Chapter 1342 Destroying the country 2

In the huge banquet hall, a young man and a woman stood in the center in formal dresses.

The young man’s face was proud, his body exuded strong self-confidence, and his face was full of smiles.

Handsome and unrestrained, the proud son of heaven.

He is the prince of the Tiandao Dynasty, the heir to the throne of the future Tiandao Dynasty.

The woman beside him is exquisite, and her dress makes her look very beautiful.

He is the princess of the Yiye Mainland Dynasty and the daughter of the King of the Yiye Mainland Dynasty.

The woman stood there, with a trace of pride and pride on her face, her head held high and haughty, revealing her white neck.

On the central stage, the King of Tiandao Dynasty was sitting on the throne with a smile on his face, and there was another place next to him with an old man sitting on it.

The old man is a peerless powerhouse of the Yiye mainland dynasty, with a fourth-order cultivation base of Dongxu.

The two countries are engaged in a huge marriage in order to promote relations.

The princess beloved by the king of the Yiye Mainland Dynasty was married to the prince of the Tiandao Dynasty. This was a very important matter for the two dynasties.

Around, all the major forces of the Tiandao Dynasty arrived.

Even, in order to demonstrate the power of the dynasty, the Tiandao Dynasty strongly brought all the powerful sea fork monsters and hydroelectric eel monsters of the Deep Sea Spirit Spring and the Dragon Palace all the strong people to come this time.

The Dragon Palace and the two monster beast races had to come all due to the problems of the Deep Sea Spirit Spring.

“Haha, King Tiandao, the development of your dynasty in the last two years is really fast, tusk, the three following forces seem to be extraordinary!”

On the front stage, the elder of the Yiye Mainland Dynasty glanced across the Dragon Palace and the two monster beast races, with a trace of surprise on his face.

“Haha, fortunately, the three forces of them are not our subsidiary forces, but there are some exchanges!”

The King of Tiandao laughed, and said with a hearty smile.

Six months ago, I suddenly discovered a place of deep sea spiritual spring.

According to his estimation, at least tens of trillions of middle-grade spirit stones can be produced.

This is tens of trillions, which can greatly enhance the strength of their Heavenly Island dynasty.

This is because the Tiandao Dynasty has made great efforts one by one in the past six months, and the Yiye Mainland Dynasty has married with it.

He has been able to see that the Tiandao Dynasty will become stronger and stronger in the future!


The old man on the side showed a smile on his face, smiled faintly, and looked at the field.

“The smallpox tribe sent a gift to congratulate Prince Jiang and Princess Yiye on their marriage in the future, blessings and blessings!”

Congratulations came from below.

The marriage of the two dynasties, even if today is only the day of engagement, but the customs are very complicated.

Exchange of tokens, gifts, two people toast to the guests and so on.

The engagement process is halfway through.

The prince and Princess Yiye began to receive gifts and toast to customers. This is some basic etiquette.

As two big countries, all customs are very grand.

Beside the prince and the princess, there are the prince’s brothers and sisters, and the princess’s siblings are on the sidelines.

The prince and princess walked over, and several young people came to their side and toasted together.

“The people of the Tiandao Dynasty are really greedy. They not only want to call us over, but we also have to give them enough gifts to support the scene, huh!”

At the location of the Dragon Palace, a group of Dragon Palace members sat in an area, Guan Shuqing looked forward, curled his lips, and said with some annoyance.

“Who makes us weaker than others, Xiaoxian has been out for a year, and he doesn’t know how to get back, huh!”

A Jiaya angrily echoed the road.

“At the speed of our development, it won’t be long before they want to threaten us, they have to weigh it up!”

Sun Lingxiu said lightly on the side.

As a member of Dragon Palace, each of them has the ability to leapfrog.

Now the strongest in Dragon Palace is Mou Zesen, who possesses the strength of the second-order of the hole, but can fight against the third-order of the hole.

Sun Lingxiu’s strength has reached the first order of Dongxu, and he can also fight against the second order of Dongxu, and even because of his physique, he will be stronger.

“When my brother comes, I will teach them a lesson!”

Xiaoyu also followed, echoing by the side.

On the entire round table, apart from Guan Shuqing Xiaoyu’s six girls, only Prime Minister Kameko served.


At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle with a smile on his face listening to the conversation with Princess Dragon Queen moved slightly, his eyes gleaming.

“Dragon Queen, Princess, Dragon King is here!”

A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he quickly looked into the sky.


Several girls were taken aback for a moment, followed by excitedly looking into the sky.


In the distance, Wang Xian in the sky led Zhang Fengying and Baqi with a twinkling figure, and went directly to the place where the people in the Dragon Palace were.

Relying on his speed and concealment, neither the king of the Tiandao Dynasty nor the old man of the Yiye Continental Dynasty on the stage felt any sudden flashes.

“Dragon King!”

Prime Minister Turtle stood up quickly, and the members of the Dragon Palace around also wanted to bow down.

Wang Xian waved his hand and motioned them to sit down.

“elder brother!”

“Little Fairy!”

Several girls showed excitement on their faces, and Xiaoyu stood up happily.

This time, it was the longest time that Wang Xian had left them. They hadn’t seen each other for a whole year, and several girls missed them abnormally.



“No wonder I didn’t know to come back for a year!”

But soon, when they saw Zhang Fengying beside Wang Xian, their faces turned black.

The expression of happiness that was originally amused in an instant, with a cold snort, he just sat there motionless.

“Hehe, this is Fengying girl, sit down!”

Sun Lingxiu belongs to the kind of girl who is indifferent to the Virgin, looking at Zhang Fengying with a smile on her face, and inviting towards her.

“Girl Fengying, come and sit next to me!”

Guan Shuqing squeezed a smile on her face and motioned to her side.

Zhang Fengying, several of the girls know about it.

Because of Wangxian’s sake, her entire family was destroyed, and they also knew about it.

They knew that Wang Xian had always felt guilty for her.

For Zhang Fengying, they did not have the slightest ill will.

However, this does not mean that they will let Wang Xian float down like this, and go to heaven when he floats.

Zhang Fengying nodded lightly, and sat beside Guan Shuqing.

“Dragon King, sit down!”

Kame Prime Minister stood up respectfully and said quickly.

“No, just let him stand by the side!”

Guan Shuqing cast a glance at Wang Xian and said lightly.

“Can’t sit down, you can sit down, Prime Minister Kame!”

Ajiaya Tang Yinxuan and the others glanced at Prime Minister Turtle lightly, and said.

Prime Minister Turtle showed a jealous smile on his face and looked at Wang Xian lowered his head and said nothing.

Although the Dragon King is respected, this is after all the Dragon King’s family affair. Several Dragon Queens have this attitude, and he dare not let go!

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