Chapter 1355 National War (2)

“Swish swish!”


In the sky, weird rain fell within a radius of five kilometers.

A series of sharp siege equipment with a length of more than ten meters covered all the people in the Dragon Palace.


The nine dragons looked at these four or five thousand sharp weapons piercing, and their eyes were full of disdain.

The dragon on the left slightly inflamed its wings that were not very big, and the cyan wind glow was directly wrapped around the siege equipment.

The siege equipment was instantly restrained.

The dragon’s figure shook again, and huge arrows flew back in the direction of the attack.

“The formation is open, all remote attackers, cover them for me!”

A general saw that the arrow was easily resisted by a dragon, his face changed slightly, and he quickly shouted.


An earth-yellow city guard formation was opened, and the powerful formation protected the entire royal city.

“Kill them!”

“Fuck them this damn thing!”

Inside the defensive formation, a soldier on the wall roared loudly!


Behind, a million people in Yiye Mainland King City roared loudly.

Killing words rushed into the sky, shocking a radius of a hundred kilometers.

“Ao Qitian, break the city!”

Prime Minister Turtle saw countless various attributes attacking them, and said lightly towards the Demon War Department at the back.

“Yes, roar!”

Ao Qitian’s 15-meter-sized huge figure roared, and a golden Dinghai Shenzhen appeared in his hand.


He roared softly, and the Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand directly became a kilometer long.

This is the Dinghai Shen Needle in the fourth-level Dragon Palace, which consumes several tons of materials of the hole virtual level.

The Dinghai Shenzhen needle, which is a kilometer long and ten meters wide in diameter, stands instantly between the heavens and the earth, even Ao Qitian looks extremely small in front of the Dinghai Shenzhen.

“Destroy the city!”

Ao Qitian hugged the Dinghai God Needle and slammed it directly towards the city wall.

“What? What is this?”

“What kind of weapon is this? Attack and attack me!”

When Ao Qitian hugged the kilometer-sized Dinghai Shenzhen needle and smashed it towards the city wall, everyone’s face changed drastically.

Even the King Yiye and the generals changed their expressions drastically.


When the Dinghai Shen Needle fell, the extraordinary second-order defense formation was directly shattered like glass.

“Get out of here!”

With a wave of the arm of a third-order strong man of the Yiye Mainland Dynasty, a 100-meter-sized attribute fist directly hit the Dinghai Shen Needle.


Prime Minister Turtle waved his arm!


“The thunder destroys the world!”

“Dragon scales, arrows!”

“Heavenly Sword, cast down the devil!”

With a command, Ao Qi raised his arm like a Thor’s hammer with his right hand, and moved towards the void.

In the dark clouds, a series of terrifying thunder and lightning descended, directly attacking the wall of the Yiye Continent Dynasty.

Mou Zesen stretched the bowstring to the full, and an arrow covered with dragon scales attacked directly forward.

The arrow came to the wall and burst directly into pieces of sharp dragon scales.

Ao Jian was holding a golden long sword, and a two-kilometer-sized long sword was born, rushing forward.

In the rear, the magic monkey, thunder shrimp, and golden sword, the fish directly rushed to kill them.

All members of the Sky Eye Arrow Department are suspended in the sky, with their bows and arrows aimed at the enemy.

“All the strong, kill, kill them for me!”

King Yiye saw the terrifying attacks erupted by the members of the Dragon Palace, his face changed slightly, and he roared and ordered immediately.


The defensive formation has been broken, and the real battle will be entered next.

On the city wall, a well-known strong man from the Yiye Mainland Dynasty directly attacked the leaders of the Dragon Palace.

The old man beside King Yiye fixed his eyes on Mu Zesen.

In him, he sensed a force of the same level.

King Yiye didn’t move either, he stared at Wang Xian coldly.

“Report your name, I will kill you later!”

He stared at Wang Xian coldly, his eyes filled with endless chill.

“Ha ha!”

Wang Xian saw King Yiye staring at him coldly, with a look of contempt on his face.

He stood up slowly, looked at King Yiye, and said faintly: “You are not qualified!”

You are not qualified!

In today’s battle, Wang Xian didn’t plan to do it at all, and he didn’t even need him to do it at all.

“Arrogant, arrogant guy!”

King Yiye’s face was gloomy when he heard Wang Xian’s words.

Say he is not qualified? I dare to say that he is not qualified.

He is the king of a country, with more than a dozen dynasties around him, he is the top powerhouse.

Now it has been completely ignored!

“Be careful, be careful of the rain in the sky, and the sound, be careful!”

“Ah, his strength is not the first-order hole, he is the second-order hole!”

“It’s a terrifying defense. Their strength is above the ninth rank. Those who are not strong enough will attack from a distance instead of melee!”

“Oh my God, there was someone next to him who was beheaded for some reason, there was a killer, and there was a killer!”

At this moment, there was a scream in front of the city wall.

Panic, war had broken out, but within a minute, a panic roar came from the Yiye Mainland Dynasty.

Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed out of the city wall to meet the members of the Dragon Palace.

In a moment of collision, the strong in the hole pitted against the strong in the hole.

The transcendental realm is opposed to the transcendental realm.

However, when a strong man with the reputation of Dongxu first greeted the Longgongdongxu first-order strong, he was caught off guard and was almost immediately killed in a spike.

Several strong men in the hole immediately joined forces to fight against one.

And those warriors in the transcendent realm are even more miserable!

More than a thousand Dragon Palace fighters, the lowest fighting power of the ninth rank, in a moment of collision, tens of thousands of soldiers, ten besieged one, and thousands of people died in an instant.

What made them even more frightened was that the black raindrops in the sky fell on them, corroding their aura.

Even some weak people died directly under the black rain.

There was also a special sound wave attack that disturbed their minds.


“Team Chiba, go!”

“All the strong family members in the city, rush out to kill the enemy!”

King Yiye suddenly suffered a great loss when he saw the soldiers and generals rushing out, his face changed slightly, and he ordered in a deep voice.

“Boom boom boom!”

In the rear, teams riding on fierce beasts and monsters rushed out to meet the powerhouses in the Dragon Palace.

Some powerful family members in the King City of Yiye Continent, the powerful mercenary group flashed in their eyes when they heard the king’s order.

“Chong, the other party only has more than 1,000 people, no matter how strong it is, we can kill them with the number of people!”

“Kill, a single attack can kill them!”

The powerful team of Yiye Continent rushed out, and the powerful family in the king city also rushed out.

In an instant, there were a few more powerful people, hundreds of thousands of warriors joined the battlefield.

Completely crushed by dozens of times, even dozens of times, hundreds of times!

“Nine dragons, shoot!”

“Ao Yao, move!”

Seeing hundreds of thousands of people pouring out, Wang Xian said directly with a plain face.

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