Chapter 1328 The True Identity Of The Nameless Sword Demon (1)

“Today, I want to kill you!”

The tyrant’s voice resounding through the entire sky spread over the entire Guanglong Island.

Hachioji Long Xiaoyun stood in the center, staring at Wang Xian with cold eyes.

Beside him, the eldest prince Long Xiaochen bowed his head, and Long Xiaotian stood there with an ugly face.

Hearing the domineering words of Hachioji, Long Xiaotian raised his head and stared at him firmly.

“Long Xiaoyun, don’t you dare!”

“Ha ha!”

Hearing his voice, Long Xiaoyun looked at Long Xiaotian with disdain: “The defeated man is not qualified to threaten me!”

“The shame of the day, I, Long Xiaoyun, will repay it, and roll it off when I give you three seconds, otherwise…”

He looked at Wang Xian again in the forest, and said in a cold tone.


Feeling the invincible posture of Hachioji, everyone around them took a breath of air-conditioning.

“A few months ago, all of the eight princes’ subordinates were all beheaded by the second prince’s brother Wang Xian. Today, the eight princes who entered the Guanglongyuan Lake are going to take revenge!”

“The Hachioji at that time was very humiliating. Now that he has the strength, he naturally wants revenge!”

“That Wangxian’s strength is not weak, at least it has the strength of the first order of the hole, and two fierce beasts of the first order of the hole!”

“The first order of the hole? The fierce beast? With the strength of the eight prince, it can be easily killed in a flash. The second prince’s mount was killed in an instant just now, and the eight prince did not show his true strength at all!”

“This King Immortal is about to die, the Eight Prince is not only extremely powerful, but the Han Sect is even more terrifying!”

“Don’t forget that Wangxian’s contacts, the eight princes may not dare to kill him!”

Everyone around saw this scene with a look of wonder on their faces, their eyes flickering at this scene.

Wang Xian looked down at the eight prince who was provoking him, with a gesture of beheading himself, with a cold expression in his eyes.

He stood up slowly, his eyes swept across Hachioji and everyone in the Hanzong.

“Little Brother Wang Xian!”

Long Xiaotian’s grandfather saw Wang Xian stand up with a worried look on his face.

Several elders in the jury frowned slightly when they saw this scene.

They were naturally very clear about Wang Xian’s contacts, and the daughter of the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword confessed to him.

The young master of the pinnacle family in the vast area has a lot to do with him.

If Hachioji really kills Wang Xian, it will cause unnecessary trouble and even crisis.

“Simply learn, stop by clicking!”

The white-haired old man groaned and said to the Hachioji below.


Long Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows, followed by a grim smile on his face: “Victory is the king and defeat is the bandit. Today, no one can stop my determination to kill him!”

“No matter what background and strength he has, he will die!”


Long Xiaoyun raised his head, his eyes were filled with endless coldness and domineering, and a terrifying aura radiated directly from his body.

The dazzling white light, with a terrifying aura, rose directly into the sky from the central position.

The sun at noon dimmed for an instant, and the entire area seemed to be centered on Long Xiaoyun.

At this moment, he is like the Son of Destiny, covering a radius of three kilometers.


When the white-haired old man heard Hachioji’s words, his eyes were full of displeasure.

However, when looking at the aura erupting from Long Xiaoyun below, the whole person was completely stunned!

“This…this momentum…”

He widened his eyes and looked at Long Xiaoyun, who was like the Son of Destiny, his face was shocked.

“This is… terrifying aura, oh my god, this is… the third order of the hole virtual, definitely the third order of the hole virtual, how is this possible, how can the eight princes have such a terrifying strength!”

“Unbelievable, unbelievable, how old Hachioji is this year, he has reached the third order of the hole virtual!”

Everyone around trembled, and tens of thousands of people couldn’t help standing up directly, staring at Long Xiaoyun incredible.

Dongxu third order, this is Dongxu third order.

At the age of Hachioji, it is an act against the sky to reach the third order of the hole virtual.

“This… what kind of opportunity did Xiaoyun get?”

The pupil of the king of the Guanglong Dynasty also shrank slightly, his eyes filled with shock and excitement.

“Dongxu third-order, the eighth brother has reached the third-order Dongxu!”

Among the princes, the strongest Long Xiaochen’s eyes were full of shock, and his body couldn’t help trembling.

The other princes had an urge to kneel under their aura.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Long Xiaotian’s face was filled with despair.

That’s it!

Completely finished!

“In the future, Long Xiaoyun will reach the peak of Liuhai area!”

“In the future, if anyone will stop me, I will kill!”

“If God blocks me, I will kill God!”

With a wave of Long Xiaoyun’s arm, a long sword exuding bright white light appeared in his hand.

“Three seconds are up, death!”

Long Xiaoyun stared at Wang Xian in contempt, and the long sword in his hand directly attacked Wang Xian.

Contempt, ignore, show everything!

The bright light shot towards Wang Xian, and Wang Xian showed an indifferent expression on his face.


Long Xiaotian’s grandfather wanted to help Wang Xian resist.


But at this moment, a black sword appeared in Wang Xian’s hand.

He gently pulled out the Wumo Sword, the hilt resisted Grandpa Long Xiaotian who wanted to help him.

He smiled at the old man, and the power on the Demonless Sword fluctuated slightly.


An invisible force collided with the bright light, and the bright light disappeared directly.

“Oh? Haha, you deserve to be someone who can help Long Xiaotian ascend to the position of prince. He has some strength!”

Seeing Wang Xian resisting his attack, Long Xiaoyun laughed indifferently.

“I said, Brother Long Xiaotian’s crown prince, I will help him take it, and what my Wang Xian said will definitely come true!”

Wang Xian stared at Long Xiaoyun, with an indifferent smile on his face.

He moved slightly and flew directly towards the field.

Everyone around watched this scene silently, and the judges of the Guanglong Dynasty did not speak with the king.

The strength and power that Long Xiaoyun showed was simply too terrifying.

Even the entire dynasty has to worry about his feelings.

No one speaks.

“Only by you, you can’t protect yourself and you dare to be arrogant!”

When Long Xiaoyun heard his words, his face became gloomy: “Within three moves, I will kill you!”

As he said, the bright sword in his hand slowly lifted, staring at Wang Xian contemptuously.

“With the strength of the Hachioji, you may be able to kill him without three tricks!”

“If Wang Xian doesn’t have any treasure against the sky, he can be killed with one move!”

Everyone around looked at the bottom, secretly thinking in their hearts.

The strength of Hachioji is terrifying!


Long Xiaoyun yelled, and the bright sword in his hand was directly cut off!

“Three tricks, a little too much!”

Wang Xian stared at Long Xiaoyun, without the slightest wave in his eyes.

With a wave of his arm, a black light familiar to everyone greeted him.

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