Chapter 1350

“The fourth-level Dragon Palace is so terrifying, how terrifying is the fifth-level one?”

The gathering of the fourth-level dragon palace aura, various powerful abilities, all doubled.

The aura in the Dragon King Palace has increased from 24 times before to 48 times now.

In the entire Dragon King Hall, just breathe, and feel a mouthful of spiritual energy entering the body.

The aura is almost as strong as liquid.

Long **’s aura also reached 32 times.

One day of training for members of the Dragon Palace is equivalent to thirty-two days of practicing outside the world. With such a terrifying increase, it will not take long for each member to break through.

Not to mention that there is a dragon field whose savvy has increased sixteen times.

The understanding of all kinds of magical powers is simply a breeze for the members of the Dragon Palace.

“The fifth-level dragon palace will be transformed into the kingdom of dragons, the kingdom of dragons, capable of floating in the sky, able to move at will, and possessing many incredible abilities!”

Wang Xian thought about a higher level of Dragon Palace and a higher level of cultivation.

Above the hole is the realm of longevity.

The realm of Wanshou means that a person has a life span of tens of thousands of years, and Wanshou is also called a demigod.

To reach this level, the demigod needs to elevate the dharma aspect to the dharma aspect world, which is the realm.

And half-gods, who want to break through to become true gods, need to establish a kingdom of gods.

When Wang Xian’s strength reaches the realm of longevity, the realm of demigod, then a huge transformation will be ushered in.

Because at that time, he can use the power of the dragon palace to display the dragon palace domain.

To reach a higher realm, Wang Xian carried the Kingdom of Dragon with him. Once he fought, the Kingdom of Dragon would directly crush him.

The confrontation of the gods is the confrontation of the Dragon Kingdom.

That is the real one blow to destroy a world.


Longchi, which occupies a radius of 50 kilometers, is about 500 meters deep.

On top of the nine huge dragon pillars are entrenched dragons.

The dragon head’s mouth vomited strong dragon blood.

Wang Xian killed thousands of people in the cold sect, and there were more than 30 people who were strong in Dongxu.

In addition to Long Xiaoyun and some other powerful men of the third-order hole, their corpses can be transformed into huge dragon blood.

In the Tiandao Dynasty, a large number of strong men were destroyed, and there were more than seventy strong men in the hole.

These more than seventy people included the corpses of strong men from the hydroelectric eel monster clan and the sea fork monster beast clan.

A total of more than one hundred corpses of the weak and powerful, plus those huge transcendent corpses above the seventh rank.

A large amount of dragon blood was irrigated towards the dragon pond.

Dragon Palace, with a total of more than 3,000 members, is very small in number.

However, this can achieve more in the allocation of resources.

The evolution of the Dragon Pond has allowed more than 3,000 Dragon Palace members to enter the Dragon Pond.

“Dragon King, in addition to these corpses, we also got a lot of spirit grass pills and the like. All the medicine gardens of the Tiandao Dynasty have been moved over!”

“The old minister decided to open a medicine garden in the Dragon Palace. With the spiritual energy in our Dragon Palace, the growth rate of the elixir is dozens of times faster than the outside world, and there are other treasures that need to be dealt with and replaced with practical resources!”

Prime Minister Turtle came with two civil servants, holding books in his hands, and introduced to Wang Xian.

“Yes, you can do some planning in the Dragon Palace. I will work hard for you in the next period of time!”

“You also go down and improve your cultivation base. After all Dragon Palace members have increased in strength, attack the Yiye Mainland Dynasty!”

Wang Xian nodded and motioned towards him.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle nodded, and jumped directly into the dragon pond with a move.

The Demon War Department now has 1,200 soldiers!

Leibu now has 400 soldiers!

Ryushoubu now has 400 fighters!

There are now two hundred and fifty soldiers in the Dragon Spur Department!

There are now four hundred soldiers in the Sky Eye Arrow Department!

The Dolphins are now a hundred fighters!

Three hundred warriors of Dragon Guard’s Golden Swordfish!

Nine dragons!

Baqi’s drug manufacturing department now has about one hundred people!

The special Ao crab has tens of thousands of small Ao crabs in his body!

And the rest of the civil servants and members of the Dragon Palace!

This is the strength of all the personnel of the Dragon Palace today.

Each dragon palace warrior was immersed in the dragon pond and quickly absorbed the energy in the dragon pond.

A group of leaders have reached the first order of Dongxu, and Mou Zesen has reached the second order of Dongxu.

Because of their blood, each of them can leapfrog.

As long as they are all upgraded to the first rank, the Dragon Palace will have seventeen strong holes in the second rank, which can fight against the 17 holes in the third rank!

Mou Zesen can fight the fourth order of Dongxu.

In addition, there will be some half-step hole virtual, promoted to the realm of hole virtual.

“The energy of these dragon blood alone is not enough!”

Wang Xian looked at the majestic dragon blood in the dragon pond below, and took out spatial rings one by one.

All of these space rings are filled with pills.

The pill obtained by looting the entire dynasty is very huge.

Wang Xian swallowed all the pills in his abdomen and turned them into dragon crystals.

Within half an hour, 500 million dragon crystals were added.

This was the reason why he hadn’t swallowed some spirit grass.

The 500 million dragon crystals were still far away from the 10 billion dragon crystals he needed to upgrade.

But for the members of the Dragon Palace, it is definitely a huge amount of energy.

“Improve Ao Yao’s strength even more!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, a majestic dragon crystal directly instilled towards his Ao Yao.

Five hundred million dragon crystals, Ao Yao directly consumed three hundred million.

However, his level will also catch up with Mu Zesen, and after coming out of Longchi, he will be the third order of Dongxu.

As a thorn dragon dragon species, he can completely assassinate the fifth order of the hole virtual.

The remaining 200 million Dragon Crystals, Wang Xian shared among all members of the Dragon Palace.

“Boom boom boom!”

In the dragon pond, powerful energy burst out from time to time.

A group of girls also entered the dragon pond to improve their strength.

One day later, when the dragon’s blood in the dragon pond bottomed out, the reborn dragon palace members stood directly on the edge of the dragon pond.

“Meet the Dragon King!”

All Dragon Palace members knelt down neatly and shouted loudly.

Wang Xian’s gaze swept across, and a satisfied look appeared on his face.

Except for a group of leaders, the newly-added hole virtual power reached ten, of which the clan of treacherous monsters accounted for three.

One dolphins and two golden swordfishes!

Now the lowest strength, there are also Transcendent Eighth ranks.

“Very well, next, show your strength by destroying the One Leaf Continent Dynasty, all Dragon Palace members, go with me!”

Wang Xian raised his head slightly, scanned all his subordinates, and roared loudly.


All Dragon Palace warriors knelt and shouted loudly, and immediately stood up, their straight bodies exuding powerful majesty.

“The Dragon Guard stayed to patrol around the Dragon Palace, and the rest of the warriors will go out with the Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle roared.



With nine roars, nine flood dragons shook their bodies and flew directly into the Dragon King Palace, pulling up the huge dragon chair!

The Royal Driver’s Enlistment!

This is the first battle fought by Dragon Palace!

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