiaoyao City, the dragon energy he needed had also reached the point of upgrading.

During the war, the corpses of those strong men were all sent to the Dragon Palace.

The members of the Dragon Palace are also rapidly improving.

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