Chapter 1368


“King Nanyun, let me play with you!”

Floating above the city wall, Wang Xian showed a faint smile on his face, and his voice directly passed into the ears of King Nanyun, whose face was fluctuating.

He opened his mouth slightly, and the five elements slowly appeared on the top of his head, gradually becoming a kilometer-sized area.

“Dongxu Tier 4!”

Feeling the threat from Wang Xian’s body, King Nan Yun’s expression was a little embarrassed.

He agreed to come and attack the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, originally thinking that the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty was a lamb to be slaughtered.

It doesn’t require any effort to take it down.

However, it never occurred to him that two horrifying powerhouses of the fourth-order hole appeared suddenly, and there were more than three thousand terrifying creatures.

The power they brought this time was only seven of the third-order holes.

Originally thought that the seven Hole Void Tier 3 were too many, but there were nine terrifying Hole Void Tier 3 giant creatures.

This gave King Nanyun a bad premonition in his heart.

“Today, your four hundred thousand army will stay here!”

Wang Xian was suspended above the city. He did not rush out. After speaking, with a wave of his arm, the Five Elements Damo directly attacked King Nanyun.

“Looking for death, leave us here? You don’t have this strength yet!”

King Nanyun held the golden sword in his hand, raised both hands, and blasted directly towards the Five Elements Great Mill.

A thousand-meter-long golden sword light, like opening up the world, cut directly towards the Five Elements Great Mo.

The horrible golden sword light vowed to split the five elements into two parts.


However, the Five Elements rotates slowly, and a flame burns toward the sword light.

The five elements revolve, and the fire overcomes the gold!

The sword light dissipated before reaching the Five Elements Great Mould.

However, the Great Mill of the Five Elements revolved again, and an obliterating energy moved towards the King of Nanyun.


King Nanyun’s face was terrified, staring at the Five Elements Great Mill incredibly.

This is the young man who released an attack, the other side’s figure has not yet approached!

“The sword has no marks, cracks!”

Seeing the gray power attacking, King Nanyun shot out golden light from his face, his body exuding bright brilliance.

The whole person’s phantom became a hundred meters in size, chopped off toward the gray energy.


The terrifying collision sounded again, and the collision of two powerful energies sent out a powerful wave of air.


The screams sounded from the surroundings, and King Nanyun’s face changed drastically.

He looked at the men around him, took a deep breath, and stared at the Five Elements Mill: “I’m going to break you!”

With a movement of his body, he flew directly into the sky several kilometers, staring at the five dragons on the Five Elements Great Mill, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“Golden rain, come!”

He roared, and behind him appeared dense gold needles, each of which was about one meter long.

The golden needles gathered together and attacked the five dragons on the five elements.

The five elements revolved, and the Vulcan Dragon faced the golden needles, emitting fireballs.

Once again, King Nanyun’s attack was resisted by the Five Elements.

“My God, Lord Wang is so strong, he can easily fight against the king of the Nanyun Dynasty just by manipulating a magical treasure, it is simply too powerful!”

“Haha, Lord Wang is invincible, look, look at where our Majesty the Queen is fighting with King Xingyue, there is no wind, and there is even a lot of ease between gestures!”

“That Fengxu Tier 4 powerhouse of the Fengxiao Dynasty was also resisted by Lord Sky-Eyed Monster Beast, haha!”

“Look at the battle below, Lord Wang’s men are so strong, those nine huge creatures have already killed two cave-vaulting strongmen, my god, the 400,000 army below has been slaughtered!”

In the Dragon and Phoenix King City, when all the people saw Wang Xian indifferently floating in the sky, the manipulator easily confronted the Nanyun King with a treasure, and they almost knelt down and worshiped.

This is simply too hanging!

In other positions, their majesty, the leader of the sky-eyed monster beast, even suppressed the Xingyue King and the Fengxiao Dynasty powerhouse.

Not to mention the rest of the place, nine dragons raged, a crowd of magic monkey thunder and shrimps slaughtered frantically!

“This is our dynasty, our queen, our lord king!”

Those people who have been following the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty since the establishment of the dynasty, tears filled their eyes with excitement.

They will not abandon this dynasty, nor will the dynasty abandon them.

“Kill, kill me fiercely, hahaha!”

On the battlefield, all the generals of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty showed excitement on their faces.

They feel full of endless fighting spirit.

The appearance of Lord Wang’s servants of the Dragon Palace, those powerful creatures, violently suppressed the 400,000 army, and even they just followed behind to make up their swords.

The 400,000 army, the elites of the three dynasties, how many half-step virtual powerhouses can there be, one hundred is considered too much, right?

But the group of creatures in the Dragon Palace had at least a thousand in a half-step hole.

If you want to kill this extra 900 half-step hole virtual powerhouses, you must come up with three or four thousand transcendent ninth-tier powerhouses.

Are there three or four thousand transcendent ninth ranks in the 400,000 army? Obviously not.

Not to mention, the rest of the creatures with the lowest rank ninth transcendent power!

The soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty were full of excitement.

“The battle begins now!”

But at this moment, behind the arrow of the sky’s eye, the only hole in the dolphin clan murmured.


A special sound wave directly covered the entire battlefield.

Streams of water condense in the sky.

The black cloud slowly condensed, and some poisonous snakes in the back swallowed their tongues. With a slight movement of their mouths, the pitch-black liquid directly entered the dark clouds in the sky.

The blue raindrops and black raindrops covered the entire battlefield.


When the aid of sound waves spread across the battlefield, the magic monkey and the thunder shrimp roared in excitement.

He has a clear mind, and his body is full of strength.

Dolphin’s assistance can increase combat effectiveness by at least 30%.

Don’t underestimate the small 30%, which can turn the tide of battle in battle.

What’s more, when those sound waves reached the ears of the 400,000 army, they were a little confused.

Always feel that there is invisible energy disturbing their thoughts, and their combat power is greatly reduced.

“How do I feel that I am full of power and my mind is clearer!”

A soldier of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty suddenly felt his own change, and shouted with excitement on his face.

“Me too, it’s that special sound wave, this must be the special talent of Lord Wang, haha, it’s too strong, kill it!”

Around, another soldier shouted excitedly.


At this time, the raindrops in the sky fell.

Black raindrops fell on the soldiers of the three dynasties.

Blue raindrops fell on members of the Dragon Palace and the soldiers of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

The killing has just begun!

The blood flow began to converge!

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