1374 Sweeping the Four Kingdoms (1)

“Victory, we are completely victorious, haha!”

“The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty is invincible, the Queen is invincible, and Lord Wang is invincible!”

“It’s too strong to destroy one hundred thousand in one blow!”

When the army of the Dongyuan Dynasty fell, the cheers of victory resounded throughout the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

All the people cheered with excitement.

The city gate opened, and the people rushed out, supporting their army and dynasty, looking at their queen and their lord in awe.

“Clean up all the corpses quickly, Ao Qitian, Ao Jian, Ao Qixi, Mou Zesen, you four will be with me!”

Wang Xian looked at the densely packed corpses on the ground without the slightest fluctuation.

As for destroying 100,000 in one blow, it was not very difficult for him.

The annihilating power of the Five Elements Damo can kill 100,000 in one move, which is completely easy.

He said, looking at Fengluan on the side.

Feng Luan nodded slowly, his eyes swept across all the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty: “All the soldiers and soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty follow orders!”

“The four kingdoms of Xingyue Dynasty, Dongyuan Dynasty, Fengxiao Dynasty, and Nanyun Dynasty invaded us. Next, we must destroy them all within ten days, either surrender or die!”

“After ten days, our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will soar into the sky and shock the world!”

“Yes, destroy them and unify the four dynasties!”

“Destroy them and unify the four dynasties!”

A soldier from the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty shouted with excitement.

The sentiment is passionate, and they are a small dragon and phoenix dynasty, and now they have defeated the four great dynasties.

Each of these four kings owns more than a dozen cities, and even the Eastern Yuan Dynasty has more than 20 cities, which are among the top in the nearby countries.

If all these four dynasties are occupied, then the domain of their Dragon and Phoenix dynasties will expand dozens of times.

By then, the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, with more than sixty cities, will become the most powerful existence in the nearby area.

At that time, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty can be regarded as shocking!

“All soldiers, go with me!”

Feng Luan gave a soft drink, his eyes swept across all the soldiers.

“Lined up!”

Manghong roared and roared with excitement.


A group of soldiers lined up, staring fiercely at Her Majesty the Queen and their Lord Wang.

“Jiaolong, come!”

Wang Xian gave a soft drink, waved his arm, and a dragon chair and a phoenix seat were directly condensed with attributes.


The nine dragons swayed a huge figure of 30 meters and flew to the front position.


The wind attribute energy on them moved directly to hold the dragon chair and phoenix seat.

Wang Xian motioned towards Fengluan.

“Set off!”

A smile appeared on Feng Luan’s face. With a movement, he flew to the Phoenix seat and sat directly on it.

Wang Xian sat on the dragon chair.

The nine dragons roared slightly and flew towards the distance.

In the rear, the one hundred thousand army of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty followed closely behind.

The 100,000 legions of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty were not weak one by one, and they were the strongest fighters that Feng Luan had carefully cultivated.

Each strength is above the fifth rank.

There were fourteen strong cavemen who followed, but there were nine dragons and a group of dragon palace leaders, and there was no difficulty in conquering four dynasties!

“Queen, twenty kilometers ahead is the East China Sea City of the Xingyue Dynasty!”

After flying fast for five hours, the first city, Donghai City, is about to reach.

“The city lord of the East Sea City came to invade our dynasty and has already died in battle. Let’s go straight ahead. As long as they dare to resist, we will kill them!”

Feng Luan directly ordered indifferently.

“It’s Her Majesty!”

A group of soldiers responded immediately.


“Come and come, we congratulate Master Wei, wish Master Wei the best of the East China Sea, and welcome Master Wei to settle in our East China Sea in the future!”

“Today, our city lord and legion commander follow your majesty to go to the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. We cannot come personally. Our city lord mansion and the marine monk legion, congratulations to Master Wei!”

At this moment, in the East China Sea City, the whole East China Sea City is very lively and festive today.

All the people with status and status in the city, and even the people from the City Lord’s Mansion and the Marine Clerk Corps, all came to a manor and sent a congratulatory gift to a young and middle-aged person.

“Haha, thank you very much, thank you all of the City Lord’s Mansion and the Marine Cultivator Corps. When the City Lord and the general return triumphantly, I am recounting the past with them!”

Middle-aged, it was General Wei who betrayed the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. At this moment, he bowed proudly to the crowd below with a face full of spring breeze, enjoying the respect of everyone below.

After he left from the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, he went directly to the East Sea City.

After learning about it, the lord of Donghai City gave him a warm hospitality and invited him to settle here.

General Wei hesitated and agreed.

Seeing the giants and giants in the East Sea City respectfully looking up at him, the corner of General Wei’s mouth cocked slightly.

When he joined the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, he valued the resources and status of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

However, he later discovered that his status was not very high in the entire Dragon and Phoenix dynasty.

Because there is only one royal city in the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, he can’t be unscrupulous in the royal city.

As a general, he even fell in love with the beauties he likes and couldn’t do it yet, which made him very uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched the beauties sent by the giants and gentry nearby.

“Hmph, a general who may have been annihilated by the dynasty now, is not as comfortable as being a rich man in Donghai City!”

He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the cup in his hand and motioned to everyone.

Below, everyone hurriedly raised their wine glasses respectfully, in fear.


“Everyone in the East Sea City obeyed the orders. The Xingyue Dynasty attacked our Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty. All the soldiers, including the king, were beheaded, surrendered, or died!”


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came, accompanied by a cold voice and a roar.

The sound covers the entire East Sea City.

“My God, what’s the matter?”

“What? The defensive formation of our East Sea City was destroyed by a single blow. Look at the army and creature in the sky, so terrifying!”

“Our king was beheaded? The army that went to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty was annihilated, this… how is this possible!”

In Donghai Chennei, everyone raised their heads and looked into the sky, their eyes widened, full of horror.

A hundred thousand army rushed directly, and the soldiers on the wall did not react at all.

The huge creature that was thirty meters long shattered the defensive formation with a single blow.

As the closest city to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, they naturally knew that the Xingyue Dynasty combined with the Fengxiao Dynasty and the Nanyun Dynasty to destroy the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty today.

In the eyes of the people of East Sea City, this dynasty could be easily destroyed, but they never thought that the opponent would attack it.

Their king and army are even more directly destroyed, how is this possible?

“Kneel down, everyone kneel down, otherwise, just beheaded!”

A cold voice came from the sky, and the terrifying pressure was locked and covered below.

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

“What… this… this is impossible!”

At this time, General Wei in the East Sea City Manor opened his eyes wide, and he stood up and stared directly at the void in an incredible way!

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