Chapter 1312-The Land of the Main Hall




There was a crisp sound, mixed with painful sounds in front of the island of the Heavenly Sword Sect, everyone watched this scene in a daze.

The five princes of the Guanglong Dynasty, noble princes, made a miserable cry here.


“I am afraid that only Wang Xian dare to polish the faces of the five princes of the Dragon Dynasty in full view!”

“The outcome has been announced. The prince of the Guanglong Dynasty is inherited by the second prince. Even if the Guanglong Dynasty knows that five princes have been beaten, they will not say anything!”

“This Wangxian’s strength is really terrifying, Long Xiaochen is the seventh existence on the Tianjiao list, Wangxian has at least the strength of the first order of the hole virtual!”

“This year there are a lot of enchanting Tianjiao on our human side. The Nameless Sword Demon, Ling Jian’er, and Ren Xingchen all have the fighting power of the hole virtual level. Now there is the Zhang Fengying king immortal, a total of five comparable to the hole virtual level. Enchanting Tianjiao!”

“Tianjiao has come out in large numbers, and there is still a mountain high. This year’s Tianjiao list is a relatively bright one!”

The crowd around saw the five princes of the Guanglong Dynasty easily slapped by Wang Xian, and sighed, thinking of today’s Tianjiao, all of them felt like they were untimely.

This year, there were five enchanting sons of heaven.

If you count Chiba, there are six in total.

In the past, it is very rare for anyone under the age of fifty to have the strength of the hole virtual level.

However, there have been six this year.

What everyone didn’t know was that the six Tianjiao who possessed the first rank of hole virtual were all related to Wang Xian.

The nameless sword demon is the king immortal!

Qianye was beheaded by Wang Xian!

Ren Xingchen was rescued twice by Wang Xian, and Jin Shui Kendo was given to him by Wang Xian!

Ling Jian’er was also rescued twice by Wang Xian!

As for Zhang Fengying, let alone, her blood and the technique of taming animals came from Wang Xian.

Speaking of which, these evildoers were all caused by Wang Xian.

If the people in the cemetery of the shemales knew, there would be an uproar.

“We surrender!”

“Give up, I give up!”

At this time, there was a sound of horror from the five princes.

Wang Xian, who was slapping his face, looked towards the position on the battlefield, with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his arm, the thorns in his hand disappeared.

“Haha, a wise choice, you will all be members of my Guanglong Dynasty in the future. There is no need to live and die. Now if you are willing to join my Long Xiaotian’s men, I welcome you all here!”

“As long as you are loyal, I will never treat each of you badly in the future!”

Seeing the surrender of several of his brothers, Long Xiaotian laughed loudly, hovering in the sky, and roared vigorously.

Following Long Xiaotian’s words, everyone stopped.

The five princes’ men floating in the sky looked embarrassed.

They are not opponents of each other at all, even if they have a great advantage in numbers, but in front of the top power, the gap is too big.

In particular, the dozen or so half-stepped ferry birds are completely killers.

“This…how could…how could it happen!”

Seeing this scene, the five Long Xiaochen clenched their fists tightly.

Their scarred faces are full of hideousness and weakness!

Lost, completely defeated!

They also thought about finding a way to completely defeat Long Xiaotian in the next seven months.

But now, they are defeated!

The defeat is so thorough, the power of five people is not as powerful as one person!


The five of them glanced at each other, and flew towards the island of the Guanglong Dynasty with their faces green.

Today’s battle has completely disqualified them from continuing to play.

There is no need for them to continue anymore, they can already return to the king’s city.

Unless, they give up their lives like the Hachioji.

But now it seems that even if it is a life-threatening fight and want to defeat the second child, there is only a 1% chance.

After today, Long Xiaotian’s power will become stronger and stronger.

When everyone around saw this scene, they looked at the energetic second prince again, their eyes flickering.

In all likelihood, the king of the Guanglong Dynasty will be the second prince in the future!


Wang Xian looked at Long Xiaotian with a smile on his face. After greeted him, he looked at Zhang Fengying, and the two flew towards the place where they lived.

“What did you do when you came to the ladyboy cemetery? Did you pick up girls?”

When he arrived at the place where Wang Xian lived, Zhang Fengying looked at the courtyard and asked Wang Xian.

“Um…I’ve come to improve my strength, so how can I have time to pick up girls!”

Wang Xian shook his head speechlessly: “Next, I will raise my level to the Void Hollow Realm and leave. If you don’t go to the Shenfeng Academy for a few days, go to the place of blood refining with me!”


Zhang Fengying nodded.

In the next few days, Wang Xian and He Yuanlong Xiaotian played around for a few days.

A few days later, He Yuan left, followed closely, and Long Xiaotian, who was basically sitting firmly in the position of prince, also led the way back to the Guanglong Dynasty to deal with some things, and then come back a month later.

Wang Xian took Zhang Fengying directly into the blood refining ground, and began to hunt and devour it frantically.

For the next three months, they all stayed in the place of refining blood.

The number of beasts killed reached tens of thousands.

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Five Elements Dragon (can be transformed into people)

Level: 9th rank extraordinary

Long Jing: 71764001000000000

Supernatural powers: dominate the aquarium (ruling the aquarium below its own level)

Phagocytosis (Phagocytosis extracts dragon crystal)

Five Elements Control

Method: Shenlong Transformation

Supernatural powers: Fire Dragon Flame, Golden Crack Void, Wood Realm Descent, Water Dangerous Storm City, Earth Fury, Contemplation, Enchantment, Light and Dark Fire Dragon Eye, Light and Dark Void, Light and Darkness without Shadow, Earth Dragon Shield, Light and Darkness , Dragon Fire Tail, Water Spirit, Fire Territory, Water Wood Healing, Golden Spirit Tree Demon, Golden Fire Washing, Sorrow of the Earth!

Own Dragon Palace: Level 3.

Dragon Palace members: 3366

“It’s still nearly 300 million Dragon Crystal!”

Three months have passed, and it is still close to 300 million Dragon Crystals from the upgrade of the King Immortal’s level. 300 million is not much, but it is definitely not a lot.

“In more than three months, basically all the places that can go to the place of blood refining have been gone, and even hundreds of monsters have been killed. It is a bit difficult to continue to obtain spiritual essence and blood!”

Riding on the demon lin and demon beast, Wang Xian frowned slightly.

Zhang Fengying on the side was also riding a demon beast, which was another demon beast they had tamed in these two months.

“Let’s take a look at the land of the main hall!”

Wang Xian secretly said in his heart.

The four great places of the lady-mon cemetery, the Tianjiao Terrace, the trial place and the blood refining place, Wangxian have already raged inside.

Only the most dangerous place in the cemetery of the shemales, the place of the main hall has not been visited.

The land of the main hall, there is the stage for the strong in the hole, it is difficult to survive in the hole before reaching the realm of the hole!

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