Chapter 1338 Dragon Palace’s One Year Development

“I didn’t expect that in just one year, your strength would be so strong!”

Flying out of the island of the Guanglong Dynasty, Zhang Fengying looked at Wang Xian in surprise, and asked in surprise.

“Haha, okay, it’s not in vain that I come out and practice for a year!”

Wang Xian laughed, feeling very good.

“The nameless sword demon, Tianjiao Supreme, the powerful creatures in the main hall, plus today’s battle!”

Zhang Fengying murmured and looked at Wang Xian on the side, with a faint smile on his face.

One by one brilliant record, one by one daunting name.

For a long time in the future, these reputations will be shrouded in the cemetery of the monsters.

Whether it is the young generation, the middle-aged generation, or the strong who have lived for thousands of years.

Wang Xian, this name is a legend to them.

A kind of legend.

“Let’s go, let’s go back!”

When the two returned to their residence, Wang Xian called the demon soul, and brought two fierce beasts of the first order of the hole.

Giving a gesture to Zhang Fengying, the two flew directly towards the position of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty.

“Is that? That demon soul? The king beast of the demon beast clan?”

“Is the nameless sword demon sitting on the monster beast? Who is his true identity?”

When Wang Xian and Zhang Fengying rode their mounts to leave the cemetery of the demon, the crowd around immediately saw the demon soul galloping with flames.

With two figures above.

A look of surprise appeared on everyone’s faces.

But soon, Wang Xian and the others disappeared quickly.

And the people in the cemetery of the monsters will soon know the name Wang Xian.


The demon soul is galloping in the sky, carrying a powerful might, and flying fast and unscrupulously.

As a second-order monster beast, its speed is beyond doubt.

It originally took more than ten days to reach the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty at the speed of a demon soul in at most two days.

“Hey, why is there an army below?”

When he was about to come to the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, Wang Xian saw a legion of tens of thousands of people galloping above the ground.

Four or five strong men of the hole virtual level in the front lead the way.

Wang Xian glanced and ignored it.

The dispatch of so many troops is very likely to destroy a certain monster beast race, or a group of fierce beasts.

“In one year, the dragon and phoenix dynasty has changed so much!”

When the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty appeared in their sight, Zhang Fengying looked at the huge city in front of him in shock.

Even Wang Xian had a look of surprise in his eyes.

The entire city has doubled once again, which is much more majestic than the King King City that Wang Xian encountered along the way.

The huge city stands within a radius of 100 kilometers, and there are five thousand-meter-high towers inside.

There are still many places under construction in the buildings.

The number of people in the entire Dragon and Phoenix dynasty has now reached at least 10 million, a full increase of five or six times.

I don’t know where Feng Luan recruited so many people.

“Go, I’ll take you to a place!”

Wang Xian looked at Zhang Fengying and said to her.

“Huh? Where?”

Zhang Fengying looked at him curiously.

“You’ll know when you go!”

Wang Xian smiled, patted the demon soul, and pointed in the direction of Dragon Palace.


With a low roar, the demon soul moved and flew directly in the direction of Dragon Palace.

“Enter the ocean!”

Coming to the top of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian said directly to the demon soul.

“It’s the king!”


Entering the seabed, soon, a huge sea dragon palace appeared in front of them.

“This…this is?”

Zhang Fengying opened her mouth slightly and stared at the Sea Dragon Palace in surprise.

The dragon palace covers an area of ​​80 kilometers, and the sea dragon palace full of mythology shocked her face.

A look of arrogance appeared on Wang Xian’s face.

The towering dragon palace is completely comparable to some powerful buildings in the cemetery of the monsters.

Even, from the bottom of the sea, it is even more magnificent.

“Go, let’s go in!”

With a move, Wang Xian descended from the demon soul and took her into the Dragon Palace.


As soon as he stepped inside, a powerful aura came directly.

A familiar feeling spread throughout my body.

“Dragon King!”

“Dragon King!”

The Yacha clan patrolling around saw the return of Wang Xian, and one by one quickly flew over and knelt down to worship.

“Well, keep on guarding!”

Wang Xian waved his hand and flew in the direction of the Dragon King Palace.

The area in the Dragon Palace is very large, but there are only more than 3,000 members, which looks extremely empty.

“Dragon King!”

When Wang Xian walked to the front of the Dragon King Palace, Ao Nu quickly flew over and leaned respectfully and shouted.

“What about Prime Minister Turtle? And what about Dragon Queen?”

Wang Xian scanned the surroundings and found that there were not many members of the dragons around him, and asked suspiciously.

“The Dragon King, Prime Minister Tortoise, and Dragon Queen have led the powerful people in the Dragon Palace to the Deep Sea Lingquan!”

Ao Nu quickly replied.

“Deep Sea Spirit Spring?”

Wang Xian’s eyes flickered.

“Dragon King, the villain is a civil servant of Prime Minister Turtle. I will report to you about the recent events!”

A Longgong Wenchen with a turtle shell on his back saw Wang Xian’s arrival and flew over from the Longgong Wenhua Pavilion, kneeling respectfully on the ground.

“Get up, tell me about the development of Dragon Palace this year!”

Wang Xian nodded, and walked directly to the front of the dragon chair, and gestured to Zhang Fengying to let her sit aside.

“It’s the Dragon King!”

The minister stood up respectfully: “A month after you left the Dragon King, under the leadership of Prime Minister Turtle and several leaders, Dragon Palace hunted nearby sea beasts and sought various resources!”

“The entire sea area within a 500-kilometer radius is completely ruled by our Dragon Palace. In this year’s time, leader Mu Zesen broke through to the second order of Dongxu, and leader Ao Yao broke through to the first order of Dongxu!”

“The leaders of Prime Minister Tortoise, Qitian Ao, Jian, Ao Qi, Ao Yacha, Baqi, Ao Xie, and the nine dragons, their current strengths have all reached the first order of Dongxu!”

“In addition, one of the five dragon queens and the eldest princesses broke through to the first rank of Dongxu, the rest of the dragon palace members, one hundred half-step Dongxu, one thousand and two hundred extraordinary ninth ranks, and the rest are extraordinary eighth ranks. And the seventh order!”

Listening to the report below, Wang Xian nodded slightly.

In a year’s time, not only his strength has been greatly improved, but the entire Dragon Palace is also developing rapidly.

A group of leaders have reached the first order of the hole virtual, and the rest are also above the seventh order. This strength is not bad!

However, this strength is still too weak compared to some dynasties.

Even compared with the Star-Moon Dynasty, there is a big gap.

Of course, this was when Wang Xian didn’t make a move.

“Where is the Deep Sea Spirit Spring? Why did Prime Minister Turtle and them all pass by?”

Wang Xian asked towards the civil servants below, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

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