Chapter 1348


“Kill me, kill me!”

“Please don’t kill me, bypass my life!”

In the palace of the Tiandao Dynasty, the screams were endless.

Desperate screams, panic begging for mercy!

Prince Jiang, Princess Yiye and all the princes begged for mercy with horror.

Prime Minister Turtle didn’t hesitate at all. As a master in charge of the forces in the starry sky, there is no mercy here.

Only the enemy and one’s own people.

Prince Jiang, Princess Yiye, and a group of princes must be cruelly punished for the unreasonableness of the dragon queens.

A series of sword lights fell on them, making them truly experience the pain of thousands of swords.

“Give them a pain!”

Sun Lingxiu watched the desperate pain and misery of the crowd, and turned her face to the side.

“It’s the Queen of Dragon!”

A group of golden swordfish immediately waved their long swords and directly cut them off.

“Leader Mu Zesen, led the Sky Eye Arrow Department, went to other cities in the Tiandao Dynasty to clean up, and took all the valuable things. Anyone who dares to resist, just kill!”

“Leader Ao Jian, lead the Golden Swordfish to contact the clan of treacherous monsters hidden around the Tiandao Dynasty, and follow the leader Mu Zesen to sweep the entire Tiandao Dynasty!”

Prime Minister Turtle stood there, watching the top powerhouses of the Tiandao Dynasty be beheaded by the Dragon King, and commanded the members of the Dragon Palace one by one.

One Dragon Palace battle department immediately attacked around the Tiandao Dynasty.

At the beginning, the Tiandao Dynasty relied on powerful forces to suppress the Dragon Palace and win the deep sea spirit spring.

Now that the Dragon Palace is powerful, it can be returned ten times.

As a dynasty, it possessed huge wealth.

Destroy all the powerhouses of the Tiandao Dynasty and seize the wealth of the entire dynasty.

“Tianyan Arrow disciple, follow me!”

“Golden Swordfish people, follow me!”


The leaders of the Dragon Palace led their clansmen and subordinates, scattered around.

Wang Xian was suspended in the sky, watching the entire Dragon Palace quietly.

Today, it is a large-scale battle.

Although relying on his invincible power, it is also a battle for the entire Dragon Palace.

This kind of racial battle, the country-to-country battle is just the beginning, and in the future, it will be the real battle.

Wang Xian moved into a human form, and his gaze retreated below.

At the beginning, there were soldiers in the palace rushing over to escort them, but over time, some soldiers and maids in the palace had vaguely guessed what was happening here, and fled outside madly one by one.

The members of the Dragon Palace did not kill these little people, and entered the palaces of the dynasty to search for treasures.

A dynasty, and still not weaker than the Xing-Moon dynasty, the treasures in its treasury are definitely valuable.

“Scavenge all the treasures in the palace of the Tiandao Dynasty!”

The rest of the members of Wangxianlong Palace ordered.


Needless to say, a member of the famous Dragon Palace had already moved.

Wang Xian landed on the ground, looked at a few girls with a smile on his face, and held his head slightly.

“It seems that your strength has improved a lot this year!”

Guan Shuqing looked at Tsundere’s Wang Xian, and the girls walked over with smiles on their faces.

“Haha, it’s okay, it’s only a fifth-order hole!”

Wang Xian said lightly.

“See if you can get it!”

Several girls rolled their eyes at him, but they were very happy that Wang Xian could now have such a powerful strength.

“After the Tiandao Dynasty is eliminated this time, we will be able to obtain immense resources, and your strength will also be greatly improved!”

Wang Xian said to them with a smile on his face.

“Well, fortunately, Xiaoxian, you are here, otherwise the arrogant group of Tiandao Dynasty will bully us for a long time!”

Several girls were accompanied by him with all smiles.

“Prime Minister Turtle, after cleaning up the Tiandao Dynasty, we go to the Yiye Mainland Dynasty, and we will destroy them too!”

Wang Xian looked at Prime Minister Turtle and said lightly.

“Dragon King, the Yiye Mainland Dynasty belongs to and belongs to the Island Dynasty, but it is divided into more than a dozen islands, and its strength is about twice that of the Tiandao Dynasty!”

“If we are now in the past, we can only rely on your invincible power to push the Dragon King directly, but this will cause the rest of the city to get the news and flee directly, we might as well absorb all the resources of the Tiandao Dynasty first, and then be prepared to kill it directly! ”

Prime Minister Tortoise arched his body and suggested to Wang Xian: “And in this way, we can also exercise the real battle of our Dragon Palace. At that time, even if you don’t need the Dragon King to take action, we will be able to destroy the One Leaf Continent Dynasty!”

“Okay, then do as you say!”

When Wang Xian heard him, he nodded slightly.

Annihilating the Tiandao Dynasty, the corpses of these powerful men alone can raise the strength of the entire Dragon Palace by one level.

At that time, Mou Zesen can fight against the strong of the fourth-order Dongxu, and the battle of destroying the country does not need Wang Xian to do it himself.

“It’s the Dragon King. I will send a clan of treacherous monsters to sneak into the Yiye Mainland dynasty in advance, search for their information, and then I will do it all at once!”

Prime Minister Turtle said with cold eyes.

Any force that offends Dragon Palace will have to pay a heavy price.

Wang Xian nodded slowly, and with a movement, he flew directly into the sky and looked around.

As far as he could see, the leaders of the war department led his subordinates to fly towards the cities.

Although the number is small, it exudes a fighting spirit.

After today’s stop, the Dragon Palace will rise completely, and will truly stand on the Transcendent Continent!

“It won’t be long before the entire Transcendent Continent will respect the Dragon Palace. There is only one dragon clan in this world, and that is the dragon clan!”

Wang Xian’s eyes burst with dazzling light, quietly looking down at the Tiandao Dynasty.

Here is the dynasty he smashed, and also the first dynasty he smashed.

In the lower position, Prime Minister Turtle and a group of girls entered the treasure house of the Tiandao Dynasty and took all the accumulation of the Tiandao Dynasty for thousands of years.

Three hours later, Ao Jian, Ao Yao, Ao Yacha, and Baqi returned from the surroundings one by one.

“Report to the Dragon King, the fifteen cities of the Tiandao Dynasty are all destroyed, all the treasures are in the bag, and all the rebels will be killed!”

Baqi bowed and reported to Wang Xianhui.

“Report to the Dragon King that the entire palace has been cleaned up!”

In the palaces of the palace, Prime Minister Turtle and his party walked out of the palace and said excitedly.

“Back to Dragon Palace!”

A slight smile appeared on Wang Xian’s face.


Prime Minister Turtle nodded and roared: “All members of the Dragon Palace, go back to the Dragon Palace!”


A roar of excitement sounded directly.

Everyone of the Dragon Palace members rose directly into the sky, and flew towards the Dragon Palace behind Wang Xian.

The Tiandao Dynasty is gone!

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