Chapter 1390

“How could he be here, how could he be here, this…this…”

In front of a pavilion near the central auction platform, a middle-aged man stood up and stared at Wang Xian tremblingly.

He never thought that in this place, he would encounter such a legendary existence.

When I saw Wang Xian last, he was in the selection of the prince of the Guanglong Dynasty.

The battle on that day shook the entire cemetery of the monsters.

After seeing the terrifying power of that nameless sword demon, he knew what terror was.

The old monster that had lived for thousands of years at the fifth rank of the hole, directly beheaded.

That terrifying millstone, destroying a dynasty is also easy.

“Thirteenth brother, what’s wrong?”

Next to the middle-aged, a middle-aged man with a beard and wearing a toga sitting in the middle saw his brother with a shocked look, raised his brows, and asked curiously.

My thirteen brother had stayed in a cruel place like the cemetery of the shemale for a long time, so he shouldn’t be so excited.

“Brother, that person…”

He swallowed and spit, still with a look of shock in his eyes.

“Uncle Thirteen, speak slowly, what makes you so shocked!”

The young man sitting beside the middle-aged man in a toga asked curiously.

“Brother, do you know the nameless sword demon? Tianjiao Supreme? The enchanting powerhouse who destroyed the fifth-order Ice Hanzi of Dongxu!”

The middle-aged swallowed and spit, and said to the middle-aged in the robe.

“Well, you told me about this before, didn’t it?”

The middle-aged man in Toga was also slightly surprised, his eyes gleaming.

“Where is he!”

The middle-aged stared wide-eyed and pointed to the position of Wang Xian.


The middle-aged man in the toga quickly turned his head and stared at Wang Xian.

“Brother Thirteen, you… are you telling the truth?”

The middle-aged figure in the toga asked tremblingly.

“Sure, 100% sure, it’s him, it’s definitely him!”

The middle-aged said affirmatively.


The face of the old man in the toga changed drastically, and a terrifying powerhouse who could kill the fifth-order hole virtual could completely change the order of the entire area.

Xiaoyao City is great here, not because there is a Xiaoyao City Lord of the fifth rank of the void.

“Check the power of that adult, and find a way to please!”

The middle-aged robe said directly.

The young man sitting on the side widened his eyes: “He is so young, he turned out to be a terrifying strong man!”

“yes, Sir!”

“Congratulations to everyone from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty for winning the first set of Qing Ming Pills!”

At this moment, the voice of the auctioneer sounded from the position on the stage!

“Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

The middle-aged man in the toga was slightly startled, and looked at the middle-aged man with a dignified look in his eyes.

If a dynasty wants to become stronger, it must expand,

And if it expands, it will conquer other dynasties.

“If I remember correctly, not long after the nameless sword demon left, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty destroyed four dynasties!”

The middle-aged swallowed and spit, eyes flickering.

They are a powerful sect, and their influence is much stronger than the average dynasty.

In the sect, there are also three or four strong people of the fourth rank of Dongxu.

But compared with the nameless sword demon, it is still far behind!

“Friendship, the sect and the dynasty are not at odds with each other!”

The middle-aged robe decided to say.

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, it turned out to be the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

“It turns out that they belonged to the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, no wonder they could sit so far ahead!”

“The strength of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is very strong!”

When the surrounding forces heard the voice of the auctioneer, they also looked at Wang Xian and the crowd with surprise on their faces.

“Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, the one that has risen recently?”

At this time, under a pavilion closest to the central auction platform, the young city lord dressed in white looked over curiously.

“Yes, a dynasty that has just risen. I heard that this dynasty is a queen. It is very powerful. Among the nearby dynasties, it should be the strongest. Our dynasty is far from it!”

A woman sitting beside Young City Lord said with a smile on her face.

“Is it Qianying, but with me in the future, your Jinliang dynasty will become stronger and stronger!”

Young City Lord narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the woman in front of him greedily.

“Hehe, then I would like to thank Young City Lord!”

The woman said to him with a smile on her face.

“Young City Lord, this guy from the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is extremely arrogant. Yesterday I invited him to the banquet, and the guy directly said that he was not interested, huh, he was crazy!”

At this moment, Yao Dingfeng and Liu Shaohua, who were not far away, approached and said angrily.

“Oh, is it? Haha, don’t worry about it!”

Young City Lord smiled faintly, without paying any attention to it. It can also be said that he did not pay attention to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

“If Young City Lord spoke, he would not refuse!”

The woman on the side leaned against Young City Lord, and the huge Xiong Department was attached to him.

“Hehe, that’s natural, that’s natural, so he has four or five courage and dare not want to be presumptuous with Young City Lord!”

The two saw that Young City Lord didn’t put the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty in their eyes at all, and they didn’t continue to say anything, and smiled and nodded.

“Qianying, what do you want, I’ll buy it for you later!”

The Young City Lord on the side smiled, holding the woman’s shoulders, and asked with a smile.

“Really? Then I won’t be polite to Young City Lord. This technique drops, I heard that wearing it can beautify your face, hehe!”

The woman said happily.

“Haha, good, I will buy it for you later!”

Young City Master said with a big smile on his face.

Around, some women looked at the girl with envy.

“The second group of Qingming Pill, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty produced 57 billion middle-grade spirit stones, is there anyone else to increase the price?”

The second group of Qingming Pills began to be sold, and when Wang Xian continued to bid, the two forces competed for a while and gave up.

“Congratulations to everyone from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty for obtaining the second set of Qingming Pills, and the third set of 50 billion middle-grade spirit stones is still starting!”

“Five-five billion middle-grade spirit stones!”

Wang Xian directly raised his hand, raising it to 55 billion!

“This… the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is really rich!”

“That’s not it, four dynasties must be destroyed, hundreds of billions of dollars may be easy for them!”

“It seems that he wants all the pills, but he can’t compete, forget it!”

When Wang Xian continued to bid, some surrounding forces slowly shook their heads.

Three groups of pills in a row, all let Wang Xian buy.

The next bid was for some other items, and Wang Xian did not make a shot either.

“The next auction is that water attribute cultivators have noticed. This is a treasure, a magic water bead, an item of the first-order hole. It is similar to the water spirit bead, but it is different. It can be worn on the body and can be used for beauty and beauty! ”

After more than a dozen items were auctioned off in a row, another item was brought out.

“By the way, Jin Ming, go to propose a marriage in two days, have you figured out what to get?”

Wang Xian saw this drop of water and asked Duan Jinming on the side.

“Huh? Take something? This…”

Duan Jinming scratched his head.

“Learn to be smart when picking up girls!”

Wang Xian patted him on the shoulder: “I will prepare things for you!”

“Thank you Dragon King, thank you!”

The honest Duan Jinming quickly thanked him.

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