Chapter 134 Crazy first if you want to perish (fourth!)

At 7:30 in the evening, the tables and chairs of the entire Yanjiashan Village Martial Arts Hall were full of martial artists.

The warriors from Jiangcheng sat on both sides according to their own strength in turn.

All the top families are the top families.

However, in the horizontal row in the center, there are eight seats.

These seats belong to the Yan family.

The layout of the banquet hall of Yan’s family is very particular and very arrogant.

In two vertical rows, the Jiangcheng family warriors sat down, and in the front horizontal row, the Yan family sat down.

The arrangement of this seat imitates the ancient government.

The king is in the center.

For ministers, sit on both sides.

Everyone can also see that the Yan family, this is to treat the other families of Jiangcheng as courtiers, and they are regarded as the kings of Jiangcheng.

With half an hour before the banquet, the Yan family saw that everyone had arrived, with a satisfied expression on his face.

At around 7:35, at the entrance of the banquet, Yan family members walked in from outside.

Six people walked in and instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

In the center, an elderly man is holding a crutch with a dragon head, his face looks like a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s.

And beside the old man, there was a clean white, very handsome boy.

The boy’s lips are red and white, and his thin lips are beautiful and charming.

Further to the sides, there are also two old men, burly in shape, and their gazes scanned the sides.

On both sides are two middle-aged.

“The old man in the center should be the Yan family old man, Yan Gukong. He has reached the ninth level of the martial artist twenty years ago. I don’t know if that step has been taken now!”

“The oldest members of the Yan family, Yan Gukong, Yan Gufeng, and Yan Gulie, among which Yan Gukong is the strongest!”

“The two middle-aged, one is called Yan Zhongyuan, the other is called Yan Zhongwen, the existence of the eighth-level martial artist, plus the eighth-level butler of the martial artist, and three eighth-level martial artists have not come over!”

“Too strong, really too strong, even if Yan Gukong didn’t break through, the Yan family’s current strength can suppress everyone in the field!”

The family of warriors sitting on the seats on both sides watched with shocked faces as the six people walked to the front seats.

The six came to the front position and turned to look down at everyone around them.

Yan Gukong held the leading crutches in his hand and yelled softly: “Twenty years ago, our Yan family announced their escape from the world, and today, 20 years later, our Yan family announced their birth!”

“To invite everyone today, it is also an announcement. It has been twenty years since Jiangcheng has been missing our Yan family for twenty years, and now our Yan family is back!”

Yan Gukong raised his head slightly and looked at the flags floating in the air on both sides.

“Qianlong returns, I want to travel for nine days!”

He said, with a faint smile on his face: “Thank you very much for joining our Yan family’s banquet. Today everyone is delicious and delicious, but before that, our Yan family has to announce a few things!”


The whole banquet hall was quiet and no one spoke. Hearing Yan Gukong’s voice, his heart was overwhelmed.

Next, it concerns the interests of everyone.

Yan Gukong scanned everyone around him with a faint smile on his face.

“The first thing is that our Yan family has not participated in the Jiangcheng disputes for 20 years. Now that we are here, we naturally have to gain some benefits. The strong of the rivers and lakes are respected. Our Yan family will not take away your benefits, but we have to collect Twenty percent of your resources.”

“What, twenty percent!”

Before Yan Gukong spoke, a middle-aged man couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Wait for me to finish!” Yan Gukong glanced at the middle-aged and said lightly.

The middle-aged man’s breathing was stagnant, and he dared not speak any more.

The expressions of everyone around him sank, and they waited quietly.

“The second thing is that now the world is changing and the competition for resources is becoming more and more fierce. If any family is willing to cling to our Yan family, our Yan family welcomes it.”

“The third thing is that each family in our Jiangcheng fights separately. I think we should unite, unite, and survive in a group!”

“Everyone, who has an opinion!”

Ruthless, very, ruthless!

One thing is worse than one thing.

The first thing is to harvest 20% of the benefits of all families.

The second thing is to recruit the affiliated families of the Yan family.

The third thing is to be the king of Jiangcheng, that is, to become the ancient martial arts leader.

As soon as Yan Gukong finished speaking, the faces of some martial artists and ancient martial families around him instantly became embarrassed.

These three things in the Yan family are simply too cruel.

“Our Cao family supports the Yan family and the Yan family. The strength of Yan Lao and Yan family is obvious to all!”

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly stood up and said loudly, his eyes scanned around.

“The strength of the Yan family is much stronger than ours. If Yan Lao really wants to reshuffle Jiang Cheng, who of you can stop it, Yan Lao is kind, these three conditions are not harsh, and my Cao family is willing to support it. Yan family!”

“I Chang Gaoyang is willing to join the Yan family, Chang Mou has been admiring Yan Lao for a long time, I am willing to join the Yan family and advance and retreat with the Yan family!”

“Our Wu family supports the Yan family and is willing to become an affiliated family of the Yan family!”

Every family, every warrior stood up and suddenly swore to join the Yan family and support the Yan family.

A total of more than twenty people stood up and declared their loyalty to the Yan family.

“Haha, well, you join my Yan family. Naturally, my Yan family will not treat you badly. You will be a member of our Yan family in the future!”

Yan Gukong looked at the two dozen people with satisfaction and said.

“These two dozen people were obviously recruited by the Yan family beforehand!”

“Twenty percent of the profit will follow the Yan family’s dispatch in the future. This is simply treating us as courtiers!”

“It’s too much, the Yan family’s conditions are really too much!”

Some people agree, but most of them are unwilling.

As soon as your Yan family was born, we must provide you with 20% of the profit each year, and then follow your Yan family’s dispatch. This is to use us as ministers!

The families sitting at the front glanced at each other.

“Lao Yan, are these three things too much? Your Yan family is very strong, but if you want to open your mouth, you can take our profits and let us be courtiers. Are you too self-righteous, our Hu family? It’s a small family, just want to survive safely, don’t participate in this matter!”

Sitting in the front row, Hu Fei stood up next to the head of the Hu family, staring at Yan Gukong and said.

“The Jiangcheng family has developed independently since ancient times, and the whole Jiangcheng family is also very harmonious. I don’t think what Yan Lao said is necessary!”

The Ren family, the Patriarch of the 20th generation of Jiangcheng, a ninth-level martial artist, he also stood up and said slowly.

Old Xue, Old Duan and some other family leaders also slowly stood up.

These three conditions cannot be agreed!

“Hahaha, okay, okay, it’s okay, it doesn’t matter, it’s reasonable for you to disagree!”

Yan Gukong laughed loudly, but slowly his face slowly sank, scanning all the martial artists of the aristocratic family.

“But, don’t forget, here are rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes, and the strong are respected. If you don’t agree, then our Yan family can only suppress you until you agree!”

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