Chapter 1378 Fire Gold Dragon Seed

In a grand ceremony, more than sixty city lords, the Dongxu family forces in the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, and the rest of the powerful forces, truly experienced the queen’s demeanor.

As a former female emperor, there are more than a few hundred cities in charge. Whether it is a lofty gaze or a transcendent spirit, it is not comparable to a strong person.

Even, from the eyes of all the city lords and powerhouses present, their previous kings were far worse than the dragon and phoenix queens.

It seems that it is not a level at all.

Under the respectful eyes of the crowd, Feng Luan formulated plans and implemented policies one by one.

Under the combination of grace and power, the hearts of the entire dynasty quickly gathered.

Wang Xian and the others sat aside and watched with smiles. They were able to become the emperor of the ages, and Feng Luan’s talents were the best for the ages.

The Golden Swordfish clan and the Sky Eye Arrow were standing on both sides, shocking everyone by force.

People also know that behind the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, there is still a powerful force.

“Fengluan, are you going to the auction in Xiaoyao City?”

After the ceremony of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, Wang Xian sat leisurely in Fengluan’s Imperial Study Room and asked her.

“I can’t live without it for the time being. I need to deal with many things in the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, and I will patrol the cities one by one next!”

“In addition, the various competitions organized by the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will also start to be executed!”

Feng Luan shook her head, with a slight smile on her face.

Today’s Dragon and Phoenix dynasty is ten times stronger. It can be said that she has taken a solid step forward on the road of revenge.

“Shuqing, how about you guys, do you want to go to Xiaoyao City with me or?”

Wang Xian nodded and looked at several girls.

“Naturally follow Sister Fengluan to the cities, haha!”

“At that time, as the cabinet ministers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, we can go to more than 60 cities!”

“Eat all the delicious food and drink in all the cities, and I am very happy when I think about it!”

The girls said with some fiery eyes.

Now Feng Luan is in charge of more than 60 cities, and every city in Transcendent Continent is huge.

Each place has its own characteristics, and all kinds of food and drink are naturally very rich.

Now they are going to the cities one by one in a distinguished capacity, delicious and delicious, and they can also enjoy different scenery.

Naturally, he is not willing to accompany Wang Xian to run in Happy King City!

“Well, if you don’t go, I will go by myself!”

Wang Xian nodded silently: “You are leading some Dragon Guards and the creepy monsters!”

“It’s okay, no one in the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty dared to be disrespectful to us, not to mention our strength is not weak!”

Several girls said with a smile.

Wang Xian nodded, and now the powerful forces of the entire Dragon and Phoenix dynasty knew the identities of several girls.

No one dared to provoke them.

This time, the power displayed by Wang Xian not only shocked the powerhouses in more than sixty cities.

Even Feng Luan was surprised.

There are more than sixty strong men in the hole, more than those strong in the war ten days ago!

“Okay, Xiaoyao City is not close to us, I will leave in a while!”

Wang Xian nodded and said to them.

Xiaoyao City’s distance from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, at his speed, would take at least three days.

Wang Xian is going to leave today.

“Here, these are the things that are not used in the dynasty now, give them all to you!”

Feng Luan handed him a space ring, which contained many treasures.

Wang Xian looked at it and found that the value of it was at least one trillion middle-grade spirit stones.

He had no politeness and put it away.

If all the items in his hand are converted into resources, he can increase him by about 700 or 800 million dragon crystals.

Not too much, but definitely not too many.

“Well, I will go back to the Dragon Palace first, and then set off directly, you guys have fun!”

Wang Xian said to the girls, and then flew directly towards the Dragon Palace.

Back in the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian took all the treasures he didn’t need, and led the four Dragon Guards and the four creeps directly towards Xiaoyao City.

Xiaoyao City, as you can tell from its name, is a neutral city.

It was built by the top powerhouse, Xiaoyao City Lord, and the entire city is one of the best in the Liuhai area.

City Lord Xiaoyao will hold an auction every five years, inviting all the big forces around.

There are three or four weakest forces who can participate in this auction.

In every auction, the value of the item is in the hundreds of billions of middle-grade spirit stones.

Moreover, the auction held every five years has also attracted many small forces and individual powerful people to Xiaoyao City. Over time, Xiaoyao City has become a huge material trading place.

Here, claiming to be able to buy anything you want.

Flying in the wild sky, you can occasionally encounter some beasts of the cavernous level.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Xian directly beheaded him.

It took four days to stop and rest, and a huge city finally appeared in Wang Xian’s sight.

The city is larger than the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, and looks much more majestic than the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

The entire Xiaoyao City is not located on flat ground, but on top of a mountain.

Behind it lies a 10,000-meter-high mountain.

A 10,000-meter high waterfall falls from the top of the mountain, it is very spectacular!

There is only one entrance to Xiaoyao City, and the ground is padded with gold, which is magnificent and magnificent from a distance!

“so many people!”

When Wang Xian was not even close, he found that he could bump into groups of people from time to time in the surrounding sky.

When I came to the location several kilometers in front of Xiaoyao City, I saw tens of thousands of people walking towards Xiaoyao City from a distance.

Every individual’s identity looks extraordinary.

In addition to humans, he also saw many monster races!

At a glance, Wang Xian even saw at least a dozen weak and powerful men.

“It deserves to be called the top city within a radius of 100,000 kilometers, and the Xiaoyao City Kings Auction held every five years is even a grand event with a radius of 100,000 kilometers!”

Wang Xian sighed in his heart, the auction held every five years, it is estimated that the entire city will have five or six hundred strong people, or even more.

“Go, let’s go into the city and have a look!”

Wang Xian said to them towards Ao Jian, and landed directly on the golden avenue below.


When Wang Xian just landed on the ground, he felt a throbbing blood inexplicably.

This made him startled for a moment, his blood throbbing?

This was the first time he encountered this situation.

“what happened?”

Wang Xian was stunned, his heart moved, and he looked to the left.

“This is?”

He looked at a teenager who could not be called a human.

He has a steel body, about two meters in size, and extremely burly.

Holding a fiery red hammer in his hand, he looked very simple and honest.

The throbbing of blood came from this young man.

Fire-gold dragon species: the strongest dragon species in the dragon palace forging technique!

A message appeared in his mind!

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