Chapter 1357 Sit And Watch The Dynasty Fall


A fierce war broke out at the north gate of Yiye Mainland King City.

Hundreds of thousands of people besieged more than a thousand people, but they were completely crushed.

This caused King Yiye’s eyes to split, and he roared as he watched this scene, his body surged with monstrous water.

Above his head, an angry wave covering an area of ​​about two kilometers was slowly condensing.

He raised the aqua-blue staff in his hand with an angry face. The staff was two meters in size and looked extremely heavy.

On the staff, three water spirit beads are embedded in it.

“Damn thing, I will tell you that to occupy our one continent dynasty is your stupidest decision. Today, I will kill you and bury you in the sea!”

King Yiye held the staff in both hands and stared at Wang Xian coldly.

The two faced each other far away, the staff in his hand, a water column directly connected to the huge waves above his head.

“This… the king is about to make a move, and the one shot is His Majesty’s strongest attack, the wave front stabbing!”

“Hundreds of thousands of us are not opponents of the other party. If the king doesn’t make a move, he will lose. How could the strength of the other party be so terrifying?”

“All are at least the ninth-level transcendent strength, and the terrifying killer, but the king can definitely turn the tide!”

“That is natural. His Majesty the King is one of the top powerhouses within a thousand kilometers, and he cannot be dealt with by a young man!”

When King Yiye’s icy voice sounded, and the Fa in the sky directly condensed, the eyes of the people in the city of Yiye Mainland King were staring gleamingly.

They were a little shocked by the power of more than a thousand creatures.

Seeing the generals of the dynasty be beheaded and the soldiers crushed, all of them looked very embarrassed.

However, fortunately, there is still His Majesty the King.

The strength of King Yiye, everyone in the entire royal city knew that it was the strongest existence among the dozens of countries nearby.

“The king’s shot will definitely be able to turn the tide!”

All the people in the rear were very convinced in their hearts and stared with clenched fists.

“Faxiang, Langfeng stabbing, take it to death, little thief!”

King Yiye slowly floated in the void, and the waves covering a radius of two kilometers above his head slowly condensed into a spear.

A spear that is one or two kilometers long.

He held the staff in both hands and shot out terrifying water energy from his body, and shouted: “Chong!”

With a burst of shout, the terrifying water energy spear is like a huge siege weapon, directly blasting towards Wang Xian.


King Yiye’s complexion was terrifying, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

In the rear, nearly a million people were staring at this attack of their King, and many people on the battlefield also watched it.

If the king can defeat the leader of this power, then they will win the war.

Everyone firmly believes that their one-leaf king will win, and their one-leaf king is invincible!

“I said, you are not qualified to let me do it!”

“Since you want to die, then die!”

Wang Shou watched the terrifying face in the sky attacking him, his expression still incomparably plain.

Looking at King Yiye, he was full of disdain.


As soon as his words fell, the body of King Yiye, who was suspended in the sky, trembled.

Immediately after, under everyone’s horror, they saw, their King.

The king who was invincible in their hearts, the head flew directly into the sky.

His eyes widened, and there was an incredible look inside.

Without the slightest sign, no one can see who the shot was.

Faxiang’s spear attacked and came to a place two meters in front of Wang Xian, and the terrifying penetrating edge instantly dissipated.

The corpse fell towards the city wall.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

What is the situation, the king was killed before the king’s attack?

Astonished, shocked!


“No, how is it possible, the king, his majesty… who was beheaded?”

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter? Why did His Majesty the King suddenly die!”

“The killer, the killer who did just now, my God, the king has fallen!”

After a brief silence, nearly a million people in the rear burst out with unparalleled fear.

Under the shining of the sun, their king’s head flew directly, and the terrifying impact went straight into the heart.

Everyone trembled, and everyone shouted in amazement.

“What? Your Majesty… Your Majesty…”

In the sky, the Dongxu strong of the Yiye Continental Dynasty felt their king’s death, and their bodies trembled.

Instant kill?

Their king is a strong man at the fourth-order peak of Dongxu, and he was killed in an instant.

How terrifying is the killer hiding in the void?

What’s more, there is a young man standing in front of the dragon chair without hands-on, the leader of this group of forces.

The army is in chaos!

When a group of captains and noncommissioned officers were assassinated just now, the military’s spirit was already shaken.

Now, the military is in chaos!

“Eat me a great!”

At this moment, a violent voice sounded in the sky.


There was a sound of terror impact.

Ao Qitian held the Sea God Needle in his hand, and a 100-meter-sized metal stick directly smashed an old man of the third-order hole.

The violent impact caused the old man of the third-order hole to fall directly towards the city wall.


With a loud noise, the old man’s body was completely smashed into the city wall.


A violent roar came from Ao Qitian’s mouth. With a movement of his figure, he rushed directly to the front of Ao Qi, and joined forces to fight against another third-tier strong man.

The king’s death, the third-tier Dongxu powerhouse was cut off, kicking off a prelude to the destruction of the mainland dynasty.

At this time, the second round of the assassination of the treacherous monster started.

More than two hundred creepy monsters were assassinated in one round, basically losing more than half of the top combat power in the battlefield.

“It’s over, it’s over, our one-leaf mainland dynasty is over!”

Seeing this scene, there were nearly a million people behind, with voices of horror and despair on their faces.


On the battlefield, Ao Yao moved.

As a thorn dragon dragon seed in a complete state, his strength can be executed by more than two ranks.

It is the third-order Dongxu, which can assassinate the fifth-order Dongxu.

Now in the Dragon Palace, Ao Yao’s strength is second only to Wang Xian.

After Ao Yao shot, the entire battlefield didn’t need Wang Xian to do it again.

A strong man named Dongxu level fell, and a strong man named Yiye Mainland Dynasty died under the hands of Dragon Palace.

The terrifying roar of the demon monkey, the violent thunder and lightning of the thunder shrimp, the penetration of the sharp sword, the deadly arrow.

The members of the Dragon Palace charged violently like a powerful army that had never fought for hundreds of battles.

Melee, ranged attack, support, poison!

The army and the strong of the Yiye mainland dynasty fell quickly, and panic spread to the entire royal city.

Wang Xian stood quietly in front of the Dragon Palace, smiling as he watched the majestic slaughter of the Quartet’s subordinates.

Smiling at the enemy full of fear and despair.

Laugh at the dynasty to fall!

Look at the situation with laughter!

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