Chapter 1361


“What? The two countries are married!”


The middle-aged voice just fell, and in the entire hall, the faces of the civil servants and generals behind them showed angry expressions.

They gave a soft drink and glared at the people of the Dongyuan Dynasty.

Especially Yan Wenshan, Mang Hong, Yu Chengzi and Jin Qianyuan, let their queen marry the Dongyuan dynasty.

Its heart is punishable!

Wang Xian just sat on the chair, and when he heard the words of the middle-aged, he slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at him lightly!

“Hehe, this condition of your Dongyuan Dynasty is really interesting!”

When Feng Luan heard the words of the middle-aged, a trace of cold flashed in her eyes. She took a slight breath and said lightly.

“Our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty has shown our sincerity, and please show your sincerity!”

She continued blankly.

“Queen of Dragon and Phoenix, we are not joking, but we King Dongyuan knows that if the queen disagrees, we can’t force it.”

“In addition to this condition, there is another condition. We want the Shengshi Fire Lotus and the Shengshi Fire Lotus formation. In addition, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will become a subject of our Dongyuan Dynasty!”

As the middle-aged spoke, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

“Prosperity Fire Lotus! Dependent Country!”

After Feng Luan heard their second condition, his face became completely cold.

“Yes, it is these two conditions. As long as we promise one of these two conditions, our Eastern Yuan Dynasty will send troops to protect your Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty!”

“Otherwise, with the current strength of the Star-Moon Dynasty uniting the other two dynasties, your Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty will be destroyed!”

“Queen of Dragon and Phoenix, you don’t need to consider the first condition or the second. Only these two methods can keep your dynasty!”

The middle-aged had a firm tone, staring at Feng Luan firmly, with strong confidence on his face.

“The Prosperity Fire Lotus is a treasure of the fifth-order Dongxu, and the fire-lotus formation is a training auxiliary formation for the fourth-order Dongxu. These two treasures are extremely valuable!”

Feng Luan stared at the middle-aged, her face sinking: “In addition to these two things, do you still want our Dragon and Phoenix dynasty to be your subject?”

“It’s just a subject country? Some tributes are handed in every year, and there is not much to do for the others. To the extinct country, becoming a subject country is just a small matter!”

The middle-aged man looked at Fengluan with a faint smile on his face.

In middle age, Feng Luan’s expression changed.

In the position below, the faces of the civil servants and generals were extremely embarrassing.

If they become a subject country, they will be bound and constrained by the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, and their future development will never be so easy.

There are even tributes every year.

Becoming a subject country is equivalent to being someone else’s younger brother.

“What if neither of them agree?”

Wang Xian looked at Fengluan with frowning, his eyes turned to the middle-aged, and said lightly.


Wang Xian’s sudden opening made the middle-aged stunned for a moment. He raised his eyebrows, glanced at him, and said faintly: “You are not qualified to speak here!”

His words made Wang Xian laugh.

“What if we disagree?”

Feng Luan stared at the middle-aged and said coldly.

“If you don’t agree, forget it, if you don’t agree, let’s get some things by ourselves!”

The middle-aged said lightly.

“Are you threatening us?”

In the rear position, the somewhat irritable Manghong couldn’t help it anymore and shouted furiously.

“No, no, no, I’m helping you. The Star-Moon Kingdom came to our country to discuss some things not long ago…hehe…”

As he said, he couldn’t help laughing.

The tone was full of threats.

They looked at Fengluan as if they had eaten you all.

The middle-aged smile made the whole hall silent.

“Don’t worry, we will give you the time to consider, half an hour, if you disagree after half an hour, we will go straight away!”

The middle-aged man adjusted his clothes with a smile on his face.

Turned around and walked outside.

The group of people beside him stood up with smiles and followed the middle-aged.

“Your Majesty, we still…”

An old civil servant looked at the group of people from the Eastern Yuan Dynasty proudly walking outside, his face hesitantly opened his mouth.

Everyone in the hall looked at the old man, slightly weak.

This old man is the current prime minister of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, in charge of civil servants.

His meaning is very obvious, choose the second condition, if otherwise, the dragon and phoenix dynasty’s disaster this time will not be able to survive.

Fengluan opened her mouth, and she also knew that this was the best choice for the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty today.

Becoming a subject country, there is still room for turning over, but if it is annihilated, how many years will it take to make a comeback?

The dynasty is difficult to build!

“Everyone, wait a minute!”

Feng Luan opened her mouth slightly, and just about to speak, Wang Xian who was sitting aside suddenly spoke.

The group of Dong Yuan dynasty who had already walked at the door raised their eyebrows, and their eyes were full of smiles.

The middle-aged turned around slightly, looked at Wang Xian proudly, and then stared at Feng Luan with a smug look on his face.

“What? Have you figured it out? Choose the first or the second?”

The middle-aged raised his head and asked with a smile.

“I will choose for them!”

Wang Xian watched the middle-aged ignoring him again and again, and slowly stood up.

He wants them to see clearly.


The young and middle-aged raised his brows slightly.

Feng Luan also frowned and looked at Wang Xian, with doubts in his eyes.

“Children make choices, but adults are…”

Wang Xian looked at the middle-aged group of people with a smile on his face: “Kill!”


Two plain words.

These two words stunned everyone around, even the middle-aged group of Dongyuan Dynasty.

But soon they realized that this is what these two words mean.

“Qiang Qiang!”

Two piercing sounds of sword light sounded, and the two Ao Jian behind Wang Xian moved directly towards the dozens of people from the Dongyuan Dynasty.


“Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, you are looking for death, if you dare to attack us, our Dongyuan dynasty promises to exterminate everyone in your dynasty!”

The middle-aged group of people looked embarrassed when they saw two golden swordfish attacking.

The middle-aged man in the center held his head high and stared at the two Ao Jian with cold eyes.

If they didn’t fight back, if they dared to kill them, they would perish themselves!

He can guarantee that the other party dare not do anything to them!

What’s more, when the two armies are at war, don’t cut them!

If they dare to lose any hairs here, it is the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty’s declaration of war on their Dongyuan Dynasty!

Given the current situation of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty, it is too late for them to please, how could they still be angry?


The group of people behind the middle-aged also stood there proudly, staring coldly at the front.

“Ten Thousand Swords Destroyed!”

However, they were wrong.

Anyone who pretends to be forceful in front of Wang Xian will have to pay a heavy price.

“not good!”

“No, they dare to attack…”

“How dare they? How dare they!”

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